Vassar College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Vassar College accurate?


There are a number of gay students on campus, but not any more than I think would be found at any other school. Their visibility and this stereotype may speak to the fact that the Vassar community is tolerant and supportive of all students no matter sexual orientation. As for the sex, everyone is different. And I personally feel that while there are some extremely alternative, hippie, activist, weed smoking types I think that Vassar has become more 'normal' than perphaps it was in the past.


Haha well in alot of ways the stereotypes are indeed true lol. However, the students are not all "weirdos" per se; actually there are a great variety of students here who come from so many different places and there are various styles represented on campus its amazing. In fact, with the new incoming classes the student body seems to be getting more mainstream by the minute. There are different niches of people here so almost anyone can find a group that they can relate to. There is not one type of student. Though the school is very liberal in alot of ways this does not mean that everyone is "enlightened" in that way. Don't assume that everyone is so blanket liberal; there are various viewpoints though some are subsumed more than others. Racial issues and gender issues and other issues still do abound here.


While we are predominantly white and some of us are pretentious, we actually care a lot more about community relations and the world around us than people think. Certainly we are liberal in ideology, but we are diversifying politically.


Maybe half the student body is a bit of an eccentric oddball but you get used to it. We have jocks and preps and whatever you want to find if you're willing to look. But what we lack in normalcy we do make up in general friendliness. Although this might be the case, Vassar students are incredibly caught up with being socially flawless, which isn't possible, so many personal interactions become "awkward" or lack depth because people are too neurotic to actually reach out to others. I'd say a fourth of us are incredibly rich cigarette smoking snobs. The rest are really cool and make Vassar what it is. Even the snobs are lovable.


The school used to be all girls until 1969. Most people are moderate and liberal. Not everyone is a feminist or nonconformist. People are individuals. The drug use on campus is the same as any other university.


Yeah. Just like every place else. But there are enough reasonable, normal people on campus where you don' feel overwhelmed by a massive counterculture or consumed by trendiness. Vassar's a really good place to relax and be yourself, over all.


Yeah, they are, but in a good way. I would say most Vassar students are very hardworking during the week and on sundays. They are more than capable of having fun but also are focused on their studies.


Somewhat. Some tend to be apathetic and adopt stereotypes as a front. Plenty are just nice, liberal kids from the suburbs who happen to be extremely talented and smart. But we tend to hate stereotypes here. And I mean hate. And it's for good reason because stereotypes don't always reflect reality--half the student body is on financial aid (and lots of it), so the image of Vassar as an ivory tower is only partly accurate. No stereotype can accurately characterize a College or its student body.


They exist here, but there are many students who don't adhere to either of those stereotypes.


Yes, Yes, Yes.