I would have started when i was younger. Instead of waiting til iam 44. But i was a single mother raising my kids.
My brief college background is that I have gone to three schools and had three majors so now I am a little behind in my graduation schedule. If I could go back in time I would tell myself not to jump into anything right awayto give myself at least a semester to find out what I really want to do. I would also warn myself that it is very important to do any classwork or homework that is assigned even if it is not for a grade because college is harder than high school and any practice helps. I would tell myself to make sure I ask for help when I need it from my professors or my councelors because for the most part they are all very willing to help. I would tell myself to get involved in clubs or groups associated with my major so I can get all the possible experience because that looks better for scholarships and jobs. Overall I would let myself know that college can be hard sometimes but it is also a lot of fun and a good time to find yourself.
I would definetely start at a Community College instead of a 4 Year University the classes are smaller and it is a better transition. Being invloved in school helps a lot, study groups at the library always helps and meeting with the professors if I was having trouble in the class was a key to success. Financial Aid and scholarships keep the financial pressure off. High School is not everything in life. Community service and Internships help in the real world so get involve in that as soon as possible. Meeting people that work in th field helps to network and to realize if that is what you wanna do for the rest of your life. Get good greades, get involved in school , try something new like studying abroad and do not forget to have fun. College is all about learning and discovering who you are and where do you want to go.
Be accountable for your actions, manage your time and remain focused. Don't let the troubles in life distract you from completing your goal. You can do it and you can actually make the grades you've always wanted if you focus on your education and not the problems going around.
I always did well in high school,grades wise so there is not much advice I would give to my high school self, as far as buckling down and working hard. I would however tell my high school self that college definately is not like high school, your professors will help you, but not give you that extra push they did in high school. I would also warn myself that waiting to the last possible minute to do an assignment is not the way to go in college, there are even more distractions in college and you just have to ignore them and get that assignment done.
I would tell myself not to be so afraid of everything and that life is not as bad as he thinks. That he is as smart and as strong as any other student there and that if he is willing to work hard and sacrifice for what he wants he can achieve anything. He needs to believe in himself and not allow others to dictate his destiny. Edmund Burke stated, "No man could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little".
You are a direct product of your enviroment. Seize every opportunity given to you and never give up. You are not the best student however your determination and your positive mind set will get you through life and provide you the ability to overcome any obstacle. You can be anything you want too be as long as you apply your self. Don't give up you have a very exciting life ahead of you!
I would tell myself to work hard, keep focused, and make sure that I am pursuing the right things. I would also tell myself to listen to counsel from those who have known me a long time and to have fun learning and making new friends.
Retake the SAT and ACT. Study over the summer. Save up money.
Maybe pushed myself a little harder and took harder classes.