University of the Sciences Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of the Sciences know before they start?


The advice that i would give myself is to work harder in school, but still have the time of your life with the last year of high school. College life can be stressful due to all the work you'll be getting in just one day and from one teacher. After high school, It's gonna be all about school and work. You won't have enough time to have fun when you're in college. It may sound and look hard, but it will be all worth it. Getting a diploma from high school will be a big achievement, but getting an associate's or a bachelor's degree will be a bigger achievement for you. Some things that you have learned in high school, depending on the classes you take, might come up again in college. So its best if you don't throw away all those knowledge away. After high school, you gotta learn how to be independent because the only people you'll have by your side is your family. But they can't be there forever. You'll have to do some things on your own because its your decision on what you wanna do.


The transition was very easy to me, so I have nothing to say,


I would have to tell myself to look at schools that dont require as many loans or as high of loans. I would tell myself to pick a school that gave a better scholarship for it doesnt matter where you go, just what you make of it. I would tell the younger me to look out for the future me


I know that the transition to college is a hard one but there is no reason to worry. The people you meet and the experiences you have will be worth the little bit of pain you go through in the beginning. Leaving home for the first time is a big step but it is not all bad. That independence you crave as a young adult is now available. Dont let the complete freedom completely overwhelm you. Just in case that does happen, there are always people there to help you. It is not embaressing to ask for help in college because everyone needs it at some point.


After attending the University of the Sciences for three semesters and continuing on to the fourth, to say that I have learned much in terms of my degree and future profession would be an understatement. Not only have I taken courses that will make me think like a health professional, exercise my critical think abilities, and increase my knowledge in respective topics, but I have also taken a course (and an still continuing in it) on LIFE. This university and the experience of independency have opened a new window for me. Here, at school, academics is only a small part of what shapes my growth into a mature adult. Relations with my peers have played a critical role in the development of my relationship with others as well as the relationship with my own self. RESPECT – it’s the one word that sums my growth at this institution. From the interactions with my professors to the communication on the basketball court, respect is what I have learned to carry in my backpack right next to my essential Poland Spring. Succeed or not, from here on, it’s all about love and respect for others.


Throughout my entire college experience so far, I have learned and grown as an individual. Not only did I grow as person as far as academics is concerned, but I also matured and I have developed confidence in myself and in my goals. The college experience I have had so far have made me a stronger person, I fully understand how rigorous some courses are and I am more than willing to do what it takes in order to succeed. I have established more independence which solidified my ability to can take care of myself. Another great part of the college experience is the friendships and memories I developed. The friends I have made these past few years I know will be my friends for life and I would not change that for anything.


In the short time which I have been to college, I have received much from my college experience. I have better developed my time management skills, which are crucial to survival in college. I have also learned to network with other students, faculty, and other professionals within the field of Pharmacy. To encourage networking, I have joined a Christian Fellowship group which has provided much support academically, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel that a balance is needed between school work and extra-curricular activities. Another source of networking is APhA, which I am a member of. I have participated in various meetings and functions. These include a health screening in a nearby park and working as a receptionist at a vaccination clinic. In the future I look forward to volunteering in a smoking cessation clinic possibly held on campus. Lastly, in the academic realm I have learned very much material. In learning the material, I continued to further my education as well as earned a GPA of 4.0. In conclusion, whether examining the personal skills improved, networking experiances, or academic growth, it can be said that by attending USP I have received a valuable, well-rounded education thus far.


I have gotten the urge to succeed more in my life and my career and i am trying with all that i have to be able to continue to attend my school so that i may make a difference in the life of others. My school is very science oriented and so is my major so it is a great opportunity to focus.


I would tell my past self to really sit down and think about my interests and definite plans for the future, because it is impractical to pay $27,000 a year to prepare for a major that you may not even like. I would tell my past self to look beyond the academic programs and see how the colleges could help with my own personal development. Because a college should do more than just teach, it should see you as an individual and offers activities and programs that will help you find your path in life, and not their path.


In going back to highschool in my mind, I would give myself advice in playing sports. I now realize that when you are in highschool they make a big deal about getting a scholarship to play your sport in college. The reality is that there are so many kids trying to do that that you really have to be one of the best. Therefore in highschool I wasted more time on basketball than I would have. I believed all the hype, especially from the coaches. They led you to believe that you were going to get a scholarship easily. This is because they are really into being a coach and they hear about all the kids that do get the scholarships. I think that the reality is sports are fun and you should play them if you have the ability, but you should not figure that the sport is going to become your job. Academics are what you need today to get a good job and compete in the world.