About Dickinson College

Founded in 1783, Dickinson College. is a Private college. Located in Pennsylvania, which is a city setting in Pennsylvania, the campus itself is Urban. The campus is home to 2,420 full time undergraduate students, and 0 full time graduate students.

The Dickinson College Academic calendar runs on a Semester basis. In the school year the student to faculty ratio was 9:1. There are 242 full time instructional teachers. Degrees awarded at Dickinson College include: Bachelor's Degree, Masters Degree, Post-master's certificate, Doctor's degree.

Quick Facts

Acceptance Rate43%
Application Deadline15-Nov
Application Fee65
SAT Range
ACT Range

Admissions at are considered More Selective, with ,30% of all applicants being admitted.

In the school year, of the students who applied to the school, only 10 of those who were admitted eventually ended up enrolling.

96% of incoming freshmen are in the top half of their high school class. 78% were in the top quarter, and 48% were in the top tenth. You can apply online.


We asked, and students answered these important questions about student life at Dickinson College.

“We”re apathetic”
“We know about current events and vote”
“We participate and encourage others to get involved”
“There”s nothing we won”t protest”
“We save it for the classroom”
“Sometimes, but not often”
“There”s usually intelligent conversation to be found”
“All the time, including weekends”
“I”m always terrified”
“I only go out in groups”
“I usually let someone know where I”m going”
“I feel extremely safe”
“We don”t play sports”
“We play recreationally”
“We bought the gear”
“We live for the big game”
“It”s not really our thing”
“Occasinally we gallery crawl”
“There are a variety of opportunities”
“We”re a very artistic group”
“Haven”t met them”
“Available in class”
“They keep regular office hours”
“They”re always available”
“No greek life, but other groups to join”
“There is some involvement, but not a lot”
“Plenty of people join a sorority or fraternity”
“It”s everything. If you”re not greek, you”re a geek”
“We”re not into drinking at all”
“Maybe a little, but it”s not a big thing”
“We only party on weekends”
“There”s some drinking happening every night”
“Never, we”re here to learn”
“There might be people who do”
“People are known to partake on weekends”
“There”s a huge drug scene”
“We”re apathetic”
“We know about current events and vote”
“We participate and encourage others to get involved”
“There”s nothing we won”t protest”
“We save it for the classroom”
“Sometimes, but not often”
“There”s usually intelligent conversation to be found”
“All the time, including weekends”
“I”m always terrified”
“I only go out in groups”
“I usually let someone know where I”m going”
“I feel extremely safe”
“We don”t play sports”
“We play recreationally”
“We bought the gear”
“We live for the big game”
“It”s not really our thing”
“Occasinally we gallery crawl”
“There are a variety of opportunities”
“We”re a very artistic group”
“Haven”t met them”
“Available in class”
“They keep regular office hours”
“They”re always available”
“No greek life, but other groups to join”
“There is some involvement, but not a lot”
“Plenty of people join a sorority or fraternity”
“It”s everything. If you”re not greek, you”re a geek”
“We”re not into drinking at all”
“Maybe a little, but it”s not a big thing”
“We only party on weekends”
“There”s some drinking happening every night”
“Never, we”re here to learn”
“There might be people who do”
“People are known to partake on weekends”
“There”s a huge drug scene”
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  • How would you rate on-campus housing?

    74 Students rated on-campus housing 3.9 stars. 18 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate off-campus housing?

    50 Students rated off-campus housing 3 stars. 0 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate campus food?

    74 Students rated campus food 3.5 stars. 20 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate campus facilities?

    75 Students rated campus facilities 4.3 stars. 41 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate class size?

    75 Students rated class size 4.7 stars. 69 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate school activities?

    75 Students rated school activities 4.1 stars. 40 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate local services?

    75 Students rated local services 3.7 stars. 24 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate academics?

    75 Students rated academics 3.7 stars. 24 % gave the school a 5.0.

Dickinson College REVIEWS

What's your overall opinion of Dickinson College?

