Villanova University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Villanova University accurate?


For the most part.


These sterotypes are somewhat true. Our campus sometimes looks like a Jcrew ad.


Yes and no. It all depends on who says it, what is said, and how much they believe it. Yes, many of our students come from financially well-off families, but that's probably because the school costs about $42,000 / year and not many people can afford that, even with scholarships and all that. Yes, most of our students are white, but that trend is changing each year. I'm seeing more and more people of different races and religions around campus. And yes, our basketball team is pretty good, even though they've hit a few bumps along the way this year. In general, our athletic programs have rich traditions dating back to their earliest days.


For the most part, no. Vanilla-nova is a term that gets thrown around a lot on campus, mostly because of the perceived lack of diversity. Yet while in the past there may have been some truth to this nickname, the University is very conscious of this problem. They have come up with what they call a "Diversity Blueprint" and have been addressing this problem of Vanilla Nova for the past several years. As for Villa no fun, that stereotype is pretty much completely false. Villanova is located on the Mainline in Pennsylvania, which is full of restaurants, bars, movie theaters, etc. The R5 Septa Rail is also located directly on campus with trains that run every half hour to take you into Philly. The train ride in is only about a half hour ride, so even if there's nothing going on at Villanova one night, there's always something going on in the city.