College is not as complicated as it seems and as long as you take advantage of your resources, you will excel and transitioning to college life will be a breeze. You are going to learn the value of not only an education but of hardwork and of making friends. This will not come without frustrations but your best bet is never to worry, it simply will not help in your times of need. It's important for you to remember that you are not your GPA. You can't be summed up into a number. You are your ambitions, your passions, skills and so much more. It may not seem like it right now, but eventually you'll see that the only way to improve the quality of your life is through an education. Don't be scared if you don't immediately get the things that you want, everything happens for a reason. As time goes by, you will change for the better even when you can't see the good in a situation. Never be afraid to ask for help, it will only humble you in the long run. Your education is what you make of it.
As a senior, I knew it all, but doesn't every kid leaving high school? At least that is what we believe then. I would tell myself to go straight to a university, instead of a community college. Though, I am still getting by, and have more then the dedication and drive to make it to the end. I feel I could have shaved about 2 years off my schooling if I would have went staight to a university. As a freshmen in college, I was home, with all my local friends, and all the distractions in the world holding me back. I would have told myself to stay focused, work little and study more. That it may seem scary now, but roughing it today, will mean winning tomorrow. It took me a long time to understand that, but once I did, the rest has been smooth sailing, well as smooth as it can be. To wrap it up; younger me, you are doing great, but there is always an opportunity to do better, dont settle for mediocre.
To make sure you study hard, go through the books and put in the hours for the exams. Talk to the teachers, let them know yoy are intereted, they really help those who show a sincere interest in the subject. Socialize and use the people network.
The advice I would give to incoming students is to not worry about the "prestige of the school" you end up going to as much as I worried. Any person who is selling you on a school has something they have to gain from you going there. Go to the school that you feel has the right options for you and pursue the degree you want. School is a lot of work and if you pursue a degree to please someone else it will be very long and not fun. At the end of the day, it matters not the name of your school nor the degree that you pursue, it is that you completed a degree with success and had fun along the way.
I would have not gotten a girlfriend and started a family. I was 19 back in 1997 when I started going to Valencia. I had just become a father (not on purpose). I couldn't stay in school but I tried again in 2001. Again, I was unable to stay in school because of 911. Now this is my third time and I am very determined to complete my education. Even tho my wife/mother of my two children died July 27th 2013 I won't stop in trying to achieve my goal. I am not only doing this for me but for my two boys and their mother.
If I was able to go back in time to talk to my high school senior self, I would tell him to stay focus in class and create good study habits and teach yourself to be discipline. I will also tell him to not be afraid to stand out from the crowd and be yourself and don't let peers influence you to do things that you wouldn't normally do. I will also tell him to take all of his school work seriously.
Do not burden yourself by trying to grow up to quickly. Stay at home if at all possible. Cut corners, when it comes to being more cost effective. Try renting rather than buying your textbooks for class, as well as selling them back when your done. Always use rate my professor.com to help pick your classes. Having a more interesting and fascinating teacher, helps the learning process as well as making your time in class much more barable. When life becomes too much, always talk to someone. More or less it would be a guidance couselor. Try to avoid takeing out student loans. However, use them when work begins to interfere with your school schedule.
I would say that college life is something awesome because the college help you to grow as person and become a better human. The transition is part to grow and become a professional.
My advice to my high school self would be to not leave home. Remember that college is not a party, but an opportunity to better yourself. Once you start make sure to apply yourself. It is much harder to go back to college after leaving. Attend a local college first to at least complete general education requirements and save on money. Don't be in a hurry to jump into a major. It is okay to not be sure what you want to do right away. Eventually it will become clear. Be involved with groups on campus. This networking in college can help you in you're career later on when you have contacts with similar interests that are in you're field.
To my ambitious, impatient high-school self; focus on saving literally as much money as humanly possible in the weeks before you move away, and then some. Moving will cripple your savings account faster than your grandmother consumes coffee--and you know what I'm talking about, especially the way you burn through currency like an adult male at the peak of his mid-life crisis. Remember not to lose sight of your loved one's--I know you're stoked to leave that town in your rear-view mirror, but don't let the anticipation of everything blind you. Read every single day, when possible--Stimulate your mind with productive, progressive material. Spend significantly less time with all forms of technology, for your sake. You'll fiure out why eventually. Go outside whenever possible and always remember that no force in this world can dictate who you're going to be, society included. Also, don't forget to spend some time applying for scholarships before classes start in the fall- You'wont have to worry about it during winter break of your freshman year. Everything about who you are is going to change soon. It's time to prepare.