Valencia College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Valencia College know before they start?


Assuming I went back in time as a high school senior. My advice to myself would be to have better grades and to concentrate more in school. Then I would keep in constant communication with my school councelor to seek all available scholarship. Being that I come from a broken home (divorce parent), I would do my best to help both my parent get me through college with out it being a financial burden to them with scholarships. What hurts the most is knowning that my father would want to emancipate me because he feels he's not responsible for my education. If I would have known my perdicament for my furture then I would've work even hard at school to have made better choices for my future education. Now I'm letting my younger siblings know the importance of school to get scholarship for their future.


Read. Read as much as you can. It will help you in your SAT, ACT and FCAT but also it will help you at the college level. Now many schools allow high school seniors to take vocational school and college level credits while they are in high school. Please use this opportunity and take these classes you will thank yourself in the future, in addition, you will have many resources to pay for it. Most of the time you do not have to pay a penny for tuitions while you are taking these extra classes.


Many will said they gained multiple experiences from college, they might make it all fancy or even exaggerated. But what i have gotten out of college is quite simpe. I realized that everyone have the potential to pursuit a college education and to advance themselve regardless of age, backgroud,gender, etc. During high school, all my classmates are all of the same age but since I have started college my classmate come from a variety of ages and location. From this simple mixture of classmate I have came to aware that anyone could pursuit an education if that want to. This made me value the determination of everyone that going to school to achieve an education regardless of their age, ethnicity, and social condition. I have came in contact with numerous people traveling internationally for their education and even grandparent returning to school and expand their knowlege. I have came to value and respect these people for going to college againt any odds.


Nothing so far. I went to a major university, got a job and it never went anywhere for me. The recession hit and I got laid off just like everyone else. Its sad when a degree is supposed to mean something. I often wonder how bad it is for the people who never made it out of college or never had a degree. How did they become managers? What is wrong with this world?


I have learned many lessons during college life that would be useful in the rest of my life and the development of my future.


The most important thing I have gotten out of my college experience is the awareness that I am surrounded by peers who are as driven and dedicated as I am. I want to share knowledge, thoughts and ideas with people who, like me, want to go above and beyond in everything they do. While I do possess concrete skills, namely acute time management, I do not seek solely to improve upon myself. I want to share my abilities and thoughts about the world with the people I meet, and have them share with me in return. Ideally, this creates a community of people who wish not only to learn from their professors but to learn from one another, such that they can make each others’ lives better. This is my definition of the college experience, and so far this is what I have achieved. Why stop here? Why not keep going so that other people can have the same opportunities that I did? This is the goal that I have set for myself-by the time I leave college, I hope to retain this trend of honor and support that I have started, and to give the same to others.


for me to go to college, it has meant that i have work. i have realize that to get a better life, i need a education. i might not be the smartest student, but everything i do, i try to do it my best. i learn this from my family, and the Army. college have open my eyes to a world of possibilities, and not just working on a warehouse, or factury.


I really cant say nothing wrong about the school yet because i really havent been in any classes to experience anything.


If I could go back in time to give myself advice about college I would. I would tell myself to be more wiser and to save money for college tuition since it's so expensive. I would also study more for the CPT since I didn't do so well on it. Also I would of attended the summer term as soon as I graduated and I would of had my A.A already. I could of been in the nirsing program already. As for my academics I would do everything the same because I'm doing so well in college. I just wasted time and money in college prep courses.


If I were to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself on many things. One thing that I would say, would be to do duel enrollment. Duel enrollment would have not only given me the opportunity to take college credit classes for free, but also would have gotten me used to being in college and knowing what is expected once I entered. Another thing I would say to the "senior me" would be to do as many scholarships as possible. Costs of books and attendance gets pretty rough and I'm sure my parents would have appreciated it more if I had gotten an outside source of income to pay for it, like a job, or entered scholarships in the hopes that any money could help.