Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Students in their dorms leave their doors open when I lived in the dorms, but I don't know if that's changed. Athletic events are very important to Hokies. Most people will go to speakers if they're required for a class, and same goes for the theater. The dating scene is alright- one person told me before coming to Tech "the odds are good, but the goods are odd" since there are so many engineers here, but I've been able to meet plenty of decent guys here. I don't think people generally go on 'dates' but if they do, it's usually out to dinner downtown and a movie or coffee at one of the coffee shops. The majority of Tech students go out between 1-3 times a week (Thursdays are especially popular among Greeks). Fraternities and sororities are popular at Virginia Tech, but you can definitely have fun and make friends without joining one. For people who don't drink, the BreakZone on campus is an alternative (bowling, pool, darts) or there's the Lyric where you can go to a movie.


FOOTBALL. everyone loves it. basketball is growing in popularity as we get better. There is something to do socially every single night if you are looking for it. Tuesdays and Thursdays are big going out nights to bars downtown. If you are under 21, some bars are less strict and others (TOTS) you really can't even try to get into. Greek life is only about 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of campus so Fraternity parties are only one option (but a popular one, especially for freshman girls and sorority girls). Apartment parties are pretty prevalent as well. Walking down Roanoke Street at midnight on a weekend (weekends start on thursday night at the latest), you'll hear parties and probably will get invited to one.


If you can dream it, you can do it. There are a copius amount of sports (Varsity, Club, and Intramural), there are clubs for almost EVERYTHING you could possible form a club for, and if it doesnt exist... you can create it yourself. Living on and off campus are both amazing options with pros and cons. If you are the type of person that just likes to chill, hang out, go to school, and do nothing, you can do that very easily. If you are the type of person that needs to go go go every second of everyday, it is EXTREMELY easy to do that as well.


Being a member of a Greek chapter here at tech, I would probably say that they are the most popular. Being in Kappa Delta always keeps me busy. People also love sporting events, primarily football.


Great social scene. Students love to study hard and party harder. Perfect location. Lots of apartment parties and bars. LOVE IT!


Being in a sorority has opened alot of doors for me. Going through rush, you meet so many wonderful women. After joining a sorority, you have several opportunities to meet others by participating in philanthropies and other social events. Now that I am in a sorority, I feel that the campus is much smaller.


Athletic events specifically FOOTBALL are huge here. People party probably two nights a week if there isn't school work to be done. The atmosphere is very social dorm doors are usually open. Greek life is not the be all end all in the social scene either. It's not so big that everyone has to be in something but its not so small that it isn't worth being involved.


Sororities and Fraternities allow people to meet the most people. Circles intertwine and you can meet people through people. Athletic events are HUGE. Everyone goes on Saturdays to football games and tailgates. People party three nights a week, Thursday-Saturday. People leave their doors open but it's not unusual to close it and knock to get someone. I met my closest friends in my dorm and sorority. Things I join is where I meet the most people, not so much classes, although there are a few. If I'm awake on Tuesday at 2 am it's either cramming for an exam or hanging out with my friends in the dorm. A lot of people could be downtown at TOTS. On a Saturday night when I'm not drinking I'll go watch a movie at a friend's house or go to the movies in Christiansburg or go out to eat with my boyfriend downtown or in Christiansburg.


SGA and SAA are pretty large, and easy to get involved in as a freshmen. Depending on how close you and your hall are is how your dorm situation will be. There are lots of things to do here especially when it is warm: the quarry, river, cascades, and Huckleberry trail.


hmmm... Greek life i would think I'm in SGA and KD and they are both really different, but fufill gaps that i lost when i left highschool and came to college... the over achiever side and the sisterhood/social side YES! everyone leaves thier doors open in my dorm if they are home ATHLETIC EVENTS= WAYYY popular!!! GO HOKIES!!!!!!! guest speakers and theater/arts are also frequently attended awake on a tuesday aat 2am... sprinting to get to DX on time to get a chicken sandwhich before it closes or studying/doing hw ring dance, fireworks on the drillfield, spring game, etc. people party a pretty good bit... i don't because i'm an engineering student and study ALL THE TIME... but it's def. got a good party scene if you're into that Greek life is pretty big here, but if you're not Greek... no big deal last weekend i attended field games for a fraternity, went to a friend's apartment to hang out go bowling, see a movie, hang out in the dorms with friends, go into christiansburg and go shopping, hang out outside on the drillfield and play soccer or frisbee, go to a performance, go out to eat, go to the cascades to hike... etc.