Valencia College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Valencia College know before they start?


hello my name is mindre I am being honest with myself now that I'm in college I know now that college is harder than high school. when I was in high school I never imagined that college was so difficult but in the years that I was in high school I never give up in any situation. the advice that I give to myself is that never give up and if I fall forward get up and keep going for what I want in my life. high school for me was a great experience because my teacher taught me and prepared me giving advice how college life look like .


I would definitely plan for college earlier on. I would have applied for scholarships earlier and prepared myself more.


As a high school senior, I was not prepared for college like many of my friends were. I have always been very mature but I was not prepared to put in the work that college required. My advice that I would have given was to start off college slowly and talk to my advisors as often as I could so that I could stay on track and ease into the college life. I now feel very productive and active in my school life but it has taken me longer to get to this point than I would have anticipated.


I would have told myself to study harder. i did do very well in my classes but i could have done better. Secondly i would have not waited from when i graduated a while until i retured back to school. Because i waited, it used up alot of my time that I could have used going to school. Lastly, i would say to really stay focused on school and apply yourself to the best that you can.


Sharlene I will tell you that it is 2007, and you should be sure in what you are planning to study. Changing your major during college will only cause you a waste of money and a waste of time. Please choose a school and a major where best meet your abilities and skills. A college or university, where you are going to be able to finish your bachelors, where is accredited, and where you will get the best knowledge to become a professional. Remember to apply for scholarships, because studying full time and working full time is going to be too much for you. Do not kill yourself trying to be superwoman. Focus on your studies, ask questions if you do not understand something, use the library, make study groups, and be part of your college. Once you are done with school, you will be happy, you will be employee, and you will appreciate your school years. In this way you can advise other future students and help people choosing their best career.


I would tell myself to enjoy the small things that I did not take the time to admire when I was in high school. For example, I would want to spend more time with my family because I did not realize how much time I would be spending at work and school after I graduated. I would like to tell myself to preserve more memories with my friends. I was naive and did not realize just how fast I would drift apart from most of them when I made it to the real world. I wish that I could give myself advice about how to handle the stress of the transition and the amount of hard work that it has taken to achieve a 4.0 GPA. I would have needed some insight about all of the different experiences I have been through due to being a special education major. I was not fully prepared the first time I was in a classroom assisting a teacher and did not know how to handle certain situations. Overall I believe I would want myself to remember to be strong, brave, and determined and I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.


Dear Lauren, college is a lot more serious than you thought in highschool. You should have paid more attention to school and taken more advanced classes because you would have had a better gpa. All those test that you did barely average, you should have studied for. Studying is beneficial towards yourself in the long run because now im having a hard time concentrating and finding a good way to study. Also, remeber all the money you spent on shopping and other pointless things? If I would have had money saved up when I moved up here, I would have a lot less stress in my life. I'm constantly worried that I dont have enough money to pay my rent, buy my textbooks or other important things. I now have to find another job, so i might be working two jobs in order to have enough money to support myself. The transition is a little shocking at first because you realize how alone and independant you immediately become. Riding the bus around waste so much extra time so please get your license! The money you could have been saving from shopping could have gone towards a new car!


Always make sure you know what you need to know, and be prepared to sign up for scholarships and classes the moment you can. Don't let anything get in the way of your dreams, and remember that you can get through anything you set your mind to. If you want to get through college and get a degree, you can! You need to always make sure you can succeed in your classes, so don't overload yourself. Likewise, don't underestimate yourself, or you'll never get anything done. Do the best you can, because it's the best you can do, and your best will get you far.


Going back I would tell myself one simple word, Independance. Every highschool student seems to yearn this independance and they all say they cannot wait for the day to be free from their parents. Having gone now off to college i now know this isn't such a great thing. There are times of depression and homesickness. I would tell myself to enjoy the compnay of my parents as well as my siblings. To enjoy all the home coooked meals as well as the all the affection that my parents gave. It is part of life to leave home and become independant, but it literally happens from one day to the next.


if i could go back and tell myself what i know now i would have defiantly applied for more scholarships. This is a major thing because college is not only very stressfull its expensive struggling just to pay rent and focus on school.