I would tell myself not to get caught up in other peoples drama and make a name for myself and not to hide behind other people. Also be very open to meeting new people and being a very accepting person
I would tell myself to first enjoy your senior year of high school, and dont go into college thinking it will just be like high school because its not. I would also tell myself to learn better time management and also say go to college with a clean plate because you can't let everything bother new because when you going to college you are opeing a new chapther in your life.
Dear "Senior Caroline",
I know going to community college is not what you had planned on and you're a little- okay, EXTREMELY- disappointed. Everyone is telling you "you're doing the right thing, going to community college first is smarter!" and "you'll save so much money while everyone is accumulating debt!", but none of this matters because you're more concerned with how community college affects your image. Please listen to me; community college IS the smarter option and you have completed two years of school without borrowing money. Now you're accepted to your dream school and you'll still be able to have your college experience. Most of your friends didn't know how to conduct themselves at school and wasted a lot of money they borrowed for tuition. It also took you a while to get things figured out but you're life is coming together! So trust me: this isn't the end of the world. Enjoy your time at school and you'll do just fine.
"Future Caroline"
P.S.- College isn't all about fun; it's doing what you have to do to get where you need to be.
I would tell my self to make sure to study as much as possible and remember that no matter what anyone says, if you put your mind to it, you can succeed.
College is every bit the challenge you have been waiting for. Try to save more money and be less frivolous. Know that it will be a lot more work but you can handle every moment.
Go get my degree right after high school.
College is a big adjustment. You will learn to adjust to living away from home, learn to work with new people and make new friends, learn more specialized information based on your major, and learn to be independent with many things. Even though it is such a drastic adjustment, it is a wonderful experience. Take college very seriously. This is the information and time that you will take with you for the rest of your life. It should not be taken lightly. When choosing a school, do not choose the school that is cheaper just because you want to save money, choose the school that you like and that will provide you with what you need to succeed in life and with your career. Once accepted to the college of your choice, get to know your surroundings on and off campus, make new friends, become familiar with your professors and advisor, and make it the time of your life. Enjoy every minute of it. There will be road blocks along the way, but overcoming them will prove that anything is possible and you are capable of succeeding. Best of luck and have fun.
Pay much closer attention in Chemisty and Biology. Do not be turned away by the fact that Wilson is a women's college, it is not as dramatic and gosip oriented as you think. The education opportunities here are wonderful and the people and professors you will meet will help you in your future career. Do not be nervous to meet people because almost everyone attending Wilson are very kind and out going and other incoming freshman are just as nervous and willing to find friends. This may be an all women's college but there are men who attend classes and they are most are just as friendly. Wilson College is a wonderful. college to apply to and you should take every opportunity you can from their services.
If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self I would remind her that the world is full of opportunities. I would tell her to not be afraid to make mistakes because that is how you learn. I would encourage her to take chances and have experiences that will help in her college years. I would also stress that she should go out of comfort zone and make new friends, because her closet friends in high school will not necessarily be following her path. Lastly, I would tell her to network and volunteer more so she can make herself know in her community.
I would tell myself to look and think much harder about the school I was going to be putting hard earned money and mental abilities to that would be a large deciding factor in how successful I will become. I would tell myself to visit and revisit many more coleges and talk to more students than faculty. I would also tell myself that this is the biggest decision of my life and to dig deeper and research more the promises I was told when I visited colleges and think about how realistic those promise really sound. It's not that I absolutely hate my school, I love my teachers and have grown greatly as an equestrienne, but I feel this school is lacking in many places that outweigh the knowledgable and dedicated teachers and the beauty and potential that Wilson has.