Make sure you are getting the best college for the money. Many colleges are good, but check the employment statistics especially for the field you want to go into. Make sure that the financial aid process is easy and efficient. The worse thing happens when the school promises you money and does not deliver or if the financial aid process is complicated.
Visit the college beforehand and talk to some of the students that go to that college besides the tour-guide (they are biased). I also reccommend to attend a class of your choice that, that school offers and see if you enjoy it!
First, determine what you want from your college experience. Talk with your parents and determine what qualities you desire in a college, such as the size, public/private, extraciricular activities, class size, cost, average SAT/ACT score, location, etc. Conduct research to determine schools that have qualities that are desired. Narrow the search down to 5-10 schools, keeping in mind that some should be safety schools, target schools, and reach schools. Make sure these schools include programs that you or your child wants to study. Deeply research these schools and try to talk to students and alumni of these schools. Visit each of these schools and take notes. Apply to schools that seem to fit and you will be happy and succeed there. After recieving acceptances, try to visit these schools again during their "accepted students" days to get a better feel for the school.
After making your decision, be excited! You will meet many new and different types of people who have had varying life experiences and you can learn from each of them. A good balance is necessary. Become involved in activities that interest you, but never forget about academics, it IS the reason you're there!
Some people do better in bigger environments, and some do better in smaller ones. It's important to think about how much you like being able to walk around and recognize people and feel like you are known. The best part of my college experience has been the feeling that I really belong at UVa, and that there is a place for me. I like being surrounded by people who are extremely motivated, although at times it is stressfull. The best thing I did was to take a year off before I started school, because I grew up a lot in that year, and then I was really ready and excited to go to college and start learning. I was a little burnt out after high school, and the year off helped me put everything in perspective, and realize what I wanted to get out of college, which also helped me choose the right one for me.
go somewhere that fits you. visit the school first, and if you can spend an entire weekend/day there and visit some of the classes. see if the school has any majors you would be interested in.
so much of college is learning how to live on your own. it is a good idea to look beyond the actual academic aspects of the school and understand what one will spend their time doing besides homework and what the area has to offer in regards to that.
Don't just look at academics or athletics, go to the school and see the environment; check out if you know you will fit in or be able to live in that sort of environment to help you mature your personality.
Harvard is great. So is Stanford. However, college is about finding one's own place that can help you to grow as a strong individual. This place does not necessarily have to be one of Ivy League schools because it is more important that a student feels 'right' to be at the particular school, than to blindly aim for schools with fancy Latin titles on their gates. The truth is, as long as the student finds his or her right place to mature academically, while enjoying college experience, it does not really matter if that school is rates as top 10 schools on Princeton Review.
If you want to challenge yourself academically and feel that these prestigious schools are right for you, then by all means, go ahead! But my point is that you should thorougly research different colleges to find the college that is best fit for you. I know that this is an exciting yet scary time of your life because this is the first major decision you have made in your life. But dont worry, you will make the right decision in the end as we all did. Good Luck and enjoy your college!
Choose a school that has the programs you want and at the same time is challenging.
Don't stress. Stressing about things clouds your judgment. For parents encourage your kids to look at many schools but not in an intimidating way. Students don't stress about the schools you get into, because more than likely the school end up choosing will be the best school for you. Once at school, get involved in as much as you seem necessary and make social connections. Stressing about classes and girls and that stuff just makes the experience more difficult. Try to live in the moment and take a serious but still collected approach. Don't have regrets make the most of what you have at your fingertips.