The annual snowball fight is the coolest thing that happens all year. It's civilians vs corp and you are guaranteed to get powder shoved in your face.
Athletics are a big deal a VT its second only to academics....if you don't like sports of some kind, your gonna feel wierd. But please keep in mind that sports range from football to fencing to dance to hockey, so even though we're really into our athletics its varying
The most popular organizations would have to be VTU and BSA, solely because they put on the events that students look forward to coming out to such as concerts that they're favorite bands will be taking part in. Depending on the floor, class and type of person, doors can be found open or closed. Athletic events, primarily football is number one here at VT. The dating scene is not something that I observe because I have been happily taken before I became a student here. I met my closest friends in classes and on my hall at the first hall meeting. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I must be up doing work and studying. Traditions that happen each year are the step shows, balls that they sororities and fraternities put on and the concerts in fall and spring. People can party any day of the week if there are no classes. I feel as if sororities and fraternities are important because although they do not broadcast it, they do a tremendous amount of community service and outreach. Last weekend, I attended the BOC Culture show and Winterfest. I go to sleep on Saturday nights because the weekend is the only time that I get to relax. Off campus, I usually walk around Walmart or go out to IHOP with a group of friends.
Students often leave their doors open, and it makes it easy for people to make friendships or meet people freshmen year. Guest speakers tend to only be popular if it is someone relatively famous. I wish more students would go to the lesser known speakers - and that departments and teachers were more active in encouraging and informing students of such events around campus. I met my closest friends through clubs, as well as those who lived on my hall freshmen year. I wish I met more people through class, however it is often hard in giant lectures when people don't interact. If I'm up that late on a Tuesday, it is because I'm doing homework. The only tradition that really comes to mind is a giant snowball fight each year. Some people party every weekend, others a few times a month, others never. There are even those that party multiple times a week, from Weds-Sun. I guess to some Greek life is important, however almost all of my friends have not been involved in it. Last weekend I was at Hunter College for a fencing tournament. Sober weekends include going to the movies, or going to Squires for pool/bowling. The fencing club has socials, usually potlucks, but those are rare since tournaments take up so much time. Honestly, there's not much that is catered towards a sober crowd, though.
Virginia Tech has a plethora of activities that have a way of finding you no matter how hard you try to avoid school involvement. Any given night, there is something to do, whether it's a guest speaker, a concert, a lecture series, career training, movie premier or club activity. The clubs and groups at Virginia Tech are countless. I can guarantee you will find more than five clubs that fit your most unique interest, and if you can't, make it! Social lives revolve around being part of activities. There is a great cross over between the two. For example, nothing is more common that spending your afternoon in a club meeting and your evening at a club get together downtown. That is just how things around here transpire.
Greek life is something like 13 percent of campus, but it seems to me to be more than that. That might be because my 3 roommates are all in different sororities, and most people I know are Greek. It's a great way to broaden your horizons, but it's not for everyone. You can rush freshman or sophomore year. So if you're not sure, just hold off a year and feel it out. As far as dorm life, I didn't have a great experience. The dorms are dirty! The bathrooms are one each floor, and they don't get cleaned on the weekends. Freshman year, it was so nice to go home to a real shower. As far as people leaving their doors open and being friendly, it really depends who's on your hall. My hall wasn't close, but I have many friends who made their very best friends on their hall, and who consider their dorm experience among the best of all of college. Personally, the day I moved into my apartment sophomore year that wonderful. Quality of life skyrocketed. And this year, being 21, I moved to an apartment downtown. I can't recommend that enough. I get to walk everywhere: class, bars, bars, class, restaurants. Coming from Northern Virginia I've never gotten to walk anywhere really. It's such a great experience to be able to live downtown and walk everywhere. Weekend life is great, there's never a dull moment. There are people who drink all the time, and people who don't. There are bars and parties and groups of people who do other things. Campus Crusade for Christ is a Christian organization that plans social events that don't involve drinking. Anyone can have fun here. Athletic events, such as FOOTBALL, as huge here. People look forward to them year round. They are so much fun, and they bring the community closer. I've heard that many people made their decision to come here based solely on the energy they felt from attending one football game. And some of those people don't even particularly like football. It's an event on such a huge scale that goes beyond the actual game itself. VT is fun for pretty much anyone. I haven't met many people in my 4 year career here that have difficulty enjoying social life here.
The groups are nice because they are usually small and only involve the motivated students. A lot of people come to college just to drink and get laid and it's nice to know that some people are here to expand their mind.
The biggest thing to do in the fall is FOOTBALL!!! Tailgates are where it's at. Greek life is prevalent but definitely not necessary in order to enjoy your college years. However, Greeks definitly do have more fun.
Dining halls on campus are ammmazing. Hokie girll, or Ho grill as we call it is my favorite. D2 is an all you can eat dinning hall and has everything you could ever want. West end is also pretty amazing. Anytime you're feeling classy you can head to west end and order up some lobster and steak.
The student body at Virginia Tech is Blacksburg's main population. When the weather is nice outside many kids go the River to have cookouts or go tubing. The Cascades is a beautiful place that a lot of students like to go hiking. It has a beautiful waterfall and a place to go swimming.
For the majority, there isn't really too much to do in Blacksburg apart from hanging out with friends. You create your own fun.