Find the place where you love the people and academics, and are able to get the most out of your education and social life.
Find a college financially rounded where you will be comfortable. When you find what your interested in, hold onto it and fullfill your dream. There is nothing more rewarding than finding your passion in life. Choosing the best school will complete this dream for you so choose wisely.
Find a school which is right for you, as a student and as a person. It is crucial to enjoy what you do, both in the working world and academia. Look for a community in which you feel you belong. You want to select a school which best embodies your desires and beliefs. Most especially, you should enjoy yourself. College is not all about studies. It is important to make sure you still do the things that make you who you are. Never lose those defining characteristics, never quit a group or stop a hobby you love because other people might think it uncool, you would be surprised how many other people there are who share the same interests. Do not fret the little things, we all have a bad week or a bad semester, so long as you can pick yourself up and try again, you will be fine. Lastly, take an active role in your college experience. Participate in programming activities or student government, you will make friends for life.
Meet as many people as possible at first, then weed out your best friends and you will have made a family for life.
Think of what is most important to you about what you want out of a school. Some apparently insignificant things (like weather, the local area, quality of the gym and library) can actually end up more important than you realized, even more important than things such as school size, political stance, and dorm quality. Think of the things that will be important on a day-to-day basis, and choose from there.
Students, enjoy it while you can. Parents put up with it for 4 years, kids appreciate what you do for them when they see you pay this type of money just for them.
Obviously this is not high school anymore. Your parents are not around to push you to study, do your work, and attend class. My best advice to you is not let all the freedom go to your head.
Its better in the long run to keep up with assignments and don?t let them build up to the point where a million things are all do at once. The syllabus is your lifeline. Professors will not always remind you when things are due. Be concerned about your grades before the fact, not after your already failing.
Get to know your professors. Most of them are here because they love teaching and want to see their students succeed. Be sure to check the syllabus for when their hours are and whether you need an appointment.
Don?t forget to have fun and stay active. There are so many clubs, sports and intramurals on campus. Join something, it?s a great way to make friends, have fun, and fight of homesickness. Relax, if you have questions, don?t hesitate to ask. Everyone on campus was new one time to, they understand. Have a great year!
As a recent graduate and member of the working world , I have been able to reflect on my time as a student at the University of Scranton. I have a deeper appreciation more now than ever before for all that I learned in the classroom, but more so for what I learned of life, love, leadership, service, and most importantly, what I have learned about myself.
If I could give any advice to parents and prospective college students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience, it would be this: 1. Trust that you will be exactly where you are supposed to be for a reason. Opportunities are limitless and sometimes things do not go accordingly to plan, and that is okay. There are no right or wrong answers, and if you have faith in your child/self to realize that, you will find your way and be happier while you do. 2. There are thousands of excellent schools in this country that could offer you a wonderful education. Your experience is what you make of it by the people you meet, places you go, things you decide. Ultimately, it is up to you.
Start researching early. There are many schools out there and there is a school for everyone. As well, academics are important but not if they are going to be cut throat. College is also about learning who you are and about other people. Being able to be in activities and growing new friendships are important as well.
Don't worry too much about if you've found the "perfect school." I always heard about people who walked onto a campus and "knew" this was the school for them. That never happened for me, but I am completely happy at the school I chose. Just come to school ready to love it - it's much easier to be happy that way.