Virginia Wesleyan College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Wesleyan College know before they start?


I would advise myself to fill out more scholarships. Also, I would tell myself to go into every situation with a positive attitude and always expect the best. I would tell myself to always look at the good in situations and people. With that type of mindset, nothing can stop stop you from being happy in college and reaching all of you goals and dreams.


The advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be to not procrasinate and really work on my time management skills. Also I would tell myself to find out what I'm really passionate about so that I would choose the right major.


Oh, if I only know now,what I could of back in my high school days, which has been 34 years ago. Things would have been different but the only thing I wouldn't change is having my children. Now getting to experience the joy as a grandmother, and wouldn't change that for the world. Throughout my life have had some bad relationships, but again wouldn't change for my children all three are wonderful kids. I'm enjoying my life at this time, feel more confident about myself. It has all worked out for a reason. Now attending National American University in the Medical Billing and Coding Field. This education has opened my eyes on the importance of education that I never thought of before, while working during the day at my job I can't wait to get started with class at the end of the day. The 2500.00 sure would help me along my path in education, and will be very much appreciated. Thank You very much, Susan Goss


The first piece of advice I would give myself if GO TO THIS SCHOOL. Virginia Wesleyan College is magnificent. It is the perfect size in every way, it has the best professors that help students learn better than they could ever have learned before. On the down side, I would have liked to have told myself that life on campus is not as important as my studies. Working hard in the class room and on my own to have my goals come true is what is the most important. I would make sure I told myself to plan out what classes I want to take and make sure I get all my requirements out of the way. Also, I would need to tell myself that greek life is not the most important thing ever, just because everyone else is joining does not mean you have too!!! Lastly, I would tell myself to enjoy every minute I have here. It is the best choice I have ever made when dealing with my education and life goals!!


Apply for more more universities! I thought I knew what I wanted to do in high school so I did not apply to any universities. I went straight to community college for firefighting. Now, looking back I wish I had actually applied to at minimum 3 or 4 schools other than community college just to give me an option. Transferring out of a junior college saves money, but going strait to a 4 year university would have been more enjoyable in the long run.




If i had the oppurtunity to go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would explain the importance of preparing myself for the college experience. The transition to college is both mentally and physically, and as a senior in high school I assumed the transition would be easy. I would tell myself that although the start of the transition is very tough, to not let down and get lazy. The end result of the transition to college is well worth the struggle and all it takes to make it through the transition is a bit of self confidence and patience.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to take more time to study, apply for scholarships, and get more involved in school activities. I would tell myself to study more because in my first two years at VWC, I didn't study as often as I could have and my GPA wasn't as good as it could have been. I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships because I am in quite a bit of debt from having to take out student loans. Had I applied for more scholarships, I may have considered living on campus and getting a better experience out of my college life. Lastly, I would tell myself to get more involved in school activities because I feel I may have missed out on a lot of the valuable college experiences. With these advices, I think my college experience would have been much better.


If I were to go back in time to my senior year, I would tell myself to focus more on getting my school work done. I would have been practicing to eliminate any procrastination because in the college life, procrastination presents itself more often.


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