Wilson College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wilson College know before they start?


With this being my first year, I have already gotten so much out of my college experience. I have been able to "expand" my mind, and think in a ways that are beyond my years. This experience has allowed me to follow my passion and know how I am able to make a difference not only in my life, but in the lives of others around me. I have been able to connect and network with people who take an interest in my success and have made many friends along the way. This experience has also allowed me to evaluate how I manage time, as opposed to how time managed me. I can only hope to continue and grow in such a place that nurtures the curiousity in each student's mind. I plan to finish this challenging road, get my degree, and continue to make a difference in the world around me.


I have had the opportunity to learn so much from people around me.


My college experience has and still is benifiting me because the classes I have taken have expanded my knowledge in math, science, and english. Not only have I experienced academic opportunities, but also I have enjoyed meeting new people of different cultures, and even socializing with them outside of school grounds. For instance, going to a drama play in downtown that a former classmate showed me . In my creative writing class, I have greatly enjoyed using my imagination as well as listening to many others imaginations come alive on paper. I hope that I could continue my path of new opportunities as I continue on my educational goals.


I have gotten independence from my college experience and leadership. With attending clubs, I have gain the leadership and plan to become president and use what I learn in my career choice. I also have gained independence by leaving home and living on campus. I do my own laundry now and make sure I'm on time by myself with out my parents. I also have to email my teachers when I'm sick and talk to them about my grades with out my parents by my side to help me. It have been valuable to attend because I learned that I can do this stuff on my own and because I got the experience that I need to have my own life and be a leader in what I do. I love college and would recommend that they stay on campus and get the full experience.


My college experiance has taught me to be open with myself and others - really bringing me out of my shell. Additionally, had I attended another college, I would have never had the opportunity to becoming one of the few in the Equine Facilitated Therapeutics major - literally changing my life, and hopefully down the line, someone else's life as well. As far as I'm concerned, Wilson College was the best choice I could have ever made.


I have learned to be more tolerant of everyone, from all walks of life by embracing the differences. I went back to school later in life and by doing so I have renewed my self confidence. That renewed self confidence has enabled me to dream once again by realizing my true potential. My children have seen their mother work hard in order to make a better life for us all. I love how much they have seen their mother change. They have learned the importance of hard work and dedication by watching me. Being a good mother is very important to me and returning to school has helped me to do that.


I have learned to write research papers, thesis statements, critical thinking, a lot of other intellectual components that I haven't used in a while. I have met people from all over the world and I welcome diversity, wholeheartedly. It opens me up to other people's thoughts, experiences, and life skills. I believe those issues are very important when pursuing higher education, as well as enhancing the ability to get with others from all walks of life......entails a "well-rounded" education to me.


Going back to college has been very valuable for me because it is a benefit for myself as well as my family. Going back to college is going to help further my education and help me with the success of having a better career. I am attending college for Administrative Health Care Administration and am very excited to be back in school after all these years. I hope to be successful for my family and be able to provide and support my children.


I love that this college give Women With Children a chance to pursue a career of their choice. I came straight from high school and was able to still be up to date with my age generation... alothough I had a baby in high school. Althogh this school is very different from where I grew up from... I have grew to love it! I wish other schools offered oppurtunities that WIlson has allowed me to do. I have grown as a person intellectually, spiritually, and acedemically. This is my third year at Wilson College, and every year it gets challenging but I love the struggle that I live for. This is my first year as an Residents Assistant on campus, and as well apart of other activities and clubs on campus. I am looking forward to one day come back to Wilson a share my story. Hopefully I'll see more diversity, growth, and better dorms! :)


As a high school student who was unconcerned with academic success, college was a second chance for me to pursue my long term goal of becoming a veterinarian. Unlike my experience in high school, as a college student, everyone is expected to work hard and keep good academic standing. I've taken this opportunity to grow as a person, to become a successful student and make healthy choices. I have become involved with campus activities, for I am the president of the college chapter of Habitat for Humanity and help with the veterinary medical technology club's activities, as well as play on the tennis team. My classes have been very enriching and my relationships with my peers, and faculty and staff have improved, leaving me feeling confident. Generally, my college experience thus far has changed my life and improved myself as a person. I am confident in my career choice and in my ability to achieve what I pursue, and having that confidence is invaluable in life.