Getting involved on campus is extremely difficult. Everyone at Villanova is highly ambitious and enjoys volunteer work/clubs/activities. Many clubs or volunteer positions are hard to get because there are so many people interviewing or applying for the spot. Some popular clubs include Blue Key (Campus tours), VUCAT (Villanova Campus Activites Team), Balloon Day (Charity Carnival) and Habitat for Humanity.
Villanova students are constantly out and about on any given night of the week. On the weekends you will mostly find students hanging out in the dorms or hitting the bars on the Mainline. On the weekends, students at Villanova do drink, often times, a lot. But you will find that at just about any college. With that being said, there are several people I know at Villanova who chose not to drink, and still come out to the bars, or hang out and have just as much fun. There is something for everyone.
Freshman year students often leave their doors open in the dorms, but once you move into the Quad as a sophomore, people tend to just hang out with their group of friends and not really leave doors open as much anymore. Freshman year is definitely the time when people meet their closest friends, especially because RA's do a great job of planning bonding activities and events for their residents.
Greek life is a big part of Villanova's campus, but it is not everything. Mostly you will just see people walking around campus with their Greek letters on or hear about a ticket party one of the Frats are having, but other than that, Greek life definitely does not rule the social scene at Villanova.
The are two things that students most look forward to every year at Villanova: Basketball season, and NovaFest. Basketball season is one of the greatest times to be at Villanova, especially when the team is doing well. Everyone comes out on game days to support the team, and win or lose, the student body is made up of die-hard fans. In addition to basketball, NovaFest is an event that happens every spring once the weather gets nice. NovaFest is one of the best weekends to be at school because everyone is outside all day, and there are tons of events on campus from outdoor concerts to free food. During NovaFest, the University also hosts a concert. Bands who have come in the past include: Goo Goo Dolls, Third Eye Blind, OAR, The Roots, Guster and many more.