The first piece of advise I would have liked to have received before going to school is that the first few weeks are going to be hard, especially if you're attending a school where you don't know anyone else. It takes a lot of work to meet new people and make new friends. If I could give myself advice as a high school senior, I would really stress the importance of being proactive with every new situation. It is important to remember that a lot of other people (meaning almost everyone else!) is feeling the same way you are, so don't be shy about introducing yourself or making plans. Reminding yourself that all your hard work will eventually pay off is helpful too! I would also recommend keeping in mind that it's ok to do things alone. Sometimes you have to be willing to take the risk of going somewhere alone, but who knows, the outcome could really be worth it! And most importantly, remember to enjoy everyday. This is an experience you'll never have again, so make the most of it and have fun!
College is what you make of it. Prestige and recognition of the institution will only take you so far in life. The students who are actively engaged in their studies and have a genuine urge to learn will be successful no matter where they go to school.
Albert do not be afraid of what the future will hold for you. What you need to do, is make sure that you are emotionally ready for this drastic change in your lives. Do not set a limit for yourself- believe in yourself and apply to your dream schools as well as schools that are logical. Even though there are a lot of factors to consider with college, does not mean you have to hold yourself back. For instance, I know money has been an issue wit you. Well, there are countless amount individuals, at your school and academic sources that are nearby and will assist you in your journey and help you financially. Make sure to talk. Clich? as it may sound; talking to teachers you?re your counselor, and talking to other seniors about him or her process. It will have huge affect on your motivation. Also, have that conversation, about college with your mom. She needs to know what is going on in your head and what are your thoughts and dreams. You cannot assume that she is going to know what you want. Finally, relax, do not stress yourself everything will go as plan.
If I could travel back in time and talk to myself when I was only a high school senior, I would say, "Younger Self, don't worry about going to college. You may not enjoy school very much right now; in fact, you probably live for the weekend and die a little bit every Monday. But, college is different. College is where learning becomes fun; it's where school finally gets interesting. In college you have much more freedom in choosing classes, you get to pick a major that actually interests you, and you get to study in an awesome environment where you're best friends live a mere two doors down the hall. Younger Self, you may not enjoy learning very much right now, but once you find that one subject that really interests you, the one that sparks your curiosity, then you'll see how learning can be a great joy. Much to your surprise, your subject will be philosophy. Maybe that's why you don't enjoy school at the moment, because you haven't been exposed to your passion yet. Keep at it! College will probably end up being the best experience of your life."
Make sure you choose the school you are most interested in. Choose the one that fits best with your personality. Get involved with many activities outside of school. This will help you meet friends and help you relax, have fun and get your mind off studying. Don't be overwhelmed with the course work. You will get used to it and it will work out fine. Take classes you are interested in. Don't take classes just because you need to. They say college is one of the best experiences in your lifetime so enjoy it.
I would tell myself to not procrastinate. It is such a bad habbit to get into. You think that you have all this time to study and you have a lot things to distract you but you need to put them a side for a while so you can study. Time management is an important lesson you learn in college that a lot of students, including me, learn the hard way. If you do not learn how to manange your time better, you end up staying up all night studying for an 8:00 am history final exam! Then you do not get any sleep and you have to stay up late again studying for an economics final exam. Basically, if you do not learn time management, you do not sleep, and sleep is a necessity. Therefore, if you do not have time management, you go crazy!
Half of college is seeking out relationships, and finding both like-minded people, and those with differing views. This is all good, because college provides an atmosphere to explore who you are and who you want to become, ESPECIALLY if you don't know just yet. Take the time to find the college that would be a great fit for yourself. Don't be afraid to travel outside of your hometown or state, don't hesitate if it's some other reason; i.e. financial (there are plenty of ways to help students out). So go forth, and have fun with the new chapter in your life.
Go to the school that feels best to you, like your home. Don't worry about the money and financial situaion, it will all work out in the end. Go where YOU want to go and see yourself going, not a best friend or significant other. Use this time in your life to find yourself, and grow as an individual.
I would tell myself to go on an overnight visit at all the schools and find out what students really think and how the life on campus actually is. Even with tours, you don't get a full experience of the university. Not that I don't enjoy being on campus at St. Thomas, but the main reason I'm currently here is academics. If it was just based on the life on campus here, I don't think I would have been as easily persuaded to go here. That being said, I don't think I made the wrong choice in schools, I just think it would have been smarter to see what the students at that school thought without the administration telling them what to say to the prospective students.
In looking back at my college experience so far, I know it has been one of learning, growth both academically and personally, as well as filled with fun activities and opportunities to get involved. If I had the ability to talk to myself my high school year of college knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to be calm and enjoy each moment of college. It goes by fast and you only have this opportunity to get involved on an undergraduate college campus during these four years. Also, do not fear the independence adjustment because you will learn so much about yourself and grow as an individual while maintaining connections with family and past friends. Life at home will not completely change to a point that you no longer recognize it once you leave. Lastly, I would recommend to get involved early in college because there are so many opportunities to take advantage of and only so much time. Focus on finding the career/subject you enjoy and choose volunteer opportunities and jobs that fit this interest. All in all, have fun and remember you are at college to receive an education.