Washington State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


What I needed to take for my degree


Stay focused on the school work and don't get behind.


I wish that I woul have know how ridiculously bit the classes here are.


The available student resources.


Before I came to Washington State University, I wish I had known more about myself. I have matured quite a bit during my time at school and learned much about what I want out of life. Although I still believe that I made the right choice in attending this university, I wish I had looked more critically at what my long term goals were, and what I would get from furthering my education here. I would advise new students to analyze their choices carefully and make sure they look to the future long term, and short term.


I wish I would have known that the course of study I wanted was offered there. I would have enrolled sooner.


I wish I would have known how stressful it is having an advisor that does not care, or even know your name. I went through seven advisors before I got one that actually helped me.


It would have been nice to know more about the churches around the area. I did not do enough research before hand and wish I had. It would have saved me a lot of time (although I might have wanted to try them out anyway). Also, I wish I knew my way around Pullman a little better so I didn't feel as "trapped" on campus.


There are some many different types of activities to do in the Pullman, Wa area. I which I could have known more about the activities, so that I could have done more during my time at Washington State University.


I wish I had understood that those beautiful hills meant real pain in the winter.