I would have told myself, back in high school, to take 1-2 years off and then go to college. I think that going to college right after school, when there were so many things in life I wanted to experience, made me less focused on my work. Going back to school a little older and wiser has made me a better student. I put so much more effort into my schoolwork, and my grades are awesome.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high senior I would advise myself to take classes more seriously, because college is not easy. I would let myself know college isn't cheap and to save the money from my job in high school to pay for books, parking decals, ink for my printer, and also the money I needed for tuition that I didn't recieve from financial aid like I was supposed to. I would just let myself know that it's going to be a struggle but insure myself that I can do it.
Stay on track and make good grades. Develop study habbits and just stay focused on why your in school to start off with. Remember to get involved with things or groups on campus and just enjoy life!!!
I would recommend writting a list of qualities you would like the college you attend to have; not just the size of the school and classes. List things such as the type of social life you are comfortable with, availible transportation ( trains, busses, aiports, taxies), the setting of the school. Attend the open houses offered to get a comfortable feel with the school and its adminstration, talk with students from the school to see how they feel about the school. Then compare each school with you list to see who offers what you want. Remember its your choice.
I would like to say make sure that the college has exactly what you are looking for academically and socially. Visiit the school so you can get the feel of being there. see if this is the place that you really want to be. Check out the background history of the school. Discover the different extracurricular activities if that is of interest. Size is very important. Some students want to be at a large school and some prefer small. Check out the classroom sizes to see if it would be a comfortable learning environment for you. I feel the best way to enjoy your college years is to be involved in something. You do not have to join every organization, but find something that interests you. Do not be afraid to socialize. College allows you to meet diverse groups of people. Get to know your instructors and do not be afraid to ask them for help. Also get to know your advisors so you can stay on the correct academic path for the career you are pursuing.
College is what you make out of it. You don't have to go to Harvard or Yale to come out on top. College is all about getting a education and networking. You have to network everywhere you go becuase you never know who you're talking to. You could go to a small school, but, if you have a good network, after graduation you just might be sitting next to a Harvard graduate at work.
The advice I would give is to find a college that dedicated to the students needs. To make your college experience worth while, get involved in academic based clubs that will help you academically. Get involved in sports to keep you active and find friends that you share the same interests with.
Visit, tour, and research the opportunities of your school. Be sure to separate work and play, business and leisure to be successful and still have fun in college. Do not follow your friends to college, it is imperative to set your own standard and be trailblazer! Become involved in positive activities that promote unity, goodness, well-being, and amusement. Make the best out of each and every situation you encounter, positive or negative.
Enjoy you college experience and don't take moments for granted if you work hard and study it'll pay off, you can have fun as well.