University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of St Thomas-Saint Paul know before they start?


Make sure to branch out and make as many friends as you can, especially in the first month of school. Also, look for some fun classes to take, even if they do not fit with your major.


As I walk back into the old doors of St. Croix Falls High School old classmate run to greet the newly returning graduate. As the questions fly of how, what and where college is and what it is like, I can't help but smile. As college will never be able to be fully expained in the five minutes of catch up in the hallway. What I would I tell the eager students awaiting answers, what would I go tell myself who once was in their shoes? I would express how fast it truly flies, leaving you wondering where your week went. Warn how no matter how much you may feel ready or prepared, their will be a professor, class or project that will test and challenge you and make you wonder what you learned all of highschool. Knowing that pushing oneself will be harder than its ever been, but give a few months and all will feel normal. Transfering into a college student is greatly rewarding and gives such a feeling of accomplishment, all one has to do is believe and go for it.


- Always be practicing good time management skills. - Be willing to ask for help when you need it because there are people who want to help you. - Even though you are not in class as much as in high school, you will put in a lot more time out of class. - Never lose your focus because you have to be at the top of your game at all times in order to get good grades.


Hudson, don't be so driven and focused! College is a time where one should take in everything around them and enjoy the college life. I know that you always want a challenge and that's good, but let this experience make you a complete person, not someone who is just good in one area. And with this comes the rule that I recommend to you: be a people person! I encourage you to not only be involved with sports and clubs, but be involved in people's personal lives. Get to know them and look out for them, don't just look out for yourself! These types of relationships will have a lasting impact on your life and in the end will be the type of memories that you take away. With this, I hope you enjoy college! Stay true to your faith in God and have an impact everywhere you go. See you in four years!


Be prepared to expect changes and know that these changes will make you a better person. You are on your way to becoming someone who you think you never will become. Learn from others and meet new people, these relationships can build up to be lasting friendships. Also learn how to challenge yourself to the best of your ability and critically engages yourself with your education. Whenever you feel like school is too much, don't give up and remind yourself that you are just halfway up the ladder in reaching your dreams and goals. Try to get to know your professors and fellow classmates, for they will help encourages and support you to in your educational goals. Lastly, remember that all changes either good or bad will make you who you ought to be.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I think I would advise myself to spend more time with my parents. As a high school senior, I worked very diligently in school and always strived to excel in my work. I would find myself studying and working harder on my homework than other students. Friends and other classmates would make fun of me for putting so much effort into my work, but honestly, it helped me make a smooth transition into the college life and college work load. Therefore, the advice that I would give myself would concern spending more time with my parents. It's the only thing that maybe would have made my transition easier because I found out that I really missed my parents once I moved out. If I would have spent more time with them, I would not have felt so bad about being away from home. My senior year involved hanging out with friends, which was a good thing, but family always comes first, so I regret not being with my family more.


Have fun with college, do not be afraid to reach for the stars. Its college and it only comes once so get out and meet new people. Its no different then the transition that you made senior year except this time you have to live with these people, enjoy it but make sure to study because time flies when you are having fun.


If I could go back in time to my high school years I would have told myself to look forward to the adventure of college. During the years in high school I was nervous about making the transition to college. Now that I am in college I wish I wouldnt have put the stress on myself. Another piece of advice that I would give myself would be to apply to more colleges. I like St. Thomas but I wish I would have gave myself more of a diversity of college choices. I wish I would have taken some college classes in high school and had the credits transfer over because it would have saved me a lot of money.


I have three phrases of wisdom: don't worry, be confident, and stay focused. The first few weeks will pass in a blur - between classes, meeting new people, getting to know your roommate and floormates, working out when to use your meal plan, and arranging and rearranging your room, you won't have time to be homesick or even keep in steady communication with your friends from back home. Everyone is nervous about meeting new people, and, at the same time, first impressions make a world of difference when everyone is new to each other. Stand up straight, smile, and introduce yourself. You are embarking on your new life - now isn't the time to be shy. Finally (and this is the most important), stay focused. While you have full permission to go out and have fun, remember that you are there, paying thousands of dollars, for your education. Don't dissapoint your teachers, parents, friends, and - most importantly - yourself by making poor decisions. Trust your gut, and stick to it. Always remember that you have talents, a bright future, and people who love you. Your opportunity to expand your horizons and build your future starts now.


If I was able to talk to my Senior high school self I would tell myself to take looking up money for college seriously. It is very difficult trying to pay college expenses especially when you are paying for your education on your own. It takes a lot of patience and prayer to work and go to school. So start saving up for books and taking college finances seriously.