If I could go back to my senior year in high school and give myself advice knowing what I know now the main thing I would tell myself is that you have to read the book. All through school I never really had to read the textbook and I always still did very well. However in college you need the book, there is a lot of information that comes from the books that are very important. Also you are going to need more time to do homework then yoou did in highschool so make sure to make a little more time in your schedule. Another thing keep a calender with you at all times. When a teacher tells you when something is due you can just take out your calender and have all of your due dates in one place. It will help, I promise!
I don't think I would give myself any different advice. Everything happens for a reason and I am extremely excited about my business venture. I have changed my major a couple different times. I can't see myself doing anything else, especially if it isn't business related. The wakeboarding camp I will be opening will be such an amazing experience and it's exactly what I was put on this earth to do. Helping people (especially kids) learn how to do an extreme sport and have fun is the best feeling in the world. The smile they give you when they finally get it and understand what they're supposed to do, and then they do it, well it's priceless. It's going to be a lot of work, but it will all be worth it. Going to work in a bathing suit, board shorts, and teaching people that want to learn and be there is the best job that I can think of. And it won't be a "job." When your passion is your work (wakeboarding and teaching), it's what you do, you love it, and doesn't feel like work.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would say, "Kristine, first go to a Community College, then look into a private university. Because, honestly general education is exactly that, a general education". I was a very good High School Student, I received my honors roll all four years, I attended every single class session, and I completed all my homework. I was so happy when I received my acceptance letter to Embry Riddle, because I thought I knew what I wanted. Also, the price of the college really didnt sink into my tiny little unexperienced brain. I recieved many scholarships, but even so, I still had to take out thousands of dollars in loans. I would of loved to stay at Embry Riddle but the fact that I had to keep taking out loans was just too much of a deterent for me. So, with that said, I would of told myself to go to a Community College or even a Public College. However, because I didnt think of the cost factor I am now at Valencia Community college and probably will be graduating from college in 2013 instead of 2012. *Sigh*
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior it would be great. I would tell myself to try my hardest during my final year of High school so that I can get into a great college and be on track with the other students as well. I would also tell myself to ask for help more often when I dont understand a portion of the material in order to help me improve for the future.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself three years ago i would first say, don't procrastinate! Get your homework done on time and do not wait until the last minute to start it! The first year of college you may want to put partying in front of studying or doing homework, but every class matters, and you should try your hardest. College years are the best time of your life and you need to have good grades to get where you want in life! If you ever need help with school or need advice, there are advisors, conselors and special centers there to help you. Never be afraid to ask for help, and be sure to make good use of the library. Most importantly have fun, be safe and study hard.
The one thing I would have done differently as a high school senior is applying for more scholorships. I did not apply for any because I had bright futures, but what I was ablivious to was the fact I had to buy my books and when I continue to a university I will has to pay 25{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my schooling. Now I am having to work and trying to keep up with my bill while trying to keep up with school as well. If I would have worked harder and applied for scholarships I would not have to work so much and would be able to focus one-hundred percent on school.
Study harder, focus make the right choices early on. Make sure you choose the university that fits you in every way.
If given the option to turn back the clocks of time I wish I would have known one major thing. I wish I would have known that it is okay to not know what exactly you want to be when you "grow up." I thought that once the choice was made that was it. End of story. The end. But that is not true, especially if attending a community college before entering a 4 year university. I began my journey by attending Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., for I wanted to study International Relations and Affairs. But when a loved one experienced a rare medical condition in the brain, my attention drew to the medical field. I have always been interested by medicine, but thought it was not for me until that turn of events. To make a long story short, going to a community college has allowed me not only to get aquainted with the Biological Medical profession but also to save some money.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advised myself to don't get discourage when things are bad or when I don't make the score I wanted to on a test.
Because now I know that financing college expenses is so critical, I would have worked harder in my classes, applied for multiple scholarships, and saved up money for pay for future college costs. I would have estimated my college expenses and figured out how I would pay for college. At this point I am having many financial conflicts, and it is hard to pay for college. I would have carefully eliminated schools that do not meet my expectations and needs. As a high school senior, I would also brainstorm what classes I might want to take. Also because college life is very busy, I would have worked on my time management skills in order to be smart when using time. As a high school senior and upcoming freshman, I would also consider getting involved in campus, as campus involvment is critical as well.