Unless your greek, your out! The most eventful social events are held by the greek community and if you aren't a part of the greek community then you are mostly out of the loop.
There are SO MANY ways to get involved and expand your social network at Virginia Tech. Greek life is great here. We have an amazing sports programs, for both Varsity, club, and recreational levels. There are hundreds of student organizations for interests ranging from dance to music to art to religion to various hobbies and interests... the list goes on.
I am invovled with several groups. I'm a sister in a great sorority, Kappa Delta. I am also the director of Sensations, an all-female a cappella group here at VT that sings at events all over campus. I am also in Student Alumni Associates, "SAA," a group that works with the alumni association to host events like reunions, faculty appreciation day, hokie spirit picnics, etc.
Students in dorms and other on-campus housing such as greek houses are very open and social. It is common to walk through a dorm and see all the doors open. Everyone makes great friends as a freshman living in teh dorms because you meet so many people.
Athletic events are obviously huge here. I don't think I really need to go into that further!
The dating scene is great here! As I said before, there are so many people here that you are constantly getting the chance to meet new people!
I met my closest friends through a wide variety of things. Some I met during my orientation to Virginia Tech the summer before we began our freshman year. Some I've met through my singing group or SAA. Obviously Greek life has led me to a huge number of close friends, both in my chapter and others.
Virginia Tech is a very fun campus, but there is a healthy balance between hard work and fun. We work hard and play hard!
Fraternities and Sororities in my opinon are a great way to get involved and meet people, but they certain are not the only thing to get invovled with on campus. There are hundreds of other groups and activies for those that chose to not be part of a Greek organization.
There is SO MUCH to do here that does not invovle drinking. There is always something going on, whether it's an a cappella concert, ring dance, a dance company performance, movies at the lyric theatre, bowling in the student center, movies on the drillfield, sporting events, etc. The list goes on and on.
Joining a sorority has definitely showed me a great social life at tech. whether it is going downtown or to a party its always a good time!
Greek life is huge at Tech. There are always fundraisers, philanthropies, events, and parties that are being hosted by sororities and fraternities. Athletic events are also huge-- especially football and more recently basketball. It is always fun to go to these events and the entire town basically shuts down on gamedays. To have a saturday night of not drinking there are the options of-- going to the new movie theatres in Christiansburg, Christiansburg in general, drive-in Sonic, many great restaurants, and there are organizations that have planned dry events.
People party three days a week. The weekend starts on Thursday and continues till Saturday. If you are 21 then you probably go downtown on Tuesday night for karoke.
Sports teams and greek life. I am in a sorority and love it. I came here not knowing anyone and I have made my best friends. I leave my door open, but I know everyone in the house and it is always locked. I wouldn't do the same thing in a reg. dorm. Athletic, guest speakers, and theater are all popular, to me. It is easy to date if you go ut or go to class. Well I am probably drunk on Tuesday at 2am, but any other semester I would probably be studying. Homecoming and football season are the two traditions that come to mind. People probably party twice a week. I think grekk life is important but I think only 18{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the campus is greek. Last weekend I went to bars every night except Satuday where I watched a movie with some friends. On saturdays, I have camped out, gone to movies, gone out to eat, shopped, watched movies with friends instead of drinking. I eat off campus one a week, go to bars and movies.
Greek groups are very popular. So is the SGA. Sport teams get a lot of attention. Depending on dorm & hall if students leave their doors open.
Not sure what the "popular" groups on campus are but I did TKD for many years. When I lives on campus that one year we left our door open for the most part. I met one of my closest friends through the women's engineering groups and the others were through her and one was my next door neighbor in the dorm. We did not go to athletic events but some guest speakers and plays and movies. I was usually awake at 2am, either going to eat at Joe's dinner, watching TV or playing a video game. People seem to party alot. I always thought fraternities/sororities were stupid. You can watch movies, hang out with friends, go bowling instead of drinking.
GET INVOLVED. go to the river, go to the cascades, go downtown to eat sometimes. make friends on your hall and stay in, watch movies, go bowling/play pool on campus, catch a movie.
The key is to keep your door open the first two weeks of school. COMPLETELY TRUE.
benefit of a large school, if you want to go out there are people to do that if you want to stay in there are people to do that too!
My closest friends live with me in the dorm. Hall style dorms are definitely the way to go as an incoming freshmen. As most any other school, living in a suite can make it difficult to meet other people. We have an amazing time in the dorms, watching movies, having random dance parties for no good reason, silly in the dorm is a good life. There are also always people to complain to, to ask for scissors from, and to get to know you better than most friends you grew up with (not to mention plenty of girls who share your love for Nathan on One Tree Hill). I have made the best memories from just a lazy, rainy Wednesday afternoon with my hall mates.
I am a part of CRU (Campus Crusades) at Tech and it has been an amazing way to meet people and learn about religion. I haven't fully proclaimed myself as a Christian but this group of people shows me a good time regardless. They have the 'Five-dollar prom', 80's skating parties, formals, tubing on the New River, and Karaoke nights that draw hundreds of students. That is one thing that I think stands out apart form other schools, at Tech, if an event is planned and advertised, people will go. In fact, usually LOTS of people go. There is a general enthusiasm amongst the students to be a part of the school. We love being Hokies!
That reminds me of the Corp of Cadet vs. Civilian snowball fight. It is not officially sponsored by VT but somehow the word spread and at least 2,000 brave souls gathered on the drill field after the first snow ball to engage in a brutal battle of the ice balls. It was a quite a sight.
Yes, there are parties here...really? Is that a question? Alcohol flows like a creek through the middle of campus, but although Saturday night can be easily stumbled home from a frat house or giddily ridden home on the BT Drunk Bus, it can also be spent plenty of other ways. Bowling at BreakZone, movies in Squires, concerts (O.A.R. and Dave Matthews Band this year were AMAZING!), and game nights are just a few options for a sober night. My roommate tried to get me to go to a Salsa class last week and I've seen break dancers graze the lobbies of Squires on Thursday nights. In the summer I suggest staying sober though, because the nights when we take blankets, guitars, frisbees, and soccer balls to the drill field and act like hippies under the stars have been nights I will never forget. Football and basketball games stay going until 2 a.m., and last semester the school put a huge projector up on the drill field and played a movie. If smoking is your thing it seems that year-round Hookah is set up by students throughout campus and many go downtown to the Hookah bar to diligently practice their smoke-rings.
People aren't horny rabbits at Tech. Parties=sex, SOMETIMES, but overall there are a few serious couples and a few testing the waters but if you're single it's not as if you'll be jumped right as you step on campus. As far as I have observed, kids here take is slow and find someone they really care about...and with 27,000 students there is always somewhere to look. The goths and hardcore rocker punks are a little harder to come by, but chances are there is someone on campus that is just like you, and that wants to date you!