University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of St Thomas-Saint Paul know before they start?


First off, I would advise myself to keep taking challenging courses. AP, accelerated, and advanced courses have paid off in college. The hard-work early on will definitely pay off and put yourself ahead of most students in college. Be yourself. It's easy to fit into friend groups in high school, but in college you discover everyone is not exactly like you. In the upcoming years, you will meet people that challenge your way of thinking and disagree with your view points. Don't be afraid to get involved. It's easy to sit back and do nothing, but becoming involved will help you meet a lot of great people and accelerate your college experience. If you think procrastination is a bad habit in high school, it is only going to become a hundred times more stressful in college, so try to avoid it. Stick to varsity sports. You are only able to play for so many years in your life, if you have the talent, take advantage of it and play or you will regret it.


I would advide myself to think as far into the future as possible. I would suggest writting out the pros and cons of choosing which university to attend. I would have told myself that doing adequate research into choosing a school is also absolutly necessary. Money is obviously a consideration when looking at a school such as St. Thomas, but knowing what I know now, I believe you get what you pay for in the educational realm. I also thought having a vehicle my freshman year living in the dorms was simply a bad idea, it took something away from the whole experiance. Another thing I would tell myself is to meet as many people as possible and get involved in the school in one way or another immediately.


Things may be tough now and perhaps through your college years but stay strong, do well in your classes and it will pay off in the end. :)


Make sure to take care of the little things. Don't get so focused on the "important" classes that the generals start to take a hit (albiet a small one, but all the little pieces start to add up) However, more importantly, don't lose sight of the big picture. It's far worse to get bogged down in the details and miss the point- in school and in life.


Looking back in time, I wouldn't have changed a whole lot. I feel like I made a lot of good decisions on my life and future. One thing I could have done better is prepare myself financially. I have always been good at saving my money, but I thought that would be enough. Now I am three years in, working 25 hours a week, while in school full time, in order to pay my bills. If I would have taken more time to apply for different scholarships and grants, I would be sitting a lot more comfortably. Even if I would have worked a better job throughout high school, I could have had a lot more money saved up. The only thing about this is, if money is only concer, or thing to change, I feel very good with how things are going.


If I had to start college all over again and still had the knowledge I have now, I would tell myself three important things; one, all the other freshman are in the same boat as me, two, don't be afraid to ask for help, and three, do your best. If I received these advices before my college experience, I would have had a jump start in transition from high school to college. The new freshman coming to college are experience similar feelings as I am, they want to make new friends as much as I do. Be open to new experiences and make the most of your college experience. If you?re struggling, it is okay to ask for help. The professors, faculty, residence advisors all want to help you succeed, don't be afraid to ask for help. Lastly, remember to always do your best. This may be a simple advice, but it goes a long way. You?re going to get overwhelmed and feel new emotions and struggle a lot, but just remember to do your very best and be happy with the results if you did all you could.


I had always regreted my years in high school, because I was never a commited student. As I grew matured and started my own family had I realized what I had missed out on the opportunies of post secondary education and the relationships I could of had with my teachers in high school, especially my senior teachers. Most importantly, life involves how much you make so therefore you can take care of your family. As well as what interest you to learn are the two facts I should have known before entering college. The transition was tough, but if you knew those two answers than you should be good. The teachers in your senior year are the most important tools, because they will answer all your questions and will be very great references for colleges. Knowing what you want to become and knowing all the answers to finishing college as fast as possible can save you money. Volunteering will look great in resumes as well as joining groups and after school activites. These are what I should have asked myself in my senior year to be a completely satisfied current student.


As a student, you want a school that has your major, that has a great financial aid, a school that has a good social atmosphere. Also you want to attend a school that has small classes, good proffessor with flexible office hour. A school in dense populated area is also great because it offers a lot of off campus housing and Off campus jobs.


I would advise myself to not date anyone right away while I first started college because it prevented me from being able to meet more people than I did. When you are a freshman, you shouldn't have to answer to anyone but yourself. This allows you to become the complete individual while in school.


College will be different from high school in many ways. Sometimes the habits and attitudes that worked in high school will not necessarily work at college. Having trouble is nothing to be ashamed of. There are numerous support systems available to you at college -- all you need to do is ask. Please take advantage of all the support you can find.