Wilson College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wilson College know before they start?


always remember that nothing is impossible. there are going to be times when you want to quit and you want to give up and go home, but no matter what you must not give up. you have worked hard in high school to get here and you can keep working hard to get your college diploma. some things to keep in mind : temptation is going to be everywhere, the temptation to sleep through your 8 am class, to go to a party instead of doing that paper, you have to keep in mind that at the time they may seem like a good idea, but in the long run they will have their consequences that you are responsible for. you are in charge of your life now, just keep your eyes on your goal and you can do it. you are going to get homesick but know that your family is rooting for you at home. you are going to miss your friends at home, but are going to make many new ones who care about you at school. And above all : dont stop beliving :)


My senior year in school was filled with new and exciting experiences. I learned important life skills essential to my college career. I decided not to challenge myself academically in my last year of high school and although it was fun, I know can see that pushing myself would have better equipped me. My college studies came as a rough adjustment from my lax work load in the previous year. If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior my advice would be to not procrastinate and push myself academically to prepare myself for the work ahead.


As a freshman in college, I would tell my high school self that it isn't quite as easy as high school to get the best grades and do the best on exams and tests. Study hard, and time management is extremely important to a college student's overall success. Personally, having a part-time job on top of being a full-time student is very taxing, but well worth it. Also, get involved in activities on campus, it helps to meet new people and to just have fun. Join some clubs that really interest you, not that your parents would want you to be in. Don't overwork, but don't be too relaxed either. Partying is ok, but know your limits, and do drink underage or through peer pressure. As a college student you are an adult, and have to take responsibility for all of your actions.


First i would have choosen to go to this college first and not have become a transfer student. It is a really hard process and not everthing transfer.


If i could go back in time, and give myself better advice in preparing for college, I would tell myself to take harder classes. I was a very serious student in college but a lot of my classes were electives because i had already filled all of my requirements. College is a very different experience, you get thrown into a world of independence, self-maturity, and responsibility. The advice to learn to become more dependent on yourself, even with school work, I feel would have prepared me differently. In college, professors do not help you with your homework assignments and give you extra time to complete an assignment. So, also learning to become more independent in my school work would have been a good advantage to learn previously before changing atmospheres.


I would tell myself to study more efficiantly and give little time for other activities rather than little time for homework. I would tell myself to make friends and not be afraid of losing them. Enjoy each moment with them and enjoy my college career as it will be one of many highlights in my life.


Research all schools and visit and call them before deciding. Find someone to help you with the financial aid application process and dealing with incorrect bills sent by your office.


remember how you don't like drama and wanted to avoid it? Totally impossible at Wilson. Keep in touch with what guy friends you have...your gonna miss the testosterone in your life


If i could go back in time to myself as a high school senior i would tell myself, don't listen to others negativity. You yourself are beautiful, unique and an individual and you can take on anything possible. No matter how bad or horrible life may be it only gets better with the right actions you make. You yourself can only make your future worth it. And knowing what ive been through with the abuse, pain, caring for a child myself, and working endless amounts to pay my bills, I will tell myself experience and working towards your dreams are the goals you need to succeed. Prove the people who downed you wrong. "Get an education and make a better life for yourself and soon to be daughter".


Coming to Wilson College, I was anxious but vary nervous about meeting new people, living on my own and taking college classes. I have learned college brings out one's dedication. There are opportunities to get in trouble or to skip class. College has taught me that reponsibility is key to being successful. I had to balance being a full time student and keeping good grades, caring for a horse of my own at college, working full time, and having somewhat of a social life. There were points of stress and points of relaxation. I learned that this is the way of life at college, and being responsible for my own schedule is the only way to manage everything. I value this responsibility because it is the first step to growing up and becoming a responsible adult. As I think about my future and being successful, I need to create good habits that will be carried with me in the future. Responisbility is the number one thing to live and support myself in a respectable manner.