Winston-Salem State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Winston-Salem State University know before they start?


It is good to get the college life experience but dont get wrapped up in the college life style and forget about the education you are paying for. There are benefits with living close to home. There is academic help on campus so dont be afraid to use it. Get out there and have fun but dont forget college is the doorway to a happy, successful future!


Just stay focused and keep your head up. There are times when you will be frustrated, but don't lose focus and don't give up! College is the best decision you can ever make, so make the best of the experience ok!


I would tell myself to make sure I save up for college. Make sure I start out strong and try not to procrastinate. As soon as I get an assignment either start on it or finish it and do not wait until the last minute. Be outgoing and social because you may meet a lot of people that can help you to do great in class. They can help you with your work or let you borrow there book if you do not have one. And make sure I do my best and do not settle for a C.


I would first and foremost tell myself to begin applying for scholarships as early as possible, meaning ninth grade or even earlier. Being, that I was a student-athlete, I would tell myself to not focus so much on the sports scholarship and to keep my options open. This is because for my first two years of college, I was on a basketball scholarship, everything paid for. Then what happens when your coach decides that he or she does not want you on the team anymore, for whatever reason? This is what happened to me. If I had known then what I do now, I would have easily said no to an athletic scholarship and opted out for an academic one and still be on the team. So in case if this happened I would still have something to fall back on. As we all know college is very expensive especially during these economic times. I also know that not only me, but a lot of other college students could use any extra help.


I believe the best advice I could give myself would be to stay focused. I have done pretty well in college although I was just an average student in high school, but I consider myself a person who has high self-esteem and I care about doing well. I am not a quitter so I have stuck out all my classes even when they were difficult. Since I have attended Winston-Salem, I have only dropped one class in 3 1/2 years and that was when I had 17 credits and the class required much more reading than I anticipated.


I would tell everyone to do research on the college of their choice. Take time to evalute different colleges and their campus. Ask a lot of questions to gain proper knowledge of the experience at that particular college. Also, choose a college that is accredited with your choice of major. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH!


I would go back and tell myself to go ahead and go to college as soon as I graduate because now most of my friends are graduating and Im still pushing towards my goal of finishing college. After high school I stay out of school a year and a half and just worked trying to grow up fast and make some money soon realizing that working and paying bills was hard when your only making eight dollars a hour. So I decided to go ahead and enroll in a community college and then transferred to Winston Salem State. So I would tell myself to slow done and keep pushing and focusing on my goals go straight to college don't waste time.


Knowing now that college is a totally different atmosphere than high school, I would tell myself to "Be Prepared, it's nothing like high school!" I would also tell myself that college is a wonderful place to expand your horizon and become anyone you want. Enjoy everything, yes, even the studying for tests, because it will be over with before you know it.


I would make a committment to myself to DEFINITELY attend college so I may achieve my goals for life.....


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school student I would have stressed the importance of earning my college degree. It is so much harder going to school as an adult, parent, and having bills to pay. I would have insisted to myself to wait on getting married and having kids. College takes a lot of time and money but it is well worth it. I thought that I could have a lasting job in the tesxtile industry without a college degree and was so wrong. If I had it to do over, I would have finished before having a family and so many responsibilities. Teenagers do not realize how much simpiler life is going to college if they don't have as many economic restraints. I am now 33 and wished so much that I would have done this straight out of high school. Now, I stay up half the night studying and doing homework after the kids go to bed. My life now is comprised of fitting my college life into a life that was already full.