If I could go back and talk to myself knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to relax. Choosing a college is an important decision, but it is not a matter of life or death. I think the most important thing for a high school student to consider when choosing a school is how they feel during a visit. I knew right away when I visited Scranton that I would be comfortable here. Walking around campus and talking to students felt natural to me. I would also advise high school students to talk to people who go to the schools they are looking at and ask HONEST questions. The only way to find anything out is to ask questions, so if you have them, voice them. Chances are, the people you talk to will be very genuine in their responses and can really provide you with a lot more information than you would find in a brochure or online. Most importantly, know what you are looking for in a school and find one that meets most if not all of your wants and needs.
If I were lucky enough to go back in time and give advice to myself as a highschool senior I would assure myself that I needn't worry about making friends or missing home. Just be yourself and you'll fit right in and do fine. I would also tell myself to get organized. I had heard that line for years and years but it never really sunk in. I realized once I got to college that scheduling and time management were lifelines in a sea of work and I wished I had learned how to master my time more effieciently so I could fit in both my studies and my friends.
I would tell myself to be more outgoing as a freshman to have a better first college semester. To not be shy and to be yourself because there will always be people in the world who love you and hate you for how you are.
My advice to myself would be not to waste time. There are certain things that need to be done in a timely manner and so many issues could be avoided simply by not putting them off. I would also tell myself not to worry too much because everything will work out, possibly better than I expected.
As far as making the transition to college life I would tell myself not to be nervous. There are people going who are just like me; alone for the first time without parents around everyday. However, it really is not as bad as I was always worried about. There is always a way to get home if I really feel the need to be there and family is only a phone call away. I would tell myself to relax and also to study hard, even though the classes may seem easy the finals can be brutal.
After successfully completing one semester of college, there are a few things I wish I had done in high school, especially during my senior year. I had to opprotunity in high school to take various AP couses but I only chose to take two. So if I could go back in time to when I was a high school senior I would tell myself to challenge yourself and take a few more AP courses. Another thing I wish I had done, especially during my senior year of high school, was to be more outgoing. I have always been a shy, quiet girl but times in college made me wonder what my life as a high school senior would have been like if I had been more outgoing. College has definately changed that and I am glad but I sometimes wish I had chosen to be more outgoing in high school. There is one last piece of advice I would give myself. That is to always work hard. I have learned, through my studies in college, that hard work truely does pay off. The only way you can achieve goals is to work hard at it and never give up.
Whether we?d like to admit it or not, many of us enjoy enduring our own mistakes on our own time. We may hear innumerable accounts of advice given by our parents, our friends or our colleagues; however, we usually disregard their counsels and prefer to experience life on our own. Little do we learn, but we all eventually begin to make those same mistakes and simultaneously we think back to the generous suggestions of our loved ones. Habitually, I too enjoy ?learning on my own? and like everything else I needed to undergo my own college experiences. If I could go back in time and convince myself otherwise, I would do it in a heartbeat.
First, I would tell myself that unless I was dangerously contagious with a worldwide epidemic, to go to class. Missing a class in college is equivalent to missing a week in high school ? it?s nearly impossible to catch up. Next, I would suggest using the gym and the library as often as possible ? neither studying nor exercising can be accomplished in a dorm room! Lastly, I would advise myself to make every moment count because these are the best years of your life!
If I had the chance to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that there is a reason why everyone stresses the importance of time management. The teachers, alumnae, college counselors, and everyone else who tries to imprint the phrase "time management" onto the brains of high school seniors, are not doing so simply for their health. Although it was the most repetitve, and eventually one of the most annoying phrases, I heard as a senior, it really is the most important key to college. There is so much down time during the course of a typical day in college, and time management helps to keep me on schedule and ahead of the game--and deadlines. Although I was able to quickly make the adjustment and use my time adequately, if I had done so from the start, it would have saved me a stressful first couple of weeks. To save myself from extra stress, I would remind my high school senior self to not only remember, but also implement the principle of time management.
If I was able to go back in time to talk to myself in my senior year, I would tell myself to focus more on my studies. To not be afraid to take the honors classes and do the extra credit work. I would also tell myself that it does not matter what others think of you because the universities look at your grades. They do not care if you were extremely popular or not. I would remind myself to do what I thought was best for me, that everyone makes mistakes and not to give up when it gets difficult. To start looking for a college that fit my goals and has the classes I would need and want to take. When I found a college that I may be interested in, do not be shy about asking for a re-evaluation on your financial aid that they offer you if you do not think that it will not be enough to cover what you need. And when it comes to student loans, do not borrow any more than what you will need. Lastly, have fun while you are in college, join a few clubs or maybe a sport.
I would advise myself to never pass up an opportunity to have fun and make friends, especially freshman year. I would also advise myself to complete homework right after class and in between classes so I have less to do at night. Additionally, I would tell myself to take advantage of the gym and other facilities that are available to me in college that I do not necessarily have a home.
I know you think prestige is one of the most important things in choosing a college, but the most important aspects in choice of college are how well it will prepare you for your future and how you will be treated. You will be happiest where you can interact with faculty on a personal level and gain the attention you need. Most of all, go where you will be around the people you love who support you. I know right now you are focused on being the best in your class, but once you get to college that will not work anymore. Work towards being your best, not being the best. And college is a confusing time for everyone. Always remember to take your time when trying to figure out exactly what you want to do with your life. Oh, and boys will always be there; college acceptances will not.