24 Students rated Dickinson College

Madeleine - 04/26/2024

Dickinson College has a very lovely campus and everyone was quite friendly. The facilities are all very nice and the surrounding area is cute. There seem to be some great resources and programs available on campus for kids. The professors seem to truly care about their students and how they achieve

Anon - 04/07/2023

I think the most crucial thing all prospective students and parents should know about Dickinson College is to generally not listen to admissions or the marketing side of the school. Instead, reflect on online reviews from the last year or two, and their rankings which have dropped tremendously over the last year. They have sold every student here a false bag of goods that ends up building the only community on campus, tied together by mutual complaints of everything but academics. It's actually depressing sitting in the cafeteria and hearing multiple conversations happening at once of students complaining about the same thing: forced meal plans and housing that are mediocre on their best days, activities that are hard to find, a nonexistent community that leads to boring weekends with nothing to do other than sit in dorms, and a pretty strong distaste towards the administration. Let me give you a good perspective of what Dickinson tells you on tours and in packets: They're a small liberal arts school with all the amenities of a bigger school, excellent career services, mental and physical health services available to all students, great campus community, and activities constantly. The school is, to be frank, anything but that, and as a current student on campus, if I had known the reality of this place instead of the complete opposite depiction I got on tours, I would have never come here. Mental health services are a joke. They are basically nonexistent and dismissive of students. I have yet to hear of anyone who scheduled a consultation and walked out with a future appointment, only of people turned away with no additional resources given to them. I actively hear of juniors and seniors struggling to find jobs because career services cancels appointments with students frequently, and are not able to merge the gap between a school very few people have heard of and big employers who look at name and reputation on a degree. There is nothing to do on weekends, and the student-run group MOB has such limited resources that they are never fully able to supply the campus with enough to do. Typically, the events on campus will start and be completely done within 15-30 minutes on Friday and Saturday nights because of a lack of supplies or too many people. The administration could care less about the students and has only gotten involved when those providing the school with funds, AKA parents and alumni, publicly complain about things on campus like the food. An email was sent out now six months ago claiming they were going to fix the food after raw meat and bugs in the food came to the forefront of parents' minds and Facebook pages, and nothing has been fixed since. In fact, just in the last couple weeks or so, Dickinson has reallocated funds so our D3 sports, which are remarkably not good, get more funding, while academic funding was cut. Dickinson is truly a money-grab school at its finest. They lock you in on a meal plan and housing every year with no way to get off. To give you a perspective, you'll end up paying about $9,000/yr for housing that has problems. Just in the last week, a roof fell off a dorm and an entire special interest house had to be evacuated due to asbestos. The meal plan isn't much better, paying about $8,500 for food that at least two days out of seven a week isn't edible because students don't like it. The dietary options that are supposed to appeal to students with restrictions, such as the KOVE, are open half of the time if you're lucky. And again, no way out of housing or a meal plan, so that's already over $16,000 you're paying for services that don't serve. My take is that generally liberal arts schools are meant to take your money and run, Dickinson just happens to be that but much worse. The fact they put the large majority of their funding into admissions, marketing, and sports but pay their student workers a wage of $7.50/hr, plus can't even guarantee a roof over their heads (literally) is the epitome of why you shouldn't choose Dickinson. I'm being serious when I ask you not to listen to the spiel you'll get from tours, brochures, and their website. Walk on campus and ask any student if they're happy, 9 times out of 10 they will tell you how much they dislike this school, and how everyone else feels the same way. The only thing saving this school and that prompted me to add one more star to this review are the professors and academics. Classes are great, and professors are amazing, but there are so many schools out there with similar academic rigor levels that, to be honest, it doesn't save Dickinson.

Ella - 07/30/2022

I’m screaming to be an ice cream flavor- Mint chocolate chip, cookie dough, cookies ‘n’ cream…? Final decision: vanilla. Yep, you heard it right. I’m ‘one of those’ individuals who enjoys the delicate taste of sweet vanilla bean with a dash of cinnamon sprinkled on top. No extra flavors, toppings, or cherries, just a plain ol’ scoop of vanilla ice cream. Scooping the tiniest amount possible into a mug, my pale hand quivers and shakes beneath the weight. Eyes glancing away, cool, and washy, I shuffle to my seat and sink lower and lower into my chair. The cream-colored melted ice cream reaches my lips, I take a bite, and what follows feels like glass shards coursing my throat. Another one follows. “That’s enough,” I say to myself firmly. The only thing I like about ice cream with conviction is to refuse it. “The brain functioning just isn’t there.” Being a vanilla ice cream flavor allowed me to do things I hadn’t accepted that I could do. A night out with friends was no longer a dreaded fear, a quick ice cream run became a great time to talk with teammates. I could finally be free from the demons with vanilla ice cream. “Sometimes it hurts to know you can do it. It’s an intimidating thing to realize because it means that the only person who can really define your growth and happiness is yourself. There is no shortcut to becoming your best self. The responsibility is on you.” -Alexi Pappas

