Sierra, I know you don't want to go to college. I can assure you that you will not be accepted into the military so study hard and take the college placement exams that are offered to you. You are very intelligent and you know that, but you never push yourself to succeed and it's time to grow up and do that. I know it's hard to believe that you cannot join the military since it's all you've ever wanted, but you will find new ways to be yourself in college and it is an amazing experience. Don't focus so much on growing up so soon, instead be yourself, enjoy life, and work hard at school. You should also take some A.P. courses because you know you can pass them and it will help with college later on. The last thing I will tell you is to complete your spanish classes and start college right after high school ends. Good luck and remember to keep your head up!
I would make as many new friends as I can and get in more exta-curricular activities!
If I had to go back and give advice to myself about transitioning from High School to College, I would tell myself to just relax. Many people see this transition and life defining, in which it is, but they often times get very stressed and end up making mistakes or trying to grow up too fast. The point is that it is a gradual transition, not an overnight ordeal. It takes many weeks and months and even years to become mature enough to take care of yourself. I would tell myself that it's ok to let go of things as well. Life is about change and learning how to cope with it, so I would tell myself to just be clear and calm with decision making. I definitely do not regret anything in the past about my transistion, but being more calm about it would have made it so much easier and enjoyable.
Well I would tell myself what is it that I want to do for the rest of my life which is nursing. I would have joined the CNA program so I would have a better feeling about the field. I would have advice myself to do dual-enrollment and get an early start. I would apply to more scholarships and done better research about schools.
I would have told myself how college is not easy, but is also not impossible and that anyone who really wants to can get through it. I also would tell myself to enjoy it, college is a new stage that some people experience and is very rewarding. Is not only about getting your education, but also about growing as a person. There are so much good things you are going to learn about your proffesion and other subject that you might had not interested in, or knowlegable about. There are so much things out there, so much people. places, cultures, history is just amaizing. I would tell myself that is great to know what you want, but not forget to enjoy every step, because it is does little things that make college, college.
If i could go back in time and give myself advice it would be to be prepared. No matter for what, whether it be for tests or for balancing your life, be prepared. Not everyone is going to be on your side so you have to make sure that you are on your own side by having things organized, making sure you have your p's and q's in line to be able to go into class, or even really life in general knowing that you have done everything to prepare yourself for things expected and unexpected. Being prepared is one of the only ways you can try to control an uncontrollable situation, which you will be facing many of, in college.
i would of given myself advise like getting my a.c.t. done in high school and would of filled out my application for colleges sooner, so i could of went away and gotten into a good school.
I would say that I need to have a career plan to know what major I am going for college. I also need an educational plan to know which classes I am going to take that would apply to my major. I need to have time management to balance my time at home at school and at work. So, I would accomplish my daily tasks as a role of a student, a family member, and an employee. I would also set a time goal for a short and a long term goal, which are my plans for college. In which, when and what year would I be able to graduate from college. Am I going to be a full-time student or a part-time student? I am going to ask myself this question to be a great student and to graduate early in college. This is how I would do it. I need self-determination and self-reliance to achieve my goals and accomplices in life by attaining my highest education which is getting a "Master's Degree" in college. And this will motivate me to have a successful and better life.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to prepare better for college by taking college prep courses and applying for scholarships as it would have saved me a lot of time and helped my financially. I would also let myself know that college is a process and one should never give up!
Work hard, don't give up. Things are different that in highschool. You need to make sure you apply yourself and don't quit!
Looking back now I would definately give myself more advice on study tips and time management. I work full time and take night classes all week, and it is hard trying to manage everything together. Managing when to study, knowing when things are due for certain classes and making sure you get it done on time is very important and sometimes it get really hard to keep up with it all. If you dont study your grades suffer and then you could wind up paying for the same class over again, not something that most people want to do, so if you prepare yourself with better study habbits, and manage your time between classes, and the amount of time you study for each class, you are going to be better off in the long run.