Auburn University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I feel that SGA and the football team are probably one of the most popular organizations/clubs on campus. I saw SGA because so many people tryout to be in it and I say football because, I mean come on, do I even have to explain? Auburn housing life is fun, but people are more cautious now about locking their doors due to the Lauren Burke incident. If I am awake on a Tuesday at 2 am I am either studying or leaving a social. I feel that the greek life is important but that's because I'm in it. I feel that people do party here a lot but that's probably every college. If you aren't drinking on a Saturday night, you can watch a movie with friends or even be studying for a test coming up. If I am off campus, I am most likely at a gym working out.


People do leave there dorm doors open and im one of them. Its really not safe but people really dont think about someone wanting to go in their rooms. People party ALOT. i love going out and it makes auburn so much better. I love going out and seeing everyone there.


I think Greek life is very popular on campus. I do not leave my door open to my dorm, because I do not know very many people on my hall. I met my closest friends through a friend from home and through my sorority..and some in class..and some from going to lacrosse games and parties with hostesses. Different people party different amounts. I want to a fraternity party last weekend. You can go to a movie, or UPC events on weekends and not drink..or bowl or putt putt?? Whatever you want!


I think Greek Life is popular on campus and UPC is a popular club. I am involved in TIgersplashers (Swim Team Hostess) and I love this organization. I met my closet friends from my sorority and the girls that leave in my dorm. Last weekend I went to the Relay for Life, the Rodeo and bowling.


I have a great social life at Auburn, and truly enjoy my sorority.


The most popular groups on campus are Sororities/Fraternities and groups involved with SGA, etc. I'm involved in a Sorority and love it! I've met so many people and life-long friends through it! Some students leave their door open, if they know most of the people on their hall. Athletic events are extremely popular. There is plenty of stuff to do if you go on a date. I met my closests friends through my sorority. Some people party every night, some never do.. there's a good mix. Fraternities/sororities are pretty important to me, but not the most important to many others. Last weekend I went to the Rodeo. It's one of my most memorable times here at Auburn!


The football team is obviously very highly thought of. I believe the Greek system is very prominent on campus. I met my closest friends through it. Freshmen and sophmore year are probably the biggest party years. We would go out on an average of 5 nights a week.


greeks and nongreeks get along. the social scene is not driven by greeks. Many times sororities and fraternities will have socials at bars but they are all inclusive meaning that you will not be turned away or looked down on if you aren't greek. I love that! i am greek but i have many non-greek friends. Some people party everynight others party only on weekends and some don't party at all. You can find whatever social group you want. Football!!! a huge part of Auburn life. I wasn't an auburn football fan before i came and now i could never look back. It is a huge part of the culture here during the fall semester. Most people date versus hook up.


Pi beta phi


The most popular things that students are involved in would be sororities or fraternities. I met my closes friends through my sorority mostly. Depending on the person, people can party all the time. Last weekend I went to a fraternity party and the rodeo.