Make sure you visit the school before you actually attend. Also don't always believe and listen to what the tour guides or people you meet at orientation says. A lot of times their job is to be enthusiastic about the school. Instead try to find an upperclassman who's willing to tell you the pros and cons. For students, try facebook messaging someone to simply as questions if you don't know anyone attending there yet.
Make sure the student knows what he or she wants to do in life, because if they have no idea of a major or such they could be wasting their time and your money in college. The college should appeal to the student and have all the essentials that would make their college experience a great one.
When choosing the right college you should think about what type of environment whether it be in a populated city or rural settings. Because then you can keep in mind whats around campus to do during free time. Also, take a look at the population size of the school and all the extra- curriculars the school has to offer. Find what's comfortable for you. Do you want to be 1 out of thousands of faces in a crowd? Or would you rather know your community and be a familiarizing face?
When making the most out of your college experience you have to enter here with an open mind and GET INVOLVED. Every college has their own way of getting students involved such as programs, events, and leadership opportunities. So don't miss out.
Visit the school while classes are in session. Take what the tour guide tells you with a grain of salt. Look at the financial aid. Ask student what they think of the school. Talk to people outside of your comfort zone. Relax and work hard. Find the balance between these two.
Find a college which you feel comfortable around. Research the curriculum and choose a college which will provide the academics needed for your future occupation. Ask about the job placement of graduate students in their respective fields. Be sure to estimate the total cost (tuition, housing, food, books, etc.) for each year when applying for outside loans. Select a college within your financial means.
Choose a school that fits your interests. If you do not like big cities, pick a school in the country. Make sure there is appropriate housing and meal plans. Check to see if there is financial aid available. The number one thing to look for is your major and minor. For making the most out of your experience, join clubs, maybe even a fraternity or sorority. If clubs are not for you, join a sports team. Also be active in some kind of community service project. It looks really good on job applications or graduate college applications. The more activities you participate in the better. Living on campus for at least the first year is helpful. Its a great way to connect with other students and get involved on campus because it does not require alot of travel. Remember you can not study all the time. Everyone needs a stress reliever. The above choices are a drug free and environmentally safe way to relieve some of the anxity and stress that builds up in every student. Just remember not to overload yourself. Too much fun and you could fail out. Achieve a balance between work and fun.
visit the schools, talk to students and professors
It is hard to determine what college will suit you based on visiting- you need to talk with a bunch of current students to find out how the school treats them and the outlets for social experiences. Once you think you found the right place make sure to balance your social life and school work pending on where you go and do not be afraid to go out ad meet new people, since thats what college is mostly about. Just remeber although you need to do well for your career in college- you only get to 1 college experience so make it memorable.
Think about your future. Don't just think about going to the same school your family went to. Wherever you go, you CAN have fun.. it's up to you. Go with your gut.
Find the college that fits your career or field of study. In the end, you want the college that prepares you most for your career. In every college, you can always find something fun to do and get invovled in.
start college planning early and be creative in your choices