University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of St Thomas-Saint Paul know before they start?


The advice I would give myself is to put myself out there and to relax. When I arrived at my first day of college, I was so nervous because I was in a competely different place whose surroudings I wasn't used to. There were also a lot of people I didn't know at all. I was scared, wondering if I would ever be able to find my way around campus or if anyone would even like me. What I needed to remember was that I was not the only one is this position. Many of the people around me were going through the exact same thing; they were just as nervous as I was. However, if I had reached out and started up a conversation with someone I didn't know, I could have made a new friend. What I know now, but didn't then was that the transition would have been easier if I had just been myself and relaxed, and have had enough confidence in myself to know that I would make friends easily.


Spend lesss time worry about your social life, take more PSEO classes, and save money for college because once you get to college, you meet new people, take classes that are harder then you can ever imagine, and go through money like no other.


Try to pick a college that fits your beliefs, not only your major because there are a lot of colleges with specific majors or are about to come out with majors and if you are at a school that fits your beliefs you will feel more comfortable. Beliefs dont just mean religious and political, they could be about the environment or if you want more diversity or if you love art (even if you aren't going to major in it). You will be more comfortable because you will find people that have at least some of the same beliefs or values you have.


Dear 'Young' Kristen, I know that you are excited about you quest for college next fall, but I would like to give you some advice to keep in mind as you pursue this journey. Playing a varsity sport is challenging. You learn that you will not be the best to start with, but with hard work and determination, you will rise above your competitors. Do not give up and give yourself a chance. Through team bonding you will learn to love every minute of practices and games. Secondly, do not worry about the academics. Yes, St. Thomas is a very challenging school but you care about your grades. You will put in your time and blossom intellectualy. Your love for your studies will make you very successful. Lastly, be open to all kinds of people. You may be surprised at who your best friends become. College will bring many struggles, but your friends and family will be a strong support system. Your parents love you and will be there to help you out whenever you need it, so call home every now and then! College is the most memorable four years of your life. Be excited! Sincerely, 'Old' Kristen.


I would tell myself that you need to work much harder if you want to succed in life. Listen to your teachers they want to help you. Don't sweat the small stuff its not important in the end. Stay focused on the task at hand. Don't wait to the last minute to get things done. Find time to relax and enjoy your life. Be open to new ideas. Always do your best.


I would tell myself to make sure to be outgoing and get involved in a lot of on-campus activities. It's really different being around people my age 24/7, and a big part of the college experience is getting to know people and spending quality time with friends.


The miles will make you stronger. Your friends will make you a better person. You will learn to love to learn. You will never have to succumb to peer pressure. Do everything for you. Although the years may not feel like the best of your life, remember that someday you will miss this. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Don't stress about a simple grade, its what you learned in the process that matters most. The best moments are the unplanned ones in the middle of the night with your friends...but make sure you still go to class in the morning. Overall, you will begin to become the person you have been looking to be. And remember to always thank God for how blessed you are to have a roof over you head and the chance to receive such an amazing education.


College will be one of the greatest experiences of your life. People in college are very welcoming and nonjudgemental. Be sure to take advantage of all the amazing oportunities that will be presented to you. Don't take your college experience for granted. The social life will be enjoyable, but remember that acedemics come first. Plus staying on top of your studies and receiving acedemic excellence will make your life less stressful and make your social life more enjoyable. Participate in various clubs and activities, you will meet great people and attain memorable experiences doing so. Above all make the best of your time in college and make smart decisions, college will form the person you will be for the rest of your life.


I would in all seriousness tell myself to study and learn to study because in the next year in college you will have to actually work for the grades. That is a huge jump because of the pace of the classes is so accelerated as compared to high school and the work load is definately more intense than before.


I would tell myself that eveything was going to be alright and that it was going to a a tough yet wonderful experience. PSEO had prepared me for attending a university and no matter where i was to get accepted to everything would turn out alright. The people would be fun and friendly and the atmoshpere would be exciting. I would also tell myself that i was ready for whatever college could throw my way and that nothing would be too difficult because i want to succeed that badly. Overall, i would tell myself to dive right into the college life and get involved as much as possible because the opportunity only comes around once.