Most popular--rec sports clubs and greek life.
I played club volleyball for 5 semesters--it's definitely it's own sorority. We practiced 4 days a week, had 3 or 4 tournaments a semester, ate together, drank together, and had our own drama.
My roommate and I kept our door open all the time, but it depends on your hall/pod.
Athletic events are crucial, especially football games--everyone goes. Basketball games are really popular too, but not everyone goes (aren't enough places to sit).
Guest speakers aren't as popular, depending on who it is, and I know theater isn't as popular--the only reason I've ever gone is because I had to. We aren't a liberal arts school, though.
I met my closest friends in my dorm my freshman year, and I met another one of my best friends out my first night in college through mutual friends.
You're either downtown or studying.
A lot of people don't party, but there are some that go out everyday. Greek life is much more involved in partying, but a lot of students don't drink at all. Although I rarely go out anymore, on average I went out two nights a week.
I feel like my life is run by sororities, because all but one of my best friends are in one--they've ruined my social life, because I'm NOT in one and everyone else I know is.
I studied Thursday night, I hung out and watched movies with my roommates Friday night, and I came home Saturday.
You can go to movies, hang out with friends, go to athletic events, go to campus events....
I live off campus, go to the gym off campus, etc
Popular groups at VT include sports teams (varsity and club), Greek organizations, academic organizations and political organizations...
Sporting events, mainly football, are huge here at VT.
Meeting people occurs through old friend networks, classes and organizations...
If I'm awake on a Tuesday at 2am it's because I'm at TOTs Tuesday...(a popular bar with Karaoke) Students party as much as they'd like to, but yes, I'd say it's pretty prevalent.
There are a lot of things to do to occupy your weekends if you're not too keen on partying though. There are a ton of scenic places to go hiking, swimming/rafting, fishing and other outdoorsy things and there are movie theaters, malls etc not too far off either.
Organizations and teams are a huge part of the VA Tech community. Fraternity and sororitity members are spotted all over campus in their letters on a normal basis. Sport team members also have a big acknowledgement on campus because of our overwhelming support for Hokie sports. Athletic events are an exciting past time for the majority of Va Tech students. In fact, football season is probably one of the things students look forward to the most each year.
I have met my closest friends through my sorority, as well has having friends from high school here at Tech and the friends I met freshman year that I still have remained close with. If I am awake at 2 am on a Tuesday it is because I am just getting home for the night. Tuesday at Tech means TOTS Tuesday karoake-a known favorite among the seniors. How much you party depends on YOU. Any day of the week, there is definitely someone willing to go out with you. However, there are a lot of things around Blacksburg that you can do if you don't want to party. On a Saturday night, you could hit up the lyric or New River Valley Cinemas for a movie, go out to eat in Christiansburg, or simply just hang out at a friends apartment.
If I'm up at 2 am on a Tuesday its probably because I have a test on Wednesday morning. I live in a dorm and keep my door open all the time. Kids can get kind of rowdy so I close it when sleeping or studying. Athletic events are a huge deal and everyone wants to go. Football games are the best as long as you have season tickets or good luck in the lottery. Fraternities and sororities are a great part of Virginia Tech. They make campus a lot smaller and let you get close with a great group of people a lot like yourself. They also give you an outlet to give back to Blacksburg and further. On a Saturday not drinking you can go see a movie at the lyric, go to the mall in Christiansburg, go to the Cascades, go tubing in the New River, or even see where dirty dancing was filmed. Last weekend I went to a dinner at the Inn for the 35th tridelta reunion.
I love greek life, I would recommend it to anybody and I'm pretty sure everybody gets a bid if they rush. I always have something fun to do if i want to go out and people to stay in with if thats what im looking for.
-football, greek organizations
-Student Alumni Associates, it is the most outgoing organization and so much fun, we are liasons between the school and alumni
-athletic events are the most popular
-college students don't really "date" anymore ...this is the same at every school though
-I'm not really sure, we just all kind of found each other
-at Jimmy Johns eating because I just left TOTS
-too many to name!! Maroon and Orange Effect, Ring Dance, Big Event, etc.
-about 3 or 4 nights a week
-important - they support so many good causes and raise money for so many groups in need
-I was home for spring break
-go to dinner and a movie
-go downtown, run errands
I am involved in the class system which deals with the class ring tradition which is very big here, students leave doors open, athletics are huge here, guest speakers draw crowds based on popularity, theater not really, dating scene is very good, i met my closest friends in class, if i am up at 2 am I am usually partying, traditions include football, pep rallys. people party often, frat and sorority life is prevelent but not necessary at all, not drinking you can go to the restaurants downtown, a movie in christiansburg, a show at the lyric theater, concerts in burruss hall
Greek life reins as the most popular social groups. I played on the club mens lacrosse team for a fall season and really enjoyed it. I would still be playing if I hadn't gotten injured. the difference between the traveling club sports team and a greek sorority or fraternity is people join a greek organization for many different reasons. Popularity, networking, social status, friends in the org., leadership experience, business experience, etc. These differences in maintaining ties to the organization as I have witnessed makes it difficult and a constant effort to keep a unified group. Everyone on the Lacrosse team shared a very important common interest, a love for the sport. Unity was never an issue.
Not difficult to make friends. People are friendly just looking to have fun. I don't believe in prerequisites for a social scene, other than compatible personalities. Mine is fairly compatible with most. I don't have trouble socially.
Many social circles drink often, many others do not ever. Anyone can decide to surround themselves with a variety of settings to feel comfortable.
Women's Center (S.A.V.E.S)
So are the activities.