Wilson College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wilson College know before they start?


What I have gotten out of my education is a sense of accopmlishment, being that I never finished my original major at NAU (a 4 traditional 4 year universcity). Now that I am attending Tucson College enrolled in the electrical technitian program. I am much happier and dedicated to become an electrician, which will be my new career. The value of changeing my life and career is unmeasurable compared to my previous careers and options. I plan on taking my education into the solor feild and continue to expand my education in what ever the demand requires and the job market demand which is why its is so valuable to attend a good vocational school/trade college.


Throughout the three years I have attend Wilson College I have learned and experienced a lot. When I first came to Wilson I was a free spirited freshman. I loved to have fun and party a bit too much. I got in trouble twice by my college, and after getting caught that second time during my freshman year I knew I had to change. Wilson reprimanded me in a way that taught me how I could potentially harm my body and the effects it can have on me. I changed my ways and now two years later I am a junior and a Resident Assistant for a freshman hall. My college experience has been great. I currently hold 4 jobs on campus; Tour Guide, Admission Assistant, an RA, and work in the fitness center. I also hold a job off campus caring for an elderly mans 3 horses. Wilson College has taught me to value myself and others. Everyone comes from a different place and we should embrace the differences and learn from each other. Wilson College has made me in to a self-thinking, responsible role-model, leading woman… and I wouldn’t want it any other way.


When I first came to Wilson College, I was very shy. I found it very easy to make friends here and start a new life. I quickly became involved in clubs such as Yearbook club, equestrian riding teams and environmental club. I am now a junior and am the President of my class, a Resident Assistant, a campus Tour Guide, and a secretary to an admissions counselor. I participate in all the open houses and serve as student hostess during overnight visits. I have a course load of 6 classes, and take horseback riding lessons on campus twice a week. I am on three equestrian teams and love experiencing new things. Wilson College has made me the person I am today, and I honestly would not have even imagined the things I am doing today. No other college would have allowed to me to succeed so greatly.


I have learned that I can succeed when I put my mind to something. College will never be an easy thing for me, but I know with focused, serious energy, I can accomplish what I set out to do and earn my four year degree. It's also about finding a balance between entertainment and fun and work and study. I have to admit, I struggled to find this balance in the first few weeks and I was so tired and frutrated. But I didn't give up and now I am really enjoying my time at Wilson College. I also appreciate the professors and the time they are willing in invest in me. They are always willing to help me and treat me respectfully. That to me has been of the most valuable things about attending Wilson College and now that I have experienced it, I feel I could never fit into a larger school and feel that I could succeed. Wilson has taught be so much about myself.


In my college experience although it has been short so far i have started working on things like fixing different kinds of bears as well as identify them. I have also learned how to us the lathe and mill while working in a machine shop. I think it has been valuable learning at Ranken Techncial college because the environment is very frieadly and the instructors are very helpful and can answer any question that you may have.


What I have gotten out of my college experience is a first-class education. Wilson College has challenged me to think outside of the box. Since Wilson College is a liberal arts school I am receiving a well-rounded education which I feel is important if I want to make a difference in society. When I graduate and enter into a career, I know that I will be capable of making a difference because of my education from Wilson College. Wilson College is not an easy school academically. Every class I have taken so far has been challenging, but I can honestly say that every class has improved my academic skills and made me a better student. In high school, I disliked school. I cared more about sports and I felt that most of my classes were a waste of time. Today, my attitude about education is completely different. Wilson College made me realize how powerful knowledge can be and I am learning how I can use that knowledge to make a difference in society. My major is education and I strongly believe that there is no better place to learn how to become a successful teacher than Wilson College.


So far in my college experience I have grown so much as a person. I've become much more independent and responsible. I've also had the opportunity of gaining great leadership skills by becoming president of my Campus Activities Board. Attending a small Liberal Arts school has given me so many opportunities and I feel as if the sky is the limit. I can join any club or sport anything I would want and I do not need any experience. I believe it has been very valuable to attend Wilson College. I've been learning so much about life and aspects of the world that I never would have considered looking into. The graduation requirements of this liberal arts school has made me expand my course selection to courses other then just those of my major. I think this is very valuable because the world is full of many aspects and no just one.


I gotten alot out of college so far. First things first if you don't fully pay attention you will be lost throughout the year. If you don't practice what you learned that day that might mess you up. I learned not to goof off in the middle. That'll drag you to the end with a F. The effort you put in will result in the grade you get at the end. Its not worth failing so do the class right the first time so that you don't have to do it all over again.Thank you for this opportunity.


To be honest, my college experience has been confusing and hectic for me. I went to two different colleges and changed my major two times before I realized what I really wanted to do in life. In the end I chose to go to Wilson College because they had a really good program for my major, Veterinary Medical Technology. I wanted to do something that I was passionate about. In my college experience I learned that not everyone knows what they want to do right away when they get out of high school. It takes time and a couple tries, but eventually I learned that I should choose something that I would love to do for the rest of my life. There has been so many times when I just wanted to quit school altogether but it is so important to attend school and get good education, especially in this economy. I just tell myself to finish school and get a degree, and then I will have a better life and I'll be able to work with animals. I will have the knowledge that I need to be able to work in the profession that I desire.


I have gotten been given the opportunity to learn how to be an effective teacher. My education is allowing me to be a role model for my daughter and giving me the opportunity to graduate college with a career. I have gotten the opportunity to change my life and the life of my future students. My daughter lives on campus with me at Wilson College and has been given the gift of attending Pre School and getting to attend numerous school events. College has enriched my life and exposed me to the arts, different cultures, and a number of interesting subjects. I have come to love school something that I had ran from in the past is now the first thing I think about every day. I am grateful that you have considered me for any scholarships that will help me continue my last year and a half of college.