Vassar College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Vassar College accurate?


not really, there is a lot more diversity of background, class, experience with sex, drug use, alcohol use, etc., but i think we are influenced by these stereotypes, like sometimes we blame our unhappiness on them not recognizing we have to make our own lives.


Well, yes and no. There are a lot of queer students (both male and females), and a lot of students around campus where skinny jeans and smoke cigarettes. There are also a lot of liberal hippies. However, Vassar has a lot of MOST types of students (there are also very straight, jock men, and very straight non-jock men, and some Republicans, and really some of everybody). There is a lot of apathy on campus, but also a lot of serious activists.


not everyone is liberal, but it is an overwhelming majority


For the most part! Not everyone is gay, although the percentage of queer students at Vassar is probably larger than the percentage of queer people in the "real world." The male:female ratio is pretty low (40:60, or more like 35:65). There are many non-religious students at Vassar, but there are also a fair amount of religious ones. We have a lot of religious groups on campus. And we definitely ARE weird!!! But we like it that way.


The funny thing about it, is that out of all of my friends, I am the only one who is not a varsity athlete, I definitely experience a very non-stereotypical Vassar.


No--the student body is made up of so many interesting, unique people that it's unfair to try to fit us all into a little box


Every school is going to have its stereotype represented. But there are definitely more normal people than weird ones at Vassar. And yes, there is a split between the athletes and the theater but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot of mixing.


We have about 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} females and a strong LGBT community, but every orientation is represented.


To some extent... for maybe half the school's population


They're out of date - nowadays less people fit that stereotype than complain about it.