Villanova University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Villanova University?

Is Villanova University a good school?

What is Villanova University known for?


The best thing about Villanova would be a tie between the people, academics, and great variety of activities. One thing that I would change would be a broader range of places to go, besides frat parties and restaurants (you have to be over 21 to get into any bars on Lancaster). I think I ran into that problem mostly freshman year, but once you become friends with more people, you hear about more things. Not only that, the greatest thing about Nova is that the more you becoem involved in the more people you get to know, so it becomes a more enriched and full college experience. When people here I go to Villanova they always act postively because it's becoming more prestigious from year to year. In fact, it's very strange that the type of people that are applying and attending Villanova from year to year has changed. A couple years ago we were known as having the hotest girls according to Playboy magazine or soemthing, but now the girls and boys are becoming more well-rounded, more interesting and intellectual. Our prestige as a University is definately on the incline. One of my greatest memories was freshman year NovaFest. It's basically when everyone is allowed to party outside on West Campus all day and no one (public safety) cares. There was a GooGoo Dolls Concert at night, it was an all-day event, and so fun. Homecoming and St. Patricks day was pretty up there.


The best thing about Villanova is its population. The one thing I would change is that it seems to me that the same people who are involved in one thing, apply to another thing and get it, whereas some people apply to many extra-curriculars and are not accepted into the programs. I think Villanova is just the right size. When I tell people I go to Villanova, usually they are impressed, because of Villanova's amazing academic reputation. I spend most of my time in the student center, Connelly, on campus. I think there is definitely a lot of school pride, especially when it comes to basketball!! I think the most unusual thing about Villanova is its sense of community, and how everyone has their own niche in the school. Everyone loves the school, and there are different things to fit every personality! One experience I will always remember are my spring break Habitat for Humanity trips. One of the most frequent student complaints is that it is difficult to get involved because everyone at Villanova wants to do everything and that the meal plan is very expensive.


Good size, must get involved on campus in order to have fun, no college town, no good places for underage students, clubs and organizations throw fun parties, great school pride, everyone except seniors spend the majority of their time on campus


The best thing is the people, although it may seem like Villanova is "Vanillanova" there is always room for everyone to find their niche. Although many don't fit in with the stereotypes of the school, everyone usually finds really cool and nice people that they fit in with. Villanova is also very well known for their basketball team, although this year the team isn't doing so well, there is still a great sense of community amongst the students regarding the school's basketball team. The size of the school is just right I believe. Not too big, not too small. Sometimes it may seem like you see the same people all the time, but it really just depends on where you live. Everyday I see someone new that I've never met or spoken with. The location is pretty great as well. It's not too far from Philly and is in a safe and ritzy suburb with nice shopping and restaurants all around the school.


I would add WAY more parking and possibly expand the campus so more students could attend.


I think the best things about Villanova are the education and alumni. I feel that my Villanova education has prepared me well for any occupation (not just the one that my major feeds). It's reputation is strong and getting stronger to be a top school especially in engineering and business. Throughout my college years and since I have graduated, the alumni network is always very supportive. Whether I meet someone who graduated from Villanova at a bar or in a work situation, there is a bond and they always want to help each other. In my experience, the worst thing about Villanova is the underlying resentment of the administration by my friends and I. The discipline and general policy of the University does not support a college academic environment. I did not feel like there is a good relationship between students and administration at all. I constantly feel like I am getting nickel-and-dimed for every little thing (in addition to my $170,000 education). With that said, the professors are typical very good at relating to the students. The gap is certainly with the administration and the student body. I will always remember the big basketball games. I wouldn't say there is a college town but the main line more than makes up for it. It is a real affluent place and I love the restaurants and bars around there. Philadelphia is close but public transport sucks and there really isn't any way to go out in Philly without spending $50 on a cab ride home when the bars close - because of that, no one does it.


Greek life sucks. The police in the surrounding towns are enourmous assholes. Bars around campus are fun and cheap. The Ford Pinto was better designed than our basketball lottery system. Parking is horrendous. The University can be very cheap about certain things, but insists on putting huge flat screen TV's in random locations, which serve little to no actual purpose. Actually they serve none, let's be serious.


Villanova is the perfect size school. Not too big or too small. You can see friends all day walking around campus but then you will see someone totally new. I would consider the surrounding towns "campus towns". Everyone in the area supports our basketball team and businesses allow students to use Wildcat points at their establishments.


There are two things about Villanova that I, and probably everyone else, absolutely LOVE. First is the family atmosphere. When I came here for an official visit, everyone was welcoming and open for a chat, but it didn't seem to be an act for the day. I experienced the same thing when I'd visit my brother on a random day, just for fun. No matter what you're going through, you can always find someone to talk to, someone to listen. The professors and staff really make an effort to get to know the students beyond the classroom. If you're ever down, you have a support system to help you get back up; when you accomplish something, there are so many people with you, happy for your success and perseverance. The other thing that is great about Villanova is the 'Nova Nation. Be it at basketball games, Special Olympics, community service, or Habitat for Humanity, you will ALWAYS see Villanova attire proudly worn by the students, friends, and alumni. Yes, we bring the house down at basketball games. Yes, the Wachovia Center is our home away from home, and we make that loud and clear to all. Yes, we go CRAZY when Villanova wins, especially if it's a win against a ranked opponent. But our 'Nova Nation pride extends beyond basketball. Nearly every student on campus volunteers at some point in the year. We host the largest student-run Special Olympics event in the fall. Students participate in Habitat for Humanity at numerous sites throughout the year on weekends and during semester breaks. Some of our classes also come with a service component, be it weekly service opportunities or end-of-semester volunteer projects. Campus Ministry and the Service Learning Community offer various service options for any time of the day/week. Each year, at the beginning of the school year, we have a St. Thomas of Villanova celebration, and recently one of the components of that weekend has become volunteer service throughout the Greater Philadelphia area. To make this long story short[er], we know how fortunate we are to be here, getting this great education in this amazing institution, and we like to give back a little of what we have to those less fortunate than us. Doing volunteer work isn't a requirement for graduation, but every student feels compelled to do something good for others as soon as they step foot on campus.


The best thing about Villanova is the atmosphere at this University. It's something you experience for the first time when you walk on campus, and something that becomes a part of your life once you attend. Walking around campus you will find that most of the population is happy to be at Villanova, especially in the springtime. There are few things better than being outside on this campus in the spring, and once the weather gets warm enough that's where you will be able to find pretty much everyone. The size of the school is ideal. At just under 7,000 students, the school is small enough that you will come to recognize just about everyone on campus, but big enough that if you don't want to see someone, you really can find a way around that. With that being said, coming from high school 7,000 really can seem like a big number, but not here. Classes are small, and there really aren't that many giant lecture halls on campus. While 7,000 might seem big when we're all at a basketball game, it doesn't seem so big in the class room. Speaking of basketball, if there is one thing to be said about Villanova, it's that everyone here lives for basketball. Nova Nation, as its called on campus, comes out in full swing every time the men's basketball team steps on the court. Even if you don't go to the game, you'll be able to tell if the team won or lost just by spending a minute on campus after the game. When Nova wins you will usually be able to see everyone on their way out to celebrate, and when we lose, you'll probably be able to hear the screams at the TV from all around campus. Even if you aren't a basketball fan, if you never seen a game, or don't even know what it is, Villanova will definitely turn you into one.