Virginia Wesleyan College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Wesleyan College know before they start?


I would tell myself to start looking at colleges early. It takes a lot of time to look at them all and to call and ask questions if you need to. Also, definitely start applying for scholarships, as many as possible and as soon as possible. I don't really feel like there is much I could've told myself to help with the transitioning I feel like the whole experience is something you have to just go through. One last piece of advice, this is no longer public school, this is school that you are now paying for so it is something you should take very serious, it's all up to you.


If I had the opportunity to go back in time to the younger, me, I would say, “Jade, start worrying about college NOW.” I would tell her how important it is to do well not only in the higher levels of high school but all levels. I would say that you start preparing for college before you even get to high school. Jade, don’t let all those people tell you, “You’re young; you have plenty of time to worry about college later.” There isn’t a later! Everything is happening in the now, and honestly, if you don’t worry about later NOW, later isn’t going to come. I would tell her that college is going to be some of the most important years of her life. I would tell her this: “You’re smarter than you think, little Jade. I know it and it is why I am here now writing this to you. Don’t ever give up despite how challenging college is going to be. It is going to be worth it in the end. You’re going to be more proud of yourself once you look and see what you’ve accomplished.”


Knowing how the financial circumstances around the world in these nowadays, my advice for myself would be that I choose a career in the health field, maybe in medicine, pharmacy or nursing. This because in high school ages we are not to sure of what we want and sometimes we think we know a lot about life an desicions. Maybe if in my High School years I had followed the recommendation and advice of my family I had choose a career in these fields. I have a degree en psychology but I can't find a job so now I'm studying pharmacy technician because I need a stable career job. And knowing how the world has change now I know that study a major or a career in health sciencies I could find a work.


I would tell myself to get more involved in school. I would have done Key Club, NHS, and everything else. I wish I had done more athletic activities than just the band's color guard. And even in color guard I could've tried harder and tried to be involved in it every possible way.


The life in college it's really good, I was take the count class in sumer, was excelent for the person who never been there (in college) because the profesor explain how you can succesful in college, starting organize, acount your grades, tutoring for the clases, transfer at the university, how appling for financial id for school, how to do your homework and study for your exams it a complete clase, in fact you can understand how the college life it's for you and whay you have to be so formal and responsable if you want to study in serious, if not don't waist your time and some bodys sit too, in addition you see the a lot of programs what they have for help at the students who want to study in the campus, for example they have a E.O.P program the studens can have tutorial three time for semester and have boocks for each semester ( the studend need to rent the books for free) so it's a good program if you want to study and be a different person in your life, it's just to challenge your self and motivate the change.


Hello future college student, the next amount of years you are about to experience are life changing, but worth the time of your life. People may constantly complain about doing the work and dedicated numerous hours of studying, but you will eventually learn how vital it will help your career in forming in the future. With professors and staff who put students' education before their own work, you will only look at success with your dedication and commitment. Many students are also there to lend a hand in need of study help or social activities to keep you comfortable throughout your college experience. Overall, the dedication and hard work will put you on the right path to your career.


I would tell myselfto prepare for th unexpected and not set such highexpectations for othes. Going into college was slightly what I expected. The maturity level of majority of the people was immensly lower that what I thought


To make more friends before I got here and to make friends at other schools so I had something to do on weekends.


Ensure that the school is affordable, not just attractive. Ensure class sizes are small enough for you to have personalized attention from professors. Pay attention to the professors that are teaching - make sure they are not only adjunct, part time, and have experience in the field to share with students to supplement the teaching. Begin at a two year school and transfer to a four year school! It will save you thousands of dollars in the long run. Make sure you READ and REREAD all financial aid requirements and responsibilities. Research options for studen loan repayment AHEAD of time - before you're even out of school because you may have to meet certain requirements while in school or immediately following graduation to qualify for some payment options and/or loan forgiveness programs. Become involved! If you were shy in high school, STOP CARING and worrying about what others may think of you. If you are kind and receptive to others in college, you can do anything, participate in everything and you WILL have the time of your life. Don't hide in your comfort zone. Leap out of it! Study hard...and have fun!


First and most important of all, use all the resources the college supplies to the fullest. Meaning, get every single thing out of college since you paid for it. Homework and reviewing over the work in class is an important part of succeeding in the course and grade. Remember that unlike high school, there are only a few exams that determine your knowledge, therefore give your best interest in understanding the information clearly. Notes are important as well, they lead towards material on future exams and homework. Also be aware of separate things said by the professor that may not be in the notes, those can be important enough to be in finals and exams as well. Therefore always take time to listen and write down what the professor says that’s not in the notes. Finally there’s friends and fun, there’s a time and date for spending time with friends or doing fun activities, however don’t get caught up in it, rather focus more on school work first and then make some time for relaxation.