Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Some of the most popular groups on campus are inter mural sports. The inter mural teams provide athletic students with the opportunity to keep playing the sport they love without having to dedicate so much time that it interferes with their academics responsibilities. I am involved with the Virginia Tech Language and Culture Institute's Conversation Partner program. The program pairs a native English speaker with an international student to assist them in their mastery of the English language. The experience has been extremely enriching and rewarding for both my partner and I. Students in dorms do not leave their doors open when they are not in the room for the most part. Athletic events, especially football games, are extremely popular. Football is a culture at Virginia Tech and the season kicks off Fall semester with a ton of spirit and pride. If you're awake at 2 am on a Tuesday and you're 21, you're most likely at Top of the Stairs, the most popular bar in Blacksburg. They have karaoke every Tuesday night and it's known as 'TOTS Tuesday.' There are people at Virginia Tech who party too often and those who never party at all. It is important to learn how to balance your school and social life early on in order to be successful. Fraternities and Sororities have a presence, but not an overbearing one. I am a Senior who has never been in a sorority and I have had a very healthy social life. You do not need to join Greek life to have a good time. I live off campus so I spend a lot of time in my apartment. We go hiking, out to eat, and to movies off campus.


I would say any groups or activities are more popular than others. There are strong followings for everything from Intramural soccer to live action role playing. Just walking past the Drill Field on any given day you will witness anything from pick-up ultimate frisbee games to impromptu quiddich matches to circles of musicians playing together. Anything you have an interest is, there is a group or team for. While most of my friends, I met through my freshman year dorm, some of my best friends are from the groups and activities I participated in. The best way to make friends is to put yourself out there and do as many things that interest you as possible. You will make life long friends that you have something in common with and that is just about the most important you can take away from a college experience.


There are countless activities and groups to join here. Ranging from religious groups to intramural sports teams to fraternities/sororities to student unions. From what I've seen, all are open to those who wish to join. But even if you don't choose to be a part of any specific organization-- Almost everyone goes to the football games, and when you're standing in Lane Stadium, wearing maroon and orange, you ARE a part of something great.


Great concerts when I was there-- I was involved with the VA Tech Union and we picked who we'd bring on campus, so that was awesome. I got to meet a ton of bands--Blues Traveler, Allman Brothers, Stanley Jordan, Indigo Girls, etc. The Gin Blossoms even did an introduction for me for my demo tape when I was trying to get into news reporting! So much to do in Blacksburg-- football games are a ton of fun. There's a good nightlife scene with bars and parties and it's great for folks who like the outdoors. When the weather was nice, we spent every weekend on the river or hiking. I started staying for summer school after my sophomore year and these are still some of my favorite memories... bars weren't crowded, tubing after class, ahhh.... I miss the 'burg!


I am in a sorority and am on the dance company and I could not be happier or more social, I always have something going on and I wouldn't want it any other way.


Greek life is by far the best thing that has happened to me at VT. I had no idea that so many amazing people could be in a room at one time! There's an almost instant bond. And joining clubs and organizations that are interconnected (like a greek organization) is a great way to socialize and meet other people. we often collaborate on fundraising projects for various philanthropies and help out the community together. Downtown is definitely the place to be on a Thursday night. Tuesdays at TOTS (a 21+ bar) is karaoke night and one friend of mine called it "the studio 54 of Blacksburg" where the who's who of VT gathers. Of course there's the Saturday night that everyone just kinda chills and relaxes. My friends and i like to get together and grab dinner and ice cream and junk food and sit around watching movies and catching up on our busy week. "As I was standing on the sideline of the Virginia Tech game, I could not believe what I was witnessing. It was an absolute downpour, with rain and wind swirling around Lane Stadium, and it didn't seem like Tech fans were even the least bit fazed. There were 66,000 of them booming their chant, doing their absolute best to intimidate their opposition (it at least worked for me). Then, they cut off the chant, and their "Enter Sandman" opener began playing. I don't care what you saw on TV or YouTube; words cannot describe what was taking place. The stadium was literally shaking. My ears hurt. And even as a lowly photographer, I was absolutely terrified, and the game hadn't even started. It was the most unbelievable display of fanhood I had ever witnessed, in professional or amateur sports." - courtesy of the Boston College Newspaper


In the fall everything basically surrounds football and football weekends. In the spring it is just a mix of sorority and fraternity events and as soon as it is warm the river.


There are a ton of way to get involved on campus and many of these outlets provide a way for student to enhance their social life. No matter what your interests may be there is someone else who will share them and will embrace you.


We have more organizations than you could imagine. I mean we even have an intertube water-polo team. If there isn't an organization you like, it is soooo easy to start your own. We have a large greek community. We have an awesome Student Government Association. We have a great atheltic program, football, baseball, softball, lacrosse, basketball, volleyball, and not to mention we are ACC CHAMPS! There is a sense of electricity in the air because there is always something buzzing or going on. Campus is full of activities and off campus and the surrounding communities are always fun.


I really love Kappa Delta. Yes I am a little bit partial but I think it is a wonderful organization along with many others on campus.