A major work hard, play harder attitude. Lots of parties and bars to go to with friends. Small town feel with big city nightlife. Very active social scene. Virginia Tech traditions and football are everything! GO HOKIES!
Tech has a strong Greek community. There are several fraternities and sororities that many students choose to get involved with. Not only do Greek organizations exist, but so do Sports Clubs. Tech has a very successful RecSports program that is home to many sports clubs for both men and women. This program is very competitive. Dorm life as a freshman is an experience that everyone should go through. It is such a blast to be able to meet and bond with the members on your hall. Sometimes, a person may not be so lucky and end up with a bad roommate but other times, you get an awesome person and you become best friends. There are so many things to do in Blacksburg! Hike the Cascades, float down the New River, hike other mountain trails, and enjoy a run on the Huckleberry Trail on a beautiful Blacksburg day.
I think that the DT of VT is better then any other school!
Great social life. My sorority Kappa Delta always has tons of social activities for us. We have events where we just get together and hang out with our sisters and we also have events where we hang out with other greek organizations on campus
Being Greek is becoming very popular at Virgnia Tech, however, if you dont join a fraternity or sorority, you can still have an amazing four years of college.
The opportunities at Tech are limitless...Tech does a wonderful job at offering almost everything to the students. From rock climbing, to dancing, bowling, singing, reading, running...there is a club for it all.
The best part if you cant find a club that you want..MAKE YOUR OWN! you can start whatever club you want and get friends to join.
Virginia Tech lets you be you..and even if others continue to ask what a Hokie is..we will be proud to tell them!
Not too much to do except go downtown and you have to be 21. greek life is pretty big and getting bigger
Students typically leave their dorm rooms open for social interaction. Almost everyone goes to the football games. Only some people go to basketball games. The closest people I know here are my neighbors in my dorm and my sorority sisters. If I am awake on a Tuesday at 2am, I am usually facebooking, studying, or hanging out with my hall. People study hard here, but they party hard too. The weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Saturday. Fraternity/sorority life is important, but not a crucial part of having fun here at tech. Last weekend I went to my friend's birthday party. You can watch movies with friends, or just hanging out with your roommates. Off campus, you can run errands, hang out with older students, grab dinner in Christiansburg; basically whatever you want!
Greek life is amazing on our campus.
Once people turn 21 there is a great DT scene...some of the best bars in Virginia!
People eat late night at Dexpress that is open until 2
There 29374829384 different things to do at Virginia Tech. I have been really envolved with Greek Life. This has made the university seem so much smaller to me.
Greek life is not like typical southern sororities and frats because its like integrated into the school. Even so, it is still the best thing I have done at tech and makes the school feel so much smaller.