Greek life is common. Football is extremely popular. There are many active academic clubs.
Well of course all sporting events is one of the top activities to do at Auburn, but you also have smaller activities. Each college in Auburn University has clubs so that you can gain knowledge about your future career and also a chance to spend time with students who share the same interests as you.
FOOTBALL. If you come here, you have to like football. It is more of a religion than a sport down here. The students are are very active in government, student affairs, athletics, greek life ect. I would say that it is one of the most involved campuses I have ever seen. The dating scene is level with the hookup scene, you will find both depending on where you look. Closest friends are from your residence hall and people you meet through class. Good thing about Auburn is there is always time to meet brand new people. People party a good amount, mostly frat parties. To be honest, there is not much to do around here even if you party, so you have to keep yourself entertained.
Sorority & fraternity's are the larges groups/organizations. There are of course degree specific groups and clubs. Sustainability & recycling are a big part of our university. The student activities on & off campus are a wide variety and often. There is typically free movies every week for most of the semester and occasional concerts from famous individuals, bands and groups of all types and styles.
i would say party groups, the fraternities and sororities!
Typical football u, if you don't belong to a frat, you are viewed as anti-social. Don't look for diversity of thought here. You are in Alabama so interracial dating is still frowned upon and you will probably get harassed. The biggest student event is some redneck-fest called the Alpha Psi Rodeo or Auburn Rodeo. Don't go to it if you are brown skinned, you will get jacked by drunk rednecks. The Star and Bar flags are out and flying everywhere in Auburn during the Rodeo and I have been called every name in the book when I made a mistake of going to it one night just to check it out.
It's imperative that you learn to binge drink and almost necessary to go Greek if you want to have things to do every weekend.
The most popular organization is college republicans. I think that it is not that important to be in a fraternity as most of the campus is not, but it is still a great thing. I met my closest friends in my sorority.
I am involved in the sorority Pi Beta Phi, and I love it. It has allowed me to meet so many different people I would have never met if I hadn't done it.
Night life at auburn is fun, I also enjoy habitat for humanity and best buddies
Fraternities and sororities are a big part of Auburn's social life, although you're fine if you're not in one. They require a lot of time, but social priveliges are granted and then the work becomes gratifying.
I think that a lot of people like being involved with Greek life, but there are tons of people who aren't but are involved with different things. Also, sporting events are a huge deal. I think everyone enjoys some kind of sporting event.
Greek system all the way. I am greek, but its not for everyone and I get that. I love it though. I believe it has helped me network and also has opened me up and allowed me branch out of the shell and meet so many amazing people. I also lived on campus for 2 years which was an expierence all in its self. Not bad, but not great. It just needs updating and I believe Auburn is working on that. Being in a sorority I firmly believe that we need houses on campus like the fraternities. I believe all around it would make things so much easier on campus for everyone. The dating scene is not so much, I mean I think people date still but the night life is so fun that its like group outings. Traditions = football. I love football season and so does everyone who goes to school here. Its awesome.
Greek life is definitely very popular at Auburn. Football is a religion at Auburn and gamedays are always extremely fun. Usually if I am not studying for a test then I am out partying with friends. There are plenty of people that are in relationships but there are also plenty of people that aren't.
my main activity would be sorority. i loved living in the sorority dorm for a year. it brought my pledge class so close and i made so many friends through it. and i think that the greek community plays a very important role here at auburn.
FOOTBALL IS HUGE!!!! Which is great, but I think it overshadows some of the other sports. It would be great if the student body would become more involved with other sports as well.
Last year when I lived in the dorm we locked our doors a lot, but this year since I live on the Pi Phi hall and I know everyone I don't lock my door very often. I met my closest friends through my sorority and my living situation last year.
My social life consists of hanging out with either classmates, my sorority sisters, or studying. I sometimes on occasion get to go out and dance at one of the bars or catch a movie with friends, but most of the time I'm in study groups and trying to make sure my grades are good so I can get into graduate school in the fall. Some people however, are more fortunate to be able to go out all the time and still manage to make good grades as well as have enough money to make ends meet while still having a good time every night. I guess you could say I have to really analyze my priorities. I enjoy going out every once and a while, but I know I'm here to learn and get an education plus meet people. I can say I have so far been very successful. I have met some of the most amazing people while attending Auburn University, and I'm positive all of them will remain apart of my life.