Knowing what I know now about college and making the transition I would advise myself to stay in Texas. If I would of stayed in Texas instead of moving to Florida I could of avoided out of state tuition fees and taking out loans. I've always thought that if you did good in school and you wanted to continue your education that it would be easy and obtainable. It's nothing like I thought. I would tell myself to start applying for scholarships and grants as soon as possible and to get a job that worked around my schedule so I could start preparing to pay for my college education. I'm sure there are many other things I could tell myself to change the position that I'm in but, the truth is that I'm happy. I might not be in the best financial situation but, i will find a way to succed and graduate college.
Stop skipping classes, get your grades up and focus on your SAT and ACT tests to get the highest scores possible to make it simpler to get accepted by a good college.
If I could travel back in time, and give myself any piece of advice, I would stay on top of my school work. I would make sure that my grade point average was as high as it could possibly be, in order for me to be guranteed a scholarship to a great school. I would constantly remind myself to go above and beond on assignments, and on projects, and never do the bare minimums and just slide by. I would also believe in myself and encourage myself just a little bit more.
I would tell my self to wake up and smell the coffee. This is no joke and i need to take at least an hour out of the day for the next month to find my major and set up future class schedules. I would get with my guidance teacher and work on my grades and gpa.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would tell myself to not be so worried. I would also say that even though your highschool teachers didn't prepare you for what is to come in college, you, yourself, are well enough prepared for it. you have personally been waiting for this moment for as long as you can remember, and when you get their, you are going to realize that it's nothing like highschool, and you are your own responsibility in college. ultimately I would tell myself "Don't be scared, Jen. You're ready for this."
If I was given the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would definetely mention the cost of going to college, I would research other colleges and apply, I would aslo fill out more scholarships. I wish I had someone
motivating me to look at different schools and apply. I am the only one in my family to go to college and not having that brother or sister, mom, dad to walk me through it all was difficult. Honestly, I wish I would have saved up money for my books and classes. I have been taking six classes each semester and have been paying over $2000 a semester. Now most people think that it's not so much, but everyone has a different financial situation. I wish that I would have kept applying for scholarships but after filling quite a few out of them out and not receiving anything back, I had lost hope and never filled them out until today. SoI'm being optimistic this time.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a High School Senior, I would make sure to stress the importance of applying for classes early. I would tell myself not to procrastinate in applying for schools, and to make sure my transcripts get sent out early. I would have also retaken the SAT in hopes of receiving a better score.
If i could go back to when i was a senior i would tell myself many diffrent things. For instance sign up for more scholarships because it is expencive for just my mother to pay for school. Also when you first get accepted dont take it as a joke look into all the diffrent classes avalible,dont wait last minute to apply for classes,but most of all tour before you get there because its hard to find your way around a big campus. The top thing i would tell myself is what all my teachers try to me, college is serious there is no room for messing up grdes. So to work my hardest and not to think i can do it last minute because the work is much more difficult. Also have fun make new friends and to live a little.
If I could go back in time and give myself some words of advice during my last year of high school I would have told myself not to rely so much on other people and to have a ?creator? mentality. As young adults we sometimes tend to rely on friends to get things done or to study without realizing how much it is truly jeopardizing our future. My first semester in college I enrolled into a student success class and I can truly say that it was the best decision I have made so far, having taken that class I learned how dependent I was on other people during high school and how much that was hurting me. Thanks to that class, I was able to realize the mistake I was making and adjust my ways. The other piece of advice I would have given myself was to be a creator in every situation and to not focus on the negative things. College gets tough and learning to be a positive in midst of negative situation can take you a long way in life.
Knowing how College life is, I would have advice my self to study more and accostume my self to do readings regularly so that it would not take me by surprise once I started college. In addition, I would have advice my self to save money because the cost of college is higher than what I had expected.