The advice I would give myself would be to work hard, get good grades, and do not procrastinate.
Getting ready for college was a difficult experience for me because I wasn't prepared at all for college. If I can go back in time and talk to myself as an high school senior, I would tell myself to start fillling out scholarships early. In high school I was a big procrastinator,so I did everything at the last minute. The fact that I didnt even attempt to fill out scholarships was hell. I basically had no way to pay for college, luckily my mom was able to take out loans for me. I got to college my the skin of my teeth; I almost ended up going to a community college. Today, being a freshman in college, I'm slowly learning how everything works. I'm determined to get myself together for the upcoming year; College is everything to me. In conclusion the advice that I would give my past self is to fill out as much scholarships as you can and be prepared.
It is important to understand the importance of time management, and having people around you to help keep you balanced. It is important to be a well - rounded student, get engaged in extra-curricular activities, but keep your academic grades as your number one priority. Remember that it is easier to allow a grade to drop than it is to pull it up. Make sure you go to class and take well written notes, pay attention in class and take 10 to 15 minutes a day to study the information you learned during class. Do not cram for exams, study ahead of time and ask questions to ensure that you understand the information in class correctly. Never be afraid to ask questions in class, and make sure your teacher knows who you are and that you are going to do your best at all times during the course. Lastly, be patient, persistent, always ask for help if you need it, and make a difference in someone else’s life as well as your own.
There are many things I wish I could go back and tell my high school senior self from dealing with boys to books. If I had to go back though and say one thing in preparation for college with the college knowledge I have now I would tell myself to get more involved. I'm not saying that I was not involved, because I was in a few clubs and things, it is that I wasn't really involved in the community and business. Being in college I wish I would have thought more of the future and got a job or did more community service. Now because I didn't get involved in those things it is harder to do some of these things and reap the benifits they provide now in college. So I would have pretty much told myself to get a job or something and start making those much needed connections now for later.
College is the first experience of the real world and things are totally different in college than they were in high school. It is the time when you learn the most about yourself, grow the most, and also change the most. I would say the most important thing in college is picking the major that is best for you because it will have a huge impact on your performance in school and your future job opportunities. Pick something that not only are you good at but something that you enjoy doing. It is also equally important to do your absolute best in your academics because your performance follows you after college when seeking job opportunities or expanding your education. This means it is vital to attend class, study, avoid procrastination, and turn in assignments on time. Take the opportunity to get involved in clubs and activities. It is a great way to meet new people, make friends, and add to your resume. Be sure to balance these activities with your school work. I always like to say study hard so that you can play hard. Lastly remember to always make time for you to sit back and relax and reflect.
The advice I would give myself knowing the college life would be stay focused and get more help. Entering college I inspected it to be a breeze all the way through but I wind up being wrong and overwhelmed. Once I got myself together I struggle to bring my GPA up and now I am struggling on finding a internship to help secure my post graduation job. So stay focus and stay on top of things would be the things I would tell myself if I could go back in time.
The most important thing I have gotten out of my college experience is the need to be both focused and independent. Coming from a small town and a small family, there was always some adult pushing me, constantly reminding me to finish my school work, apply for this, or study for that. In college, you are pretty much on your own--so it is your responsibilty to remained focused on your education, goals, and ultimately get things done for yourself. It has been a valuable experience to attend college, because I have discovered myself and the things I hope to achieve in life. Being in college has also boosted my independent streak, and I no longer rely on my parents and trustworthy adults to make important decisisions for me. College is where I have begun the journey to becoming the successful young woman I want to be!
College experience has helped me grow as a person from a kid to a grown man. I've gone from depending on my family for almost everything, to understanding that they will be there all the time to help. So I had to believe in myself to survive each and everyday. So by just attending a university away from home has made me appreciate the little thingsin life. I probably wouldnt have appreciated these things if i was in my comfort zone back home. I feel its valuable to attend college because you experience adulthood and also as an individual you find out things about yourself as you grow. Also you are going to school to do a career you are going to enjoy when you graduate and support your family in the future.
i have met so many new people that love coming to school and love learning new thing. going to school has been one of the best decision of my life and feel great coming to school every day
My college experience is just begining, (first year) I feel as if I'm still in a transitioning mode. But what I've learn so far is that I came to college well prepared to take on any challenge that is put in front of me.
Thanks in advance,
Je'Lisa M. Durroh