If i could tell myself anything about where she is right now it would be,"While you are in this final part of your childhood, enjoy it." I would tell myself not to be in a rush to get to college, because when it comes you are on your own. Based on my limited experience, about college I would say to her do not be afraid to ask for help and that there are plenty of resources here. Also, I would tell her to get a planner, because it must become your best friend. I would definitely express to her how pertinent it is to hold on to what our mom has taught us and that it will definitely come in handy at times. I would give her pratical advice such as work first and then have fun because, college is a lot more rigorous than you may think, and surround yourself with people who are working hard as well. Most importantly, I would tell myself to soak up all she can, and pay attention to the lessons that God is trying to teach her.
Yours Truly,
Isis Percell
Dear Self,
What were you thinking by not taking the ACT or SAT? Even though you had no support from your family about going to college, you should still have made plans to go by taking your entrance exams. You are a very bright, intelligent girl and I expect more from you than this. Take those exams and make plans even if everyone else in the world talks it down. You know better; you always have. You have your own path to follow and you will get there. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't worry about what others think. Only education will take you where you want to go. I know you can do it. I'll be there with you all the way.
Your Higher Self
My first semester of college has been an amazing and emotional experience all at once. So many different situations have opened my eyes to the reality of life, and if I could go back to talk to myself in high school, I would have a lot to say.
I would tell myself to get use to really being on your own. Everybody in high school thinks they are ready to be on their own, but that is not truly the case. Being on your own in college means you are responsible for everything. No one is going to wake you up for classes; No one is going to call you to remind you of meetings, so it is up to you to make sure you do everything you’re suppose to in the time you’re supposed to do it. The second thing I would tell myself would be to organize. As soon as you get your schedule for classes, it would be best for you to write out all the days you have classes and the times you have them, and when the assignments are due in your planner. This might take time, but you’ll never be behind.
If I were given the opportunity to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself don’t let college influence you to do anything negative. When entering college you will be tempted to do things such as drink, smoke, party, etc. However, I would tell myself don’t do anything that you wouldn’t normally do. I would also say make sure you work to your full potential. High school is nothing like college. Therefore, doing enough just to get by is never going to work out. Always ask questions when you don’t understand, and if necessary get a tutor for additional help. I would give the advice of studying when there is nothingto do. Professors may come to class and give a pop quiz, so additional studying is always helpful. Make sure all homework assignments are completed when given, so you are able to have all time needed to do your best on the assignment. Furthermore, the advice I would give me is it is okay to have fun in college, but always make sure work comes first. Moreover, always put in the extra time needed to do well in your classes.
I would tell myself to stop procrastinating and to finish assignments before the night before they're due. It adds a lot of unnecessary stress to your life when you have three different assignments due around the same time and you haven't worked on any of them. I would also tell myself to not be afraid of giving out opinions in class because a lot of in-class participation is a huge part of many classes at my college. I would also tell myself not to be afraid to reach out to other students because it's always nice to have someone you can talk to about the classes you take together, and it's helpful as well if you're sick or have a family emergency and have to miss a class. Then they can catch you up on what you missed that day.
With no doubt, I would tell myself that college is the beginning of my career. I would tell myself to take it seriously and focus on school and not on the social aspect of college life. The grades you (I) make will determine your (my) entire academic life after college. In addition, the grades will determine your (my) placement in some career opportunities. I would tell myself that establishing a professional relationship with my professors can be an excellent advantage, especially when in need of recommendation letters. Professors can help and they usually want to help; do not be afraid to apprach them. I would also tell myself to spend my time wisely. Do not procrastinate on school work just because you were too busy hanging out with your friends. School should always come first. Also, keep in mind the cost of school. College is very expensive, so you should apply to as many scholarships as possible. Moreover, I would tell myself to get involved in campus activities and clubs. Campus involvement will enable you (me) to make friends and get your name out. Lastly, I would offer one last bit of advice: live, love, learn; leave a legacy.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself to work harder and not let other situations effect my determination in school. As a senior I was so worried about other affairs, such as affording certain things so much that I did not enjoy my senior year as much as i should've. I would've told myself to step outside of my comfort zone and try new things, because now i've grown as a person, yet im still too shy to try new things. If I wouldve developed a curiousity for new things as a high school student, I wouldve been a better and well rounded individual . Most of all, I would've been prepared for the experiences I would have in college.
I would tell my high school self that being in college shows myself how more challenging academics and get, so the complaining should stop. Complaining about doing work is pointless in high school, because when you reach college, you realize how simple high school was. Furthermore, just do what is needed to finish the goal of completing high school. Take the time to understand that if college is on your mind, then know that more will come in the path, so take high school as a warm up rather than a brain killer.
Knowing what I know now about the college life and making the trasition to college, I would tell my high school self to finish your senior year strong academically. Your gpa could have been higher if I would have studied more and prepared the right way. Also, develop studying habits before you make the transition because in college, the library is your second home on campus. Athletically, keep a balance between basketball and schoolwork. The work-load can be heavy, but a good balance will keep you on the right track. Furthermore, drugs and alcohol are commonly seen in college than in high school, so stay away from the distractions and take care of your body. Also, friends come and go, so stay true to yourself and keep your circle small. Stay the cool, calm, and collective person you have been all your life, and remain a leader and let the smell of confidence rub off on others. Success is defined by setting goals and working hard to acheive your goals, so with that being said, always be optimistic and keep chasing your dreams of success.
The advice I would give myself would be to do all of your homework and no skipping out on any classes, it will hurt you in the end. Also, I would say, "College life is no joke, you have to be on top of everything to make sure you pass with the grades you want." College is no where close to being like high school. High school you can fool around and still ending up passing, but in college if you dare to fool around, you will not be graduating on time like everybody wants. Plus, to get A's and B's, you have to make sure you study hard and have strategies on how to pass every class. I wish someone would have given me this advice before I arrived, but now I just give this advice to everyone else.