The biggest part of a college is location. Location is everything. It will allow the student to seek oppertunities for anything they could want if that is what they need. A college experience is what you make of it. It is important to understand what the school has to offer, and if any of those things fit what is right for you. The most successful students are the ones who choose a profession, not a degree. The most important part of attending college is being open to new ideas, experiences, etc. In college, you will meet a huge diversity of people, thoughts, ideas, education, and oppertunities. The students who are the happiest are the ones who will try anything because it helps determine and shape your future.
In finding the right school, the students should identify their priorities and research over the characteristics of a range of schools. Next, match the school that meets their priorities. Range of the acedemic majors offered, size of the student body, extracurricular opportunities, amount of personal attention that a student recieves are some of the charcteristics to look for. If the student is undecided, as many are, they may want to pick an academically balanced institution that offers a range of majors and programs. Some other factors to look for are cost, diversity and the graduation rates. Also, students should consider what college life will be like beyond the classroom. It's important for students to maintain a balance between academics, activities, and social life. College years are some of the best years of your life. Talk to people you never would've encountered or talked to outside of college, from all walks of life. Study abroad is another way to grow more than you would ever imagine . Take a class that is interesting to you, even if it has nothing to do with your major. Finally, never eat lunch alone because this is a great trick to making new friends.
Go to the college in advance to see the environment and the people. Talk to some students or professors and see how life is around there. Most of time you should listen to the students because after all they know the social life the best.
If I had to go back in time and give myself advice I would relay the following message:
In order to make sure that a student, and his/her family, is making the correct decision about their potential future regarding their career and college they should take many things into consideration. The students needs to decide first of all what type of careet they want to go into, this way they can narrow the college choices down based on specialty. After they know this I would recommend that the student is firm on their decision for their major and do not quit once things get a little tough as time goes on. They should then decide what type of setting they want to be in, in which they will be able to accomplish the most academically and socially. College is going to be something that every student will always want to look back on and remember that what they thought was difficult is now really nothing, when it is compared to reality. The best advice I could have gotten is: TIME MANAGEMENT make sure you know what to do and when to do it, but remember to have fun too.
When looking at a school it is as important to look at the cshool based on its academic success as well as its surounding characteristics. A great school in the middle of no where will not help you develop as a person no matter what grades you get. You must chose a school that will allow you to grow into the person you want to be, so asking a lot of questions to students that are not tour guides will greatly influence your choice with a broader view of the true university you want to attend. You learn the least about who you are in the classroom and most about by you do outside of it, getting involved in the community with people that have the same ideals that let you grow as an individual. Talk to Alum and see how things have changed over the years, whether for the better of for the worse to make sure the school is on the right track to deliver everything it promises to you and your future.
Be sure to visit the college you choose, you'll just get that feeling when you know you belong. You may change your mind about your major, or certainly at least question it at some point, so it's preferable to have a school with a lot of options. Live on campus and leave your door open. Nights spent awake until 2 with dormmates eating pizza and laughing until it hurts is what makes "forever friends" and favorite college memories. Go to sorority/fraternity rushes and meet new people, even if you have no intention of joining. Get involved. If you can learn to fall in love with your school, after those initial "yay college!" butterflies die down, focus on its good parts when everything about it starts to make you crazy, and know you'll have a great future with it, you'll make it just fine.
To do all their work during the week, but enjoy yourself on the weekends!
When choosing a college remember to remember yourself. If you know that you feel out of place in big crowds, choose a small school. If being social is crucial to your happiness, choose a school that has a variety of social groups/events. If you are unsure of what major or career you want to pursue, choose a school that has a wide variety. Don't underestimate yourself. You should choose a "dream" school to apply to and choose an even more out of reach. Positive thinking is essential not only in your academic success but in your personal happiness. College is very expensive, but you also only get one chance to be young so go where your heart takes you. You have the rest of your life to pay back loans. To the parents, be patient and supportive of the students choices. Offer your advice with out pressure or guilt. I truly believe that a student's mindset and happiness is the precursor to academic success. When a person feels comfortable and yet still challenged, nothing will stand in the way of achieving their dreams!
Dear parents and prospective college students,
As I am sure you already know finding the right college for you or your child is a difficult and seemingly overwhelming task. You already know what is best for you and this will absolutely allow you to make the correct choice and even if you find out you hate it when you get there it is never to late to change your college. Also, do not worry about the cost when chosing a school. The cost seems astronomical, but they wouldn't give you student loans if you couldn't repay them. And in my opinion you can't put a price on a great education.
Good luck, study hard and enjoy college while you are there. Four years may seem like forever but it will be over before you know it and asking yourself where did the time go!
The advice I would give to parents would be to let your child make their own decision on which school they choose. It is their future, and if they want to attend a liberal arts school, then you and your child should be visiting liberal arts schools. Parents should also find ways to be well adjusted when their child makes their choice. The child should be well diversified at their school and want to learn not only specifics for their major, but anything they can get their hands on. School is not just about academics though, and that is where the student comes in. The student should first choose the college they feel will bring them an education they will receive no where else. Once that is established, they should be checking out what there is to do on campus and off. They should become involved in on-campus activities as soon as they become acclamated with their college. Then night life of course should be another standard to base your experience off of. If you school doesn't have surrounding resturants, movies, or other social gathering spots, you may want to find a suitable place that has it all!