Vassar College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Vassar College accurate?


While many of the students are rich, there is also a large number of students on full financial aid. Hipsters do, in fact, abound. People are more apathetic here than truly liberal.


it is accurate in that even though there are many students of various ethnicity here, most of them think and act in a way that is similar to white people.


to an extent, especially the stereotypes about the school itself. There is drug use on campus, but there are also many students who don't use drugs and are just as happy there


I am evidence that we are not all hipsters, and I know plenty of folk who are evidence that Vassar is not comprised entirely of rich folk. The financial aid office is quite good as long as you have actual need (if you have three cars, you need not apply).


1 and 3 are actually fairly accurate (I consider myself a liberal, but am right-of-center on this campus). 2 has some validity as well.


Accurate Accurate.... what is this? we forget that perception is so easily skewed, misinformed, incomplete.


Our LGBTQ community is still in the minority, it's just more prominent. And though there are a lot of girls, 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the population is still male. We do have lots of drama kids, but you learn to deal. While we do have a lot of vegans/vegetarians and environmentalists, they, too, are a minority and aren't particularly pushy about their views. Mostly, it's a live and let live type of atmosphere.


Not at all. I mean, there are the unavoidable few who adhere to these stereotypes, but we have incredible financial aid contribution, and I'd have to say, for the most part, students are very down-to-earth.


Well...they're certainly not inaccurate.


I've found that Vassar students in general really defy categorization and stereotypes; one really can find almost anyone here. Then again, I won't say that there isn't a notable population of the stereotypical, self-righteously intellectual sort. I personally haven't met anyone who uses the word "heteronormative" in serious discussion, but I hear there are plenty of them out there.