Winston-Salem State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Winston-Salem State University know before they start?


Mariah, Apply for as many scholarships as possible and begin looking into what you need to apply for your FAFSA in order to get grants as well. Also make sure that you send your official transcripts to any college you might even be remotely interested in. I would also suggest that you begin talking to every recruiter for all the military branches now, because I know you want to join the military. The college life is stressful and even though you took classes during your junior year at CAC you should try taking another class while its still free. Keep up with your studies because you need to keep your GPA high and make sure you study for your math final along with the others. You should also talk to Mr. Ray about having him help you when it comes to applying for scholarships he helped me out last second but it was the best last few seconds I made. Tell mom you love her and give Thor lot of love because his time ends during your senior year.


The advice I would give myself if I could go back would be to not wait till the last minute to figure everything out. Start early by applying for scholarships, scheduling classes, and figuring out finicial aid. If you wait to long then you won't be able to take the exact classes you want at the time that fits you best. Now by getting everything organized and figured out I wouldn't be as stressed as I was when the first day of college came around. I would also tell myself that going to a Community College for my first year may seem dumb but it will really prepare me for the future of attendeding a bigger college. Instead of just throwing me into huge lectures with hundreds of people, a community college will slowly help me transition from high school to college. Thanks to attending a community college my first year I am now ready to transfer to a University for the next semester.


When I first started attending high school, I didn’t take it seriously. My grades were average and I didn’t realize how much I was hurting myself. During sophomore year, my grandmother passed away. Although my heart was broken, I wanted to do better in school. My grandmother always told me to get a good education and it will help me succeed in life. My grandmother motivated me to pay more attention in class and do all the necessary work to excel. People make mistakes throughout life but everyone has an opportunity to turn their life around. I am proud to say I was able to pull up my GPA a 3.4. Even though I started out rough, I rose to the top. Through all of this, I learned how to stay focused and be determined to achieve my goals. My hard work and dedication helped me make a smooth transition into college. After my first year of college, I earned a 3.78 GPA and made the Winston-Salem State University Dean's List both semesters.


Just go for it. You know what your dreams are, so make them come true. I would tell myself to not hold back. The best thing to do is to work hard and not let anything get in the way of dreams. If going to Hawaii is truly what you desire then don't stop until you get there. Go study and take your SATS. Apply for the colleges that are in Hawaii. Apply for scholarships and fincancial aid. Do not even apply to colleges close to home because it's not what you want. Get a part time job after school and save some money so you can have a little something when you move. Don't let your personal problems get in your way. Try to find a way to deal with them without losing sight of your dream. Go to counseling if you have to or write about it. Just don't keep everything bottled up inside. Make short term goals and write down how you will achieve those goals. Make sure you get yourself to Hawaii and don't waste your time here in New York. Do whatever it take and don't give up.


Don't get involved with any guy right now. Focus on college. Study hard and get a Career. Before you decide to have children. Love yourself before you can love anyone else. School is the most important thing right now for you. Enjoy the college life, make new friends, join in the clubs at college. Study hard and you won't ever regret it. Otherwise you can end up with the wrong man and get pregnant. You don't want to wake up when your in your 40's and think about goiung back to college this late in life. Experience the whole college life. Quit trying to be a hairdresser and focus more on the business classes that high school has to offer. Pay attention and learn. I promise you won't regret it. Life can be better if you just stay on track with school. Don't just think about getting out of school. Hop right into college and keep your life on the right track. Don't bear right or bear left stay straight. You will be glad you did!!!!!!!!!


"Do it, man. Don’t worry about what people are saying or thinking – this will be the best decision you can possibly make." The high school that I attended made an especially big deal of the schools that you were accepted into – they had a big train (literally, each person was drawn on a paper train car) of students and their choices hung up in the main senior hallway. Normally, this isn’t such a bad idea – but I wasn’t applying to any major colleges. I had decided to save some money and time and go to a community college so I could live at home and work while getting some general education classes out of the way. Because of the atmosphere at my school, though, I wasn’t so sure this was a great decision: people mocked the particular school I was going to attend as well as community colleges in general. Looking back, there isn’t a single chance that I would change my decision: my experience there was debatably one of more growth and understanding than I had in my entire high school career. "Do it, man. This is the best decision possible."


If i could go back and talk to High school me, i would tell myself to work much harder in school and apply for out of city schools . I would tell myself to go away to school for you can see something different and learn something different. I also would tell myself that you can open every door by just trying.


If I were a high school sneior once again, knowing what I knew now, I would tell myself to make sure that I know that everything is going to turn out fine as long as I work hard, stay calm, and continue to make rash and reasonable decisions. Knowing that everything won't be perfect, is no reason to completely give up. In all actuality, I wouldn't change any per say. I beleive that my life is going and is a very content and wonderful place right now and I wouldn't change it for the world.


If I could go back in time and address myself as a high school senior, I would let myself know so much. I would teach myself time management and how to plan for a group project. I would let myself know that it's college & no one cares about groups anymore, it's more about self awarness. Teaching myself that I need to learn how to ask for help and don't be afraid to just go out there and get what I want. I would teach myself how to prepare for having either a social life, good grades, & no sleep or good grades, sleep & no social life. I would be more lean, percise, and prepared.


Hey you! Everything you are focused on, blessed with, and can do, keep doing it! Your study habits shouldn't change and neither should your personality. Continue to be the person everyone loves and strive for greater. Yes, there will be plenty of challenges, but know that God will never leave nor forsake you, You Can Do It! Continue to network and always aim for a strong finish academically and in track.