Jezzelle - 06/23/2022

I think Dickinson College is an excellent school and I am genuinely grateful that I chose to continue my education there. Academically, I feel that my classes are challenging enough to push for growth, but not too challenging that I feel lost. My professors are all pleasant people and they seem genuinely interested in their students and our education. I am close to most of my professors and they are always open to speak with me about my assignments and career goals. They also, often, speak to me about the opportunities available to me inside and outside of campus. Students at Dickinson are also overall very pleasant, most seem to care about their education and are friendly towards each other. The only complaints I have heard is that there is not much of a social scene. It is a small college so there is a limit to the social events available. However, there are still events and they are fun if you allow yourself to join. Overall, I really enjoy going to Dickinson College.

Dickinson College FAQS

  1. What is the Acceptance Rate at Dickinson College?

    The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Dickinson College is 43%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.

  2. What should every freshman at your school know before they start?

    Like life, I believe college is what you make of it. You are responsible for your own successes and because of this, you have to remember that in order to achieve your goals you have to put the work in. Choosing the right college involves finding the right fit for each individual and a person needs to consider the total package. Academics need to be the top priority, but think about other things like location, sports, traveling abroad, and other activities that are going to make you happy. It is important to remember that you are choosing a place where you are going to spend the next four years of your life. Choose somewhere that will help you learn, grow, and be happy. You have to balance the studying with enjoying life (but that doesn't mean party all the time). To do well in college I think there are only three things a person needs to remember. Most important, go to class. I repeat, GO TO CLASS. Secondly, get involved and talk with your professors, they are there to help you. Finally, relax, if you work hard you will be fine, don't sweat the small stuff.

    Read all 63 answers
  3. Describe the students at your school.

    Energetic, enthousiastic, intelligent, fun-loving, crazy, happy, ambitious, relaxed.

    Read all 17 answers
  4. Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.

    I love Dickinson College. It has everything you could ever wish for.

    Read all 14 answers
  5. What's unique about your campus?

    I love my friends. I have met some of the best, most genuine people at Dickinson. I can't imagine life without them.

    Read all 13 answers
  6. What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?

    The academic reputaion and individual attention that the school gives you.

    Read all 13 answers
  7. Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!

    Small classroom size and engaged professors

    Read all 12 answers
  8. What kind of person should attend this school?

    Dickinson is home to those who have a thirst to think outside of the box. Dickinson is not your traditional undergraduate institution. It's a community of students and faculty who desire to know more. It's full of fantastic minds who live to collaborate and educate the world at large.

    Read all 12 answers
  9. What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?

    The worst thing about my school is that there is not very much to do in Carlisle. You end up walking to walmart and the movie theater a lot. It also rains a lot, which can bring your spirits down a little.

    Read all 11 answers
  10. Describe your favorite campus traditions.

    We are best known for our enviromental sustainabilty and study abroad programs. Our new science complex has allowed us to become more advanced in all fields of science. We also have very strong political science, history, and international business and management programs. We are also known for out language program since we offer 13. While students succeed academically and take their studies serieously students generally go out on the weekeneds. We were nicknamed "Drinkinson."

    Read all 9 answers
  11. What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?

    I wish I had realized actually how far we are from the nearest major city.

    Read all 9 answers
  12. What kind of person should not attend this school?

    People that like cities, want lots of students, and big parties.

    Read all 7 answers
  13. What's the most frustrating thing about your school?

    Because I came from a high school of 1400 students, Dickinson College is entirely too small.

    Read all 6 answers
  14. What are the academics like at your school?

    Dickinson's professors are top notch. Because we have no graduate students, professors teach every class and frequently learn students' names early in the semester. I have had great experiences with my professors. My favorite class was American Government, which inspired me to major in Political Science. My least favorite class was my freshman seminar. Some number of students have intellectual discussions outside of class. Students are certainly able to find others with whom to have these conversations. Students do not seem to be competitive at all, and you will often see groups of students working together in the HUB or the library. The political science department is full of great professors, and the major is not difficult to complete. The academic requirements are not overwhelming, but it is strongly encouraged that students get their lab sciences out of the way during their first-year.

    Read all 5 answers
  15. What is your overall opinion of this school?

    The best thing about Dickinson is the professors. They are very accessible. If I could change one thing, I would abolish Greek life. I find Dickinson to be the perfect size for me, but I went to a high school of just over 500. Students from large high schools may find it a bit stifling. Most of my time on campus is spent in my room or in the student union building. Carlisle is a cute college town, tons of restaurants and a smattering of things to do. The administration, on one hand, can be very accessible and willing to talk, but on the other, they frequently overlook major student issues. One experience I will always remember is sitting on Morgan field in the sun with my friends.

    Read all 5 answers
  16. What are the most popular student activities/groups?

    There is so much to do on campus that you could literally have every minute of every day M-F filled with something. Clubs meet most evenings, guest speakers visit at least once a week for one academic department or another, and there are all kinds of theatrical performances. Student clubs and organizations organize events like cultural dinners, performances, and educational presentations. If you want to party, you could find one every night. However, the academic courseload doesn't really allow for that (if you want to do well). While social life does sometimes seem to revolve around Greek Life, you certainly don't need to be Greek to have a terrific social life. I'm not in a sorority but go to Greek parties and non-affiliated parties hosted by Greeks all the time. There are also a lot of large common spaces on campus to host impromptu events if you are looking do so something alcohol-free on a weekend night. I often see students playing pool in the Quarry (campus coffee shop) on a Friday or Saturday night or checking a movie out of the library.

    Read all 4 answers
  17. Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?

    While many Dickinson students fit this mold, there are many who do not and get along just fine. Since the school is expensive, there are a number of students with a lot of disposable income at hand, but while it is accurate that many Dickinsonians are rich, they (for the most part) are not snobby about it. I have friends who have parents at the helm of Fortune 500 companies and drive Range Rovers or Audis, but they still drink cheap beer and complain about job prospects like the fest of us.

    Read all 3 answers
  18. What is the stereotype of students at your school?

    wealthy, snooty, privileged, cocky

    Read all 3 answers
  19. What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?

    Greek life is popular on campus, but you wouldn't know that if it weren't for the days where sororities/fraternities plan to wear matching t-shirts. It's really to go about your day without encountering, or even thinking about, Greek life. The student body is at Dickinson has a little bit of everything. There is a good amount of international students, a lot of them coming from East and South Asia and a few from all over Europe. The students that are from the US are typically from surrounding New England states, and New Jersey and Connecticut make up a good portion. There are lots of classy ladies/men - the kids who wear J. Crew, Sperry's, and button-downs. These students have a more carefree attitude towards school and their academics. Jocks are mixed in here, about 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students participate on a sport team. About 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the students here are very serious about academics and spend a lot of time in the library and 24-hour science labs doing work and securing the good grades that let us stay here.

    Read all 1 answers

Student Body







Total Undergrad Enrollment


Total Grad Students









Student Organizations







On-Campus Housing


of students living on campus

Student Diversity

% American Indian/Alaskan Native
% Asian/Pacific Islander
% Black or African-American
% Hispanic/Latino
% White or Caucasian


All students must apply yearly for financial aid. This process starts with the FAFSA. Though financial aid deadlines vary by school, it is a good idea to apply as soon as possible. For the upcoming school year, you can apply as early as October 1 for the FAFSA. Additional school aid will be dependent on the FAFSA results.

78% of students attending Dickinson College receive some sort of financial aid. 10% were awarded federal grants.40%received federal loans. Many students do also need to apply for additional private student loans.

Cost Out of State


Tuition and fees(Out of state)


Books and Supplies


Room and Board


Total On Campus

Actual Cost By Income Level(W/Financial Aid)

Family Income
$0 - $30K
$30 - $48K
$48 - $75K
$75 - $110K
$110K & UP

We use student reviews and the most current publicly available data on our school pages. As such, we don't typically remove or edit college information. Sources for school statistics and data include the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Portions of college data include copyrighted material, which is reproduced on this website by permission of Wintergreen Orchard House, a division of Carnegie Communications. © 2009-2016 by Wintergreen Orchard House. All rights reserved.


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