University of Virginia-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Virginia-Main Campus know before they start?


Dear Student, Please remember that the college process is about YOU. Not your parents, not your teachers or classmates or siblings or future children. No matter what anyone else says, going to college is about what you feel comfortable with. Simply follow these easy steps to a succesful hunt for higher education: Step 1. Take everyone else's expectations, and throw them out the window. Step 2. Repeat. Wherever you go, whatever you do, college is NOT the definitive factor of your future life. You are the most important person in this decision, so don't let the pressures of others' expectations get in your way. Happy hunting. Sincerely, A College Student


Lets kids visit on their own and stay with a friend because they have to get a taste of the social scene, fraternity parties etc. Just tell them to be careful at parties because many schools have a huge ammount of date rate/acquaintance rape. Tell them not to drink more than one or two drinks if they're girls, and not to be afraid to seem weird by running away or making a fuss, and not to be afraid to hurt a guy who is coming on to them. Tell them not to turn down opportunities, but be smart at all times and trust the voice in their head. Take classes that interest them, not just what they think they should take. Go somewhere where they feel at home on campus. People don't realize that the education students recieve comes mostly from what they do out of class with their friends, with volunteering, culturally, and by being on their own. Academics is not as important as becoming a discerning human being. Wherever they go they will be happy, for the most part.


Make sure you do your research on the school you wish to attend. Ask the financial aid office all the questions that you feel need to be answered in order to ensure that you can enjoy your university experience without having to deal with the economic struggles that might face you if you do not prepare yourself during the summer. On that note, make sure that you use the summer before you go to college wisely. Prepare your personal life by ensuring yourself that you do not have any distractions back home that might cause you trouble when the going gets tough in your first semester. Apart from that, I wish you all the best of luck! WA-HOO-WA!!!


To parents... I would let your children choose the school they want keeping their best interest in mind. If the school doesn't work out for them, then they can always transfer. Also, don't let the cost of a school restrict your options; there are plenty of scholarships and financiad aid opportunities! To students... Don't pick a school based on where your best friends are going. You will have the opportunity to make many new friends in college and will find that they are just as great if not better than your high school friends. It's hard separating from your friends at the beginning, but you will still be friends with them and can make many more! Pick a school based on what you are looking for in a college not based on its "reputation" or where people from your hometown typically go. Make sure the school suits your criteria for a social life because that is very important. HAVE FUN!


It is important to look at all aspects of a university before attending. Just because a school is reputable, does not necessarily means it is the right one for you. The top schools in the nation are at the top because they are academically rigorous and expect the best from the students they admit. If you are smart, but are not driven to excel in a competitive environment, then you might find youself better suited for a smaller school with more resources to help students succeed. The larger the university, the more thinly-spread the resources, meaning that students must make the initiative to ensure their own success. Nobody will hold their hand and make sure they graduate on time or get good grades. The responsibility to succeed lies within themselves at these large, top-tier schools, so make sure you can handle the atmosphere before committing.


The easy part is narrowing down your choices based on academic interests, location, and financial concerns. But truly finding the right college is all about the feeling. Visit the school. Walk around campus in between classes. Do you feel comfortable around the campus among the crowd of students? Visit the library in the evening. Do you identify with the study habits of the students there? If you can, spend a weekend at the school and participate in the social life. Obviously you will feel somewhat foreign to any school you are visiting. But when you find the right place, you should feel some longing to return to the school you visited. It can range from a mild curiosity to a strong desire but something inside you will draw you back to the school where you really want to be. Finally, resist outside pressures from parents and other relatives on your college decision. You only get one college experience and it should be entirely your own. When you arrive at school, enlist as much advice from older students as you possibly can. They are the ones with good recommendations and unfortunate regrets but either way, you can learn from their wisdom.


I was always adamant that when I went to college, it would be far away from my home state. To my surprise, after being forced to visit my own state university, I felt immediately at home there. I wound up choosing that very same school, and my time at college so far could not have been happier. I learned from my own experience that the right college is not necessarily going to be the one you always envisioned, but when you do find the college that is perfect for you, that arduous application process will all make sense. The best way for you to choose the college that will make you happy is to trust your instinct. If a college feels right, you will be happy there. For parents, the best thing to do is be there for advice, but do not make the decision for your student. College is where you will spend the next four years of your life, so it should feel like a place of your own. Above all ,it should be a place you can envision as home.


When you pick your college, consider how competitive it is going to be and determine if you're ready to deal with that competition. To make the most of your college experience, find the balance between academics and social. Find the friends that bring out the best in you; they encourage you when it comes to school and tell you when it's time to take a break from it all.


Be discerning!


I feel that the problem I had in my first year of college as well as in my senior year in high school is I went to college and took classes that appealed to everyone, but myself. College is a chance for you to explore areas that interest you. So when picking out your classes you should find classes in topics you find interesting not simply just to fill requirements. Finding the right college all relies on the individual. A big college campus is not for everyone and it is easy for individuals to get lost in the shuffle. It is important to feel out what kind of environment you feel most comfortable learning in, because inevitably you're in college to get an education not strictly to party. Most importantly, while in college students should get involved in clubs that they are interested in. Not only do they prove outstanding for resumes, but students many times meet longtime friends through these various organizations.