Virginia Wesleyan College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Wesleyan College know before they start?


Right after high school I would go to a either a 4 year college or university. Even at this age (I am 53 years old) going to school and better myself is great and lots of fun,challenge,and most of all,self-discipline. It's great to know that I didn't lose my energy and motivation!!


Dear Senior Self, As you graduate this June and prepare yourself for a summer adventure in Europe, don’t stress much about the upcoming college year. You will be fine. Remember to leave early for that first day of class. It was embarrassing walking in 15 minutes late because you didn’t how to find your class. Sit with Thomas, he was in your prom group, he will help you with math a lot. When your classes seem to be hard and you’re all alone, remember you’re not. Turn to people in class for more help than you did through high school. Speak up in class, in college your voice does matter. People are interested in what you have to say. When it comes to transferring from 2 year college to 4 year university, look at out of state schools. Study hard, keep your grades up, you’re going to be just fine. With all of this you will be prepared to step off to Hawaii Pacific University. Don’t forget to apply for a lot of scholarships, you won’t be getting financial aid. You will need all the help you can get. Sincerely,Your college self


I didn't attend my high school senior year. I dropped out and completed my GED. I wanted to get a full time job and some real work experience. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to finish high school. There are a lot of years in the working world ahead of you. Get the full time job after graduation, and then explore the working world. Figure out your passion first, then seek your college degree. You will be much more focused on your studies after seeing what it is like in the "real world". You should also wait to have your three children until you graduate college. It's really tough to miss their ball games and programs when you have classes at night. You will be able to attend any college you choose regardless of location without worrying about uprooting your family. Please take my advice! I may sound like your parents, but trust me they are very smart folks. Someday you will realize this.

Hua Mei



This answer is simple: I would tell myself to enjoy it, take it all in and work hard. Often times I get caught up in just the "get good grades" aspect of college that I forgot to have fun while doing it.


Ashley, Although a social life and getting involved on campus is of high importance in college, academics should always come first. Getting involved too much leaves little to no time to spend on academics. After all, your academic success is what got you into college in the first place. Please do not loose touch on what you will be going to college for. Join organizations that required a minimum G.P.A and go above and beyond those minimum requirements. Reccommend required study hall for your varsity sport to keep academic success a main priority. Lastly, use the resources that the college constantly brags about. Your faculty and staff are there to help you succeed. They cannot do the work for you but are their to aid you in your success. Take opportunities that are presented to you and always ask for help. Always remember the motivation that made you choose Virginia Wesleyan College and use that to guide your way. Best of Luck, Ashley


I was adequently prepared for the transition from high school to college. However, if I could go back in time to my senior year I would have encouraged and pushed myself to search for more financial aid. If I had taken care of business back then I would be better prepared now to continue my education at Virginia Wesleyan.


Knowing what I know now I would tell my high school self to take school more seriously. I would say that it is in my best interest to actualy apply myself fully in order to actually learn what the teachers are trying to teach me. School came easy to me and all of my teachers liked me so I always recieved good grades even when I did not work hard for them or didn't deserve them at all. I realized this when I got to college because there are things that we discuss that I should know, but I do not. My level of comprehension would be a great deal higher for the material that I am learning now if I would have learned what I was suppose to in high school. High school was so easy for me, but if I took it more seriously I would have gained more. Sometimes I feel that I am not at the level I should be as far as intellect. I knew that college was not going to be easy and I was excited for the challenge, but I feel that I could have been better prepared.


I would make sure that I worked more and saved more money for college. Attending private school can be very costly, but I would not change it for anything because the education that I am receiving is priceless.


The one thing I always say to prospective students, and I wish someone had told me, was pick a school for you. Don't pick one based on where your friends are going, where your parents went, or anything like that. When deciding on a school to go to make sure it is one you will feel at home in. So many people have dropped out of school because they picked it for the wrong reasons and weren't ready. Make sure that you look at it for you. Don't worry about the money or anything. The money will work itself out. It is better to be in debt and learn alot because you will probably get a better job because when you're asked about your education you will be totally upfront with them and excited about the education you recieved. There are so many scholarship opportunites out there that you just need to look for them and apply. Apply early, and often. Basically, make sure you don't rush into a college decision for the wrong reasons.