What I have gotten the most out of my college experience so far is being able to find and define myself as a person
Learning is a never-ending journey for me. Although I have extensive and rewarding work and life experiences over the past 30 years, I continue to value additional education which increases my knowledge base while developing entirely different skills, abilities and expertise in my chosen profession (Architecture). I have consistently carried a heavier than average semester course load while excelling academically in each of my semesters since enrollment. That, I believe is testimony to my intelligence, dedication and goal-oriented nature. Further, it's imperative especially for me, to complete at least my undergraduate degree as I have been striving to achieve this goal for the past 30 years. But one thing or another (marriage, family, relocation or running my own business) has always come between me and my goal. But now, my goal is clearly within reach. My professors and teachers have been instrumental in helping me to achieve academic excellence. A few understanding professors actually initiated specific courses for they knew that I needed to complete a specific course sooner rather than order to graduate without adding yet another year to my graduation schedule. That understanding and cooperation has been invaluable to me.
College is essential to get a good job. Without a degree, I woudn't be able to do what I love.
Although I am still in my first year of college, I have learned so much more about people. I feel as I have gotten more mature in handling situations, have been more responsible because of my schoolwork load and job engagements, and my passion for horses has also been growing. Wilson has been wonderful to attend so far as I am able to be myself and really develop as my own individual being. So far, I have been successful in all my classes and I know I will be a successful Wilson women after my 4 years are done.
Out of my college experience I have learned to stay focus and use your time wisely. I messed up my first year becasue i took the college experience as easy and its not you have to work hard you cant just slide by. although i learned how to have fun and live outside my confort zone i got the great experience of learning about new cultures and sisterhood. it is very valuable to attend college because you might miss out on lots of different opportunities that others will get to accomplish all because they attended college. College isnt a bad experience, college is just what you make it. If you make the best of college yall succeed beyond your means. College is worth the stress and the hard work and your experience will be phenomenal.
The experience college has granted me so far has been gaining knowledge. I have been able to learn about my future goal, and have met plenty of people along the way. My teachers have been able to tell me their experiences in the business field, and they have been allowing others and myself to be introduced to the "business world." I have also been given the opportunity of joining an honor society, Phi Theta Kappa. My next plan, is to attend a 4 year institution, and granted, receive a scholarship as well. All of these college expierences so far have been valuable to me because they have shown me that with hard work comes great rewards! I have worked so hard over the last two years, and I am hoping those great rewards come soon. I've been introduced to my future, and now it's time to enjoy what I have learned. College has allowed me to get a degree, and have a good time at the same time. Those are the most rewarding expierences I've received from college!
My college experience up until this point had taught me how important it is to focus on my future. I have had to make a lot of decisions based on what is important now and what is important in my future and determine which path will benefit me more. I have learned to balance my fun with my studies. I have also experienced what it means to be a grown up and make my own decisions. I have learned from my mistakes and I believe that I am headed in the right path that is going to make me happy and help me get to where I want to be in my future.
The value of my college experience is more than I expected it to be. I have had a strong desire to attend for many years, but life circumstances got in the way. I witnessed a special transformation take place in the people I knew that completed their college education. I was frustrated with my limited employment options and the feeling of dissatisfaction I always had. I wanted a significant change for myself and my family. I felt that completing my college education was going to give me the tools I needed to make that change. I have been a full time student now for two years and the benefits of this experience are far exceeding my expectations. College is not only providing me with the educational base I need to obtain a career instead of a just a job, but it is providing me many opportunities to strengthen my own character. I have opportunities to contribute to my college community as well as the community at large. I feel a sense of respect from people around me that I had not experienced before. I have always realized the value of college, but now I also realize my own value.
For me, the part of my college experience that has been the most valuable is how much I've learned about myself. I know that sounds really cheesy, but it's true. When I first started college, I had no idea what I wanted to major in or do after I graduated. The way Wilson has their Trans-Disciplinary Studies (TDS) program set up allows the students to experience a broad spectrum of courses that may be more appealing to them than just the traditional 'english, math, science' approach that many schools take for their general education courses. As I worked my way to deciding on my major through 'experimenting' with classes I took for my TDS requirements, I suprised myself with how enthralled I was in all the classes I was taking for the History and Political Science major I was considering. I have always known I loved history, but Wilson has shown me I have a true capacity for these realms of information, and now the question is where will I take it.
To put it simply, Wilson College has changed my life. My experience at Wilson College has helped me expand my capabilities. Wilson is known for its rigorous academics. At first, I was overwhelmed with how hard my professors pushed me; however, after I successfully finished my first semester at Wilson, I could honestly say I was a smarter student and a better person. All my life I have been an average student, but Wilson pushed me to become a proficient student. I am currently studying Elementary Education with a minor in Psychology. The one on one attention from my professors is truly an amazing experience. Today, I feel it is difficult to find a well-respected college whose professors are most interested in the students.
Wilson has helped me reach my goals in academics and in athletics. Wilson has made it possible for me to focus on obtaining a degree and play the sport I love: tennis. If someone would have told me I was going to win the Northeastern Athletic Conference Championship for #1 singles in tennis and recieve Player of the Year, I would not believe them. Thanks to Wilson, I have accomplished what I thought was impossible.