Vassar College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Vassar College accurate?




These stereotypes can be somewhat accurate, but not to the extremes that some people believe them to be.


Vassar students tend to be liberal, but not every single one is. The atmosphere on campus is certainly socially liberal. Vassar students are not all hipsters, though we probably have a higher percentage than a random population sample. The vast majority of students are pretty normal until you get to know them, and are then usually quirky in a good way, from my experience. And the "isn't that a girl's school?" thing drives us insane. The college has been co-ed since '69, (yeah...) The campus does retain the well-manicured, WASPy, fancy feel of a white-gloves women's college in many of the physical surroundings, but those adjectives don't really describe the students, and haven't for many years.


Yes. Of course, they're only true to the extent that any stereotype is true and we have kids of all kinds at Vassar.


While there are a few more females than males, the ratio is evening itself out. There are also a large amount of gay students but by no means a majority of the campus, nor does it contribute to any sort of negative atmosphere. The student population consists of a wide range of kids, including but not limited to hipsters and hippies.




No, Vassar is co-ed. Sadly, Vassar hasn't been accepting as many quirky kids in the past two years, it's starting to be kind of preppy and alcohol soaked. No, not all kids at Vassar are gay, though many are hetero-flexible and are more interested in a person for who they are than what sex/gender they are.






To some degree, all of them are accurate. Though through these stereotypes, the degree to which each of true is generally exaggerated. There are indeed many queer students on campus, most students are liberal, and the male/female ration is about 40:60.