College seemed like something you need your whole life to prepare for. That thought stressed me out because I didn't do that. Learning to maintain and relieve stress is a huge necessity. Don't be afraid to seek help with stress management.
I chose a school that gave me the most money. Regretting this decision at first, I did my best to be positive. Patience taught me to love my school. Talking with peers, I now know that there's always someone out there worse off so don't fret. All you need is faith, confidence, and belief in yourself and you will do well.
I'd also say to always keep an open mind and be rational. It?s not worth it to judge people. Being friendly and networking is very important when you want to succeed in life. Not being selfish is a wonderful characteristic to have. Life won?t always give you options so work with it.
Most importantly, I'd say don't compare your self to others. Everyone has their own talents and fortunes and it's impossible to be great at everything. Trying your best and making sure you're happy is key.
If I were able to go back and talk to myself as a senior as highschool, the first piece of advise I would give myself would be to master time management. As a college student you need to know how to use your time effectively and how to prioritize. No matter how bright you are, if you don't not put enough time in to actually learn and understand the material, then you may not succeed. Where as if you leave enough time,for studying, you will quickly realize where you may be weak in a particular subject and have enough time to use the resources that are at your disposal such as tutoring, group studies, supplemetal lectures, meeting with professors, etc.
These things are only possible if you dedicate enough time to the cause. By giving yourself time to familarize yourself with the material, you also avoid cramming for exams or doing badly on presentations that you might have to do. Most people overlook it, but time is definitely a keep component in success.
If I were able to talk to myself as a highschool senior I would stress to myself self, the importance of time.
From the experience so far in college I have learned many things. Compared to the other colleges that my friends are attending, I feel that the classes that I take are are more challenging when trying to balance my grades on all of the classes that I am required to take. Procrastinating is something that I noticed that needs to really be avoided and the number one priority to be focused on. Also time management, finding variety of ways to relieve stress, and improve note taking/study habits will help the transition to college easier. Not just focusing on studying is important but keeping a healthy life from socializing to living right is a great way to help deal with college.
i would tell myself to do a lot better.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to work harder on the subject of English. Since English is not my native language, I always had trouble with it. I did not further in English as much as I should because I was going to a science college. I thought AP English in high school was good enough. For that logic, I struggled the first semester of writing in college. I have another semester of writing and I am working hard to try and fix my habits.
Be responsible, try to be more social, and try to ask more questions or seek help if you have a problem with something.
Talk to people more. Rejection will always happen it's nothing to be afraid of. Also, study because that's all usp is.
The amount of work is going to be overwhelming, professors will be confusing and maybe a little hard to understand at times. High school was a breeze and you've never needed extra help on anything, but do not be afraid or to stubborn to ask for that extra help in college because you'll end up staring at a blank page for an hour kicking yourself because you wasted too much time. You are going to need extra help if you want do well, but remember that you are not alone. Everyone has their own skills, and you'll learn all of yours (and help the friends you'll make pass calculus based physics!). Use all the resources that are provided to you and, most importantly, don't forget to make time to relax and clear your mind. It's going to be a bumpy ride, and the friends you are going to make will be with you the entire way.
Because i know that college life is very challenging, I would be more prepared to make the transition from high school to college.
For example, i would read more books and study English more to get good SAT scores.......
Also, i would take as many AP classes as possible and get their AP score to get credits for college..
I feel that how much i learned in high school affects studying in college. People around me did study hard to get AP credits and good SATscores in order to be more prepared than others in college.
I think this is a very wise opportunity to be ready for challenging college life.
I would tell myself that college is very different from high school. I never needed to study in high school, so i thought college would be the same way. I was wrong! It is hard to go from being one of the smartest students in high school to being one of hundreds of the smartest people from their own high schools. In a school like this, schoolwork comes first. There are tons of academic rules we need to follow, so I would make sure that I told myself to stay focused and not get caught up in the new freedom that I'll have. Other than that, I would say get ready for more work than you've ever had to do in your life, but you'll meet great people that will help you get through it.