Greek Life is pretty popular on campus, but not everyone is in a greek organization. Also, several Hokie related organizations are popular such as our tour guides, alumni associations, and SGA. Students absolutely leave their dorm doors open during the day, inviting anyone on the halls to stop by. It is the easiest way to meet people your freshman year!
People party anywhere from zero to three types a week. Everyone is a typical student, and no one judges you for not going out or for going out. Greek life is a way to make the school smaller, although people are friends regardless of affiliations.
sports and Greek life are proficient
A large part of Virginia Tech social life is the football games. The entire atmospher leading up to game day is inexplainable. It is one of the reasons that brings Virginia Tech closer together, untied by our school pride.
-Athletics are a large part of students at Virginia Tech. Another popular group is the Greek community. Athletic events are for the most part important to many students on campus. A good amount of people often attend speakers and theatre events.
The most popular groups on campus are the sororities and fraternities, hands down. I don't mean to be biased because I'm in one, but its just the truth. I'm in Kappa Delta Sorority. We are a top sorority with the second highest GPA on capmus. All of my closet friends are in a sorority. If i'm awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I'm downtown or out with friends. People party a lot. Fraterinities and sororities are important, but you don't have to be in one to have friends. They are just very well represented around campus.
Student Government Association and Student Alumni Association are pretty popular organizations along with sports teams and greek life. I am involved in a sorority on campus. Most students do leave their doors open during various times of the day, but then there are some that do not as well. Athletic events are very popular at Tech especially football and basketball, but all of the sports are great. We usually have really amazing singers/bands come to Tech or different places around Blacksburg so I usually try to take advantage of that. We had the concert for Virginia Tech (dave, john mayer, phil vassar, nas), gym class heroes, OAR, phil vassar, SOJA, badfish, and a bunch of others. There are also all types of shows and events going on all the time on campus like the different a cappella groups on campus (their concerts are always really fun) and same with the fashion show.
At 2 am on a tuesday, I am either sleeping, studying, or out at a social with my sorority.
Some people do not party at all, others party every night of the week. It kind of depends. I usually go out 2-4 times during the week depending on stuff that I have going on. Fraternities and sororities are important in my opinion because I am in one, but there are obviously thousands of students who are not involved in greek life. There is a fairly large number of students involved in either a fraternity or sorority though so it's awesome.
I think, like most public colleges, Virginia Tech has a large social scene. Athletics are a huge part of this. I think everyone has their niche of things to do and people to spend time with. Because of the size of the university, there really is something for everyone. Being a part of a Greek organization, I have noticed how people in the Greek Community are more in touch with the rest of the university as well. It has been great to see how we have grown, and continue to take leadership roles within the school. Whether it be on SGA, Orientation Leaders, SAA, or other organizational committee chairs, the Greek Community stays very active and involved.
Greek life rules the VT social scene-
The weekend begins on thursday.
Tuesday is a popular night downtown for those students over 21.
There are may frat parties to choose from each weekend and people throw parties in their apartments too.
Everyone attends the football games and a good portion go to the basketball games as well.
I met my closest friends through my sorority and through their friends. Our nights do not always consist of drinking; that gets tiresome. We have 'game nights' with our neighbors in our appartment building where we play Catch Phrase, Monopoly, Outburst and other fun interactive